• HMAC_SHA1 encryption using TOTP (javax.crypto.MAC) performance problems in SPARC

    Hi, I'm trying to implement a method to synchronize TOTP cards. In case the server clock and the card clock were different. So I generate a lot of TOTP keys in case to compare it with the real key so at the end I get ...
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    last modified by danielfjb
  • JBoss performance decrease

    Hi,all When I doing a load testing job about JBossperformance/throughput of my JBossAS, I find that the performance will decreasewith time increase. So I want to find out what make it like this.Here is my test repo...
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    last modified by bushurui
  • High CPU thread from the thread dump

    Hi,   We are using tomcat with JDK 1.6 on Linux. Is there anyway to find out which java thread is consuming more CPU than others in the thread dump file ? Thanks,   Jimy
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    last modified by jimyliu
  • Configuring JBossAS 6

    Hi,   I want to create a custom configuration of JBoss AS 6 Final. I was wondering if anyone can show me an explicit example of a custom configuration? I searched over the internet but i only found general thi...
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    last modified by tamias
  • Generall Memory Question

    Hi there, could anyone please explain the following to me.   Settings of my JVM: (jboss4.4.2 - java 1.5.0_10) "-Xms128m -Xmx1536m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -verbose:gc -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun....
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    last modified by abeckar
  • SSL overhead in multi_tiered applications with a jboss back end

    At the end of the day Testing this and obtaining some hard data will be the utlimate solution, however I figured I would bounce this by the community and try to learn through some of your individual experiences; Does ...
  • Getting memory issues "out of Heap "

    Hello Team,   I have a major issues related to JBoss 5.1.0 which is causing me an Memory issue.   We had server running on Max OSX , the max heap size set for JBoss here is 512mb.   We are planning ...
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    last modified by sachi.dash
  • Memory monitoring in JBoss

    Hello, How can I programitacally monitor the memory my application is using? Does JBoss provide a tool to do that? I want to log a warning if the memory is in critical state. Thanks, Libby
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  • how to terminate a thread in JVM ?

    Hi,   In a busy system, from the thread dump, I found a bad request tight with a java thread which takes longer time than expected and uses some CPU resource inside JVM. I would like to terminate that java threa...
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    last modified by jimyliu
  • ajp thread takes more cpu time?

    Hi, We are facing some issue while doing performance testing for our application.   We have 500 different users using 500 different customer names for searching and viewing the details.   The problem we ...
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    last modified by jaganmohacgg
  • JBoss 5.1 - CPU high, App stops responding

    I'm still learning, and I'm trying to troubleshoot an isue.   I have a "off the shelf" application deployed on JBoss 5.1. I start the appplication and all is well; after a few days the CPU never drops below 50% ...
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  • JBoss memory usage pattern

    Taking a look at one of my applications running in a production server, I noticed that there is a "normal but strange" behavior of memory usage. Let me explain: watching the execution of my JBoss 4.2.2 without any app...
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    last modified by lorenooliveira
  • Help me, Eclipse and Jboss5.1.0GA  to Slow Debug mode

    Help me,          I develop by Eclipse and Jboss5.1.0GA, In project have EJB3.0 what I have to start debug mode on jboss to show slow deploy EJB.   I find answer via 2 we...
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    last modified by nickynarak
  • Monitoring JBoss resources

    Hello, I would like to do some Performance tuning in our application. Therfore created a loadtest and will analyze the load on the JBoss Server. Which monitoring tool can you recommend to find bottlenecks? Thanks in a...
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    last modified by katrin
  • jboss 4.0.5 - OutOfMemory in 2 hours

    Hi,   I am a newbie to performance tuning. So sorry if these questions/descriptions sound dumb. We have an application running on jboss 4.0.5. Our application seems to crash with an Out of memory error within 2 ...
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    last modified by anitaalbert
  • Terrible performance with lot of concurrent ejb calls - SecurityActions.loadClass

    Let me start with some background. Last few days I spent with profiling JBoss (5.1.0 with EJB plugin 1.0.19) and fixing our performance problems. We develop BPM solution based on standard J2EE technologies (JPA, EJB, ...
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    last modified by maros.bajtos
  • Our Active Thread Count is over 20 000. Surely this is a pro

    We are doing performance testing in our UAT environment and our active thread count keeps on rising and has hit over 20 000. It never comes down, even when we stop putting load on the server. This appears to be too hi...
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    last modified by ksaloojee

    Hi, I have a problem with the gc performance in production. The enviroment is the next: Linux Red Hat 9.0 biprocessors 2 Gigas of memory Jboss 3.2.3 I am using these parameters: -Xmx1536m -Xms512m -Xss1024k -XX:NewS...
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    last modified by mlelola
  • Performance JBoss 4.2.3 compared to JBoss 4.0.2

    Hello, i finally upgraded from JBoss 4.0.2 to JBoss 4.2.3. Unfortunately i noticed that the performance of my application decreased significantly. When i test my application on the same hardware, same VM, ... it can ...
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    last modified by erwinp
  • Full Garbage Collection every few seconds – GC frees very little memory (JBoss 4.2.3 with JDK 1.5.0 64-bit)

    Setup 8-core Xeon / 10 GB RAM RedHat EL 5.3 (64-bit) JDK 1.5.0._22 (64-bit) JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA with JBoss Messaging installed JAVA_OPTS=”-server -Xrs -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:Th...
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    last modified by kopin