• How to run JBoss Portal in Tomcat?

    How to run JBoss Portal in Tomcat? can this be done or not?
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    last modified by topsealrockers
  • JBossv4.2.3 not sending response for image files and browser

    We are using JBoss v4.2.3.ga and Apache v 2.2.9 and mod_jk v 1.2.26 are being used as the load balancer. We have observed that sometimes JBoss fails to send response for a image file. At this stage the browser hangs ...
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    created by gbansal80
  • NullPointer when executing JSP compiled page on JBoss AS 5.0

    I get the following error when executing a JSP compiled page in JBoss AS 5.0.1 (never got in JBoss 4.x) : java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp.wapp.home_jsp._jspService(home_jsp.java:1261...
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    created by spagobi
  • Example in JSP expression language and JSP scriptlets, diffe

    I have a Servlet that sets an Action Bean instance as an attribute called 'actionBean'. I also have successfully setup an AOP interceptor (with load time weaving) to intercept the User bean's getName() method. clas...
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    created by alen_ribic
  • External directory

    Hi all, Here is a question hoping someone may please help. So i have a external WAR folder, named web.war, which I deploy to Jboss 4.2.3, and everything is working. So, within the WAR directory, i have some HTML fil...
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    last modified by bronzeiii
  • Using the ClusteredSingleSignOn valve

    Hi, My client has a requirement for SSO to be incorporated into an application we are developing for them. Originally we decided to use the Federated SSO solution from JBoss. From looking at this further though, it ...
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    created by john.bolger
  • No Tomcat V6 advanced IO in JbossAS 4.2.3.GA?

    Hi, From documentation I understand that Tomcat V6... is bundled with JBoss Application Server V4.2.3.GA. However, I cannot find something like "advanced IO"/Comet/Bayeux, which is part of Tomcat V6. Am I missing s...
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    last modified by uijltje
  • Using

    Hello, In our seam application, it appears that if we ever have any content containing "? or '?, during rendering some sort of query string data will be appended at the point of the question mark. (For search engine ...
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    last modified by joeloveland
  • problem with portlet:renderURL

    Hi, i have a problem with <portlet:renderURL/>. I use a form for send a parameter in a doView() but doesn't pass any param my form in jsp is: form action="<portlet:renderURL/>" method="POST" input type=...
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    created by raffaele.letizia
  • How to remove caching of JSP pages?

    How do I keep JBoss/Tomcat from caching JSP pages? When I deploy in JBoss, everything works fine. But when I recompile and redeploy, any changes to Java classes are immediately seen, while changes to JSP pages are ig...
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    created by shadowcreeper
  • Two contexts of a single web application

    Hi, Kindly tell me that is there any way to have two context names of the same web application.. like http://www.abc.com/admin/login.html and similarly we have http://www.abc.com/client/login.html ? Regards Jawwad
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    last modified by jawwad.farooq
  • java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.naming.Reference

    Hello I am the new of Message Driven Bean in EJB 3.0. And I try to create a first example of Message Driven Bean in EJB 3.0, but it has an error of: java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.naming.Reference at MDBTestCli...
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    last modified by chandara
  • Forms Authtentication not forwarding to correct page.

    I am implementing forms authentication, but after I login I am forwarded to my .css file. If I launch my web browser and type in something like this: http://localhost/intranet/projects.faces I am forwarded to my log...
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    created by kazan77777
  • Tomcat 6

    Hello, first of all I'm sorry if I opened a new topic for something that already exists. My question would be : is there any version of JBoss with Tomcat 6 embedded ? All I could find until now is 5.5, but maybe I di...
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    last modified by rtdora
  • Problems incorporating RichFaces/Facelets into portlet

    Hi, I am trying to create a portlet which will use richfaces and seam. I started with the HelloPortal demo to create a portal and a portlet. The portlet functions OK using just JSP, but I get a null exception when ...
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    created by uiwljj
  • http statistics data

    on jmx-console you could view http statistics data. like request count, avg response time. how to get that data?
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    last modified by ajanz
  • Deployment error with net beans

    I am getting the error while deployment of my project for the war file. The exact error is : 16:48:51,812 ERROR [Tomcat5] Problem in init java.util.zip.ZipException: unexpected EOF . .. . . . . . 16:48:52,406 ERROR [M...
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    last modified by gmaheshwari
  • customized error page question

    Hi, all. I have a web application running inside JBOSS Portal (portal version 2.4, app. server version is 4.0.5) inside a portlet. In the web application, I use try/catch to trap the exceptions, and I would like to re...
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    last modified by ndrw_cheung
  • mod_jk timeouts

    Greetings, Using the mod_jk connector with jboss, and I'm having issues with apache timing out, only when a user is authenticated into an application. I didn't write the app, I'm just working on deploying it. Anyway...
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    created by limesys
  • response.setXXX() before rd.include()

    Hi, I'm using the following code snippet in one of my applications... ------------- response.setDateHeader("...",xx); response.setStatus(304); RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("abc"); rd.include(...
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    created by sureshrk19