• Getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on JBoss 6.1 for trinidad table component

    Hi   I am getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on jboss 6.1 for table component.   The scenario is like if I use same table on two pages keeping the backing bean in session scope and use binding attribut...
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    created by nitinkhekare
  • looking for simple project about JSF+SPRING+JPA

    I create a maven project in eclipse , it's an an spring+jsf+jpa archetype(shown below), but when I package it to .war file and deploy it to jboss 7.0.2,jboss gives me the wrong info as below. So I wish some one can gi...
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    created by woniu17
  • Phase listener not calling after logging out

    Hi,   Am using JSF 1.2 , Jboss AS 5.1.0 , Liferay Portal 6.0   When I login, my Phaselistener gets called and I will land on Home page. My beans are in Request scope for Home Page except for one bean which...
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    created by selfcare
  • How to parse a jsf page into ViewRoot?

    Hi,   I have a requirement to parse the given jsf page and get the corresponding View roo, which is actually being done in 'Restore View' phase. Can I do it outside JSF engine? Or are there any JSF-APIs/3rd part...
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    created by winsterjose
  • How to change the column width at run time in extendeddatatable in jsf

    Hi,   I am using Richfaces 3.3 version in my application. I want to add the functionality in ExtendedDataTable component of resizing the coulmns at run time. At present we cant increase the column size at runtim...
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    created by purnima.shukla
  • suggestion Box Jquery $ conflict: I don't want to use $.noConflict();

    Hi,   My app is using JSF, Jquery heavily. I am using rich:a4j only in the app. this is the first time I am using the suggestion Box and getting $ conflict between Jquery and richfaces 's PrototypeScript.js and ...
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    created by aryanjaiswal
  • Problem with jBoss 6.1.0 Final and IceFaces 1.8.2

    Hello. I'm trying to run small application (app using IceFaces 1.8.2). Application have only one java class and three pages. Application is deploying and running but when I wont to redirect from page index.jsp to "...
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    created by ernest210
  • Adding a functionality in richface component extendedDataTable for data table

    Hi,   I am using richfaces 3.3 version in my application. There is bulk of data and for representing the data in a data table form i using component "extendedDataTable". I like the features, look and feel of thi...
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    last modified by purnima.shukla
  • Conversation Scope - Is it possible to begin a new one with h:link?

    Hi,   I don't use Seam, so it is possible with a GET-Request/h:link? I wanted to have a link(possible bookmark), that is the first page of a 'wizard'. I use JBoss 7.0.2.   Thanks a lot...
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    last modified by joerno
  • How to register one component in Component Tree in JSF2.0 and RichFaces4.x

    How we can add/register our component at runtime in Component Tree of the pages.   Thanks Jaikrat
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    created by jaikrat.singh
  • How to call rich:popupPanel block from javascript.

    Hello All,    Like in RF3.3.x we have one component rich:modalPanel which can be called from the java script and make it visible, using the method like below.   <script type="text/javascript"> ...
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    last modified by jaikrat.singh
  • Getting Error "Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.jboss.web.jsf.integration.config.JBossJSFConfigureListener java.lang." NoClassDefFoundError: javax/faces/component/behavior/ClientBehaviorHolder

    Hi All,   I am having a JSF 2.0 project, I workes fine untill i try to embedd Richfaces 4.0 in it. I have added the following jars : 1. cssparser-0.9.5 2. guava-r09 3. richfaces-components-api-4.1.0.Final 4...
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    created by bhawna
  • How to add minimize and maximize button in rich:popuppanel windows.

    like below, how can we add minimize and maximize button at the upper right corner of the page in richface popup panel. Using the below code we can add the 'X' at the upper rite corner and on click of this popup window...
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    created by jaikrat.singh
  • Custom Phase Listener getting called 3 times !

    Hi,   Am using JSF 1.2 , Jboss As 5.1.0 , Liferay Portal 6.   My CustomPhaseListener is getting called 3 times !!!   Below is my CustomPhaseListener,   public class CustomPhaseListener   ...
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    last modified by selfcare
  • Marquee Component

    Hi All,   Does Richfaces provides marquee component ?
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    last modified by techbrainless
  • ActionEvent or javascript

    Which is better to use ActionEvent or javascript and why?
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    created by sancha01
  • java.lang.IllegalStateException with JNDI lookup

    What can cause IllegalStateException when JNDI loopup is performed to receive for example Datasource?   If it is a not good question  please let me know.
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    created by ramzesthesecond
  • How to create a link or button which calls an action and doesn't preserve cid?

    Here is a simple usecase which I don't manage to realise : I want to create a link or button which calls a server method (action) and will redirect to a page without preserving the {noformat}cid{noformat} parameter. &...
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    created by aogier
  • How to get user's browser serial number using JSF?

    Is it possible to get the user's browser serial number using JSF? I use JBoss 7 for application server.   kind regards, Peter
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    created by rcbandit
  • Using jQuery for Hiding/Showing RichFaces Components on Radio Clicked

    I am trying to integrate jQuery into my JSF+RF3.3.3 web appplication. My purpose is when a user click on Radio Button certain form components should be hidden/shown based on the value of the Radio Button Clicked.. ...