• Example Configuration File store persistence for JBossMessage

    Hi all, I am  configuring the persistence of files with JMS queues. I would  appreciate it if you could help me or give some example on this issue. Thank you very much everybody.
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    created by cm_suter
  • question on jms table "JMS_MESSAGES" column size

    Hi all,   Is there any impact if we increase the column size of "DESTINATION" in the "JMS_MESSAGES" table? Previously I was using Oracle as the DB, and recently i am porting it to Postgres DB. I realize that the...
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    last modified by niefeng
  • How to destroy a MDB from pool ?

    I had a MDB that falled into an error on a external resource (a connection on another JMS). This resource is a QueueConnection initialized in create method. Every messages coming after on this MDB falled in error, but...
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    created by marco.battaglia
  • MDB : sequential messages by attribute.possible?

    Hi ! I have the following problem that i want to solve with MDB, but i don´t know who to do it.   Image that i have 1 million clients orders that i want to process at some time. I want to generate on a mdb...
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    last modified by filipe_c
  • Only receive message when EAR is redeployed

    Hello,   I have an EJB application running in JBoss AS 5.1.  I'm trying to receive a JMS message in a stateless session EJB, and even though I can see messages on the queue using a QueueBrowser, I cannot re...
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    created by marnold
  • Scheduler

    Hi, Maybe its off topic... we're going to make a scheduler. The process simply puts messages on a scheduler queue, but how should I implement and start this scheduler? Is there a way to start a "never die" process fr...
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    last modified by nikolaj
  • Scheduler Service

    Hi, I can't find much document on Scheduler Service, can anyone provide me with the code sample or links to the document on this topic. Thanks
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    last modified by pifen
  • Switching from JBossMQ to HornetQ

    Up to now I used JBoss 4.2x with JBossMQ. To add additional queues we put a new file, for example mbi345-jbossmq-service.xml, into the deploy directory with this content: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>...
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    last modified by lafr
  • Sudden undeployment of JMS

    Hi, We are using JBoss 4.2.2 version. All of sudden we are seeing following log statements in server log files   2010-08-19 06:09:24,995 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] Undeploying file:/home/release/...
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    last modified by klmr57monisha
  • Connecting a remote JBOSS 5.0.1 JMS Server

    Hi,   Ours is a test setup where we have two JBOSS 5.0.1 servers.  I wanted to enable Messaging on one of the servers and let the other server running an MDB to connect to this.  On this second server ...
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    created by sarathy71
  • Jboss-4.2.1 - Delay redelivery of failed MQ Messages

    Hi,   I have an MDB listening to WS MQ. I am running JBoss-4.2.1 server. I send a JMS message to a process which responds back with JMS message. Response message is coming back even before my sender's transactio...
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    last modified by chetan_aggarwal_in
  • Error

    Hi all, we are running jboss 3.2.7 on Solaris 9. The application makes heavy use of JMS queues and message driven beans. There are two MDBs where the second MDB is called from within the onMessage method of the firs...
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    last modified by rmetzger
  • Configuring JBossAS 5.1 client talking to remote MQ

    Hi,   We have a dedicated JBossMQ server running on JBossAS 4.2.2.GA which we rather don't migrate at this point.  We need to connect to this server from EJBs and MDBs running on JBoss AS 5.1.  ...
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    last modified by lexsoto
  • slow JMS performance

    Hi, I have a single source which produces 1000 messages per sec. I need to insert in the database as fast I can. So i added those message in a JMS queue and tried to receive it using MDB and store in hte database. But...
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    last modified by rsmadhavan
  • MDB JMS session configuration

    Is there anyway to configure the JMS session a JBOSS MDB sits on to be non transacted? Thanks.
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    last modified by clw7
  • JMS client: message persistent and resending

    I wish to send data from application A to application B in asynchronous/ fire-and-forget model. In the case of a network failure between application A and the JMS middleware, can the messaging layer of the JMS client ...
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    last modified by wonglh
  • 3rd party engine hurts JMS security

    Hello,   my constellation used a 3rd party engine for communicating with a legacy system in jBoss 4.0.5GA. All works fine until i began to use JMS for communication with some other systems. All settings for JMS ...
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    created by lieshoff
  • Test Jboss JMS externally - outside of the application server

    Hi All,   I'm pretty new to the JMS functionality.   I need to test a remote JMS which is on Jboss 4.2.1. I want to develop an external test (e.g from a main class) which sends and receives messages to/fro...
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    created by bmatsliah
  • Getting exception related to could not store message

    Hi, Has anyone faced or aware of following exception? Caused by: org.jboss.mq.SpyJMSException: Could not store message: 9697961 msg=844 hard NOT_STORED PERSISTENT queue=TOPIC.WebSdkTopic.LifeCycleEvent.houperfms336T...
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    created by saurvals
  • Jboss Esb jmsProvider cannot convert WSMQ JMS  JMSTextMessage

    I am trying to integrate IBMMQ v6.0.2 with jbossESB.  we  have local Queue available on IBMMQ on one of our QA QUEUEMANAGER. I am able to listen to the QUEUE using JMSprovider of jboss ESB. As soon as a me...
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    created by himdev8