• Custom error responses by using virtualhost

    Hi there, I'm using JBoss 5.1.0.GA . I want to operate the web application by using a virtual host (The example: Name-based virtual hosts). When the error (Example 404 or 503) occurs in the web application, I want t...
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    last modified by mountainmountain
  • org.apache.el.parser.COERCE_TO_ZERO=false

    I was under the assumption that this fix was added to jbossweb starting at version 2.1.0 therefore this fix should be in jboss 5.1. However adding this property to the vm arguments had no change in the null integer to...
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    last modified by yinibeani
  • Web mapping already exists for deployment

    Hi, I just installed JBoss AS 6.0.0.Final and tried to deploy my application which has one .ear with several .war files. The .war files use virtual-host setting in jboss-web.xml to bind to different url's and they al...
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    last modified by sverker
  • Sessions in Tomcat

    Hello. I'm currently running a web-application under Tomcat 5.5. but some strange stuff is happening with the sessions - they are sometimes mixed (i.e. a user sees pages from other users' accounts while browsing). Is...
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    last modified by glammy
  • java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out in servlet -> cause ?

    2010-12-21 00:09:41,731 INFO  [STDOUT] java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out 2010-12-21 00:09:41,731 INFO  [STDOUT]      at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Me...
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    last modified by jurgenvb
  • Problem in configuring mod_jk1.2 with JBoss and a separate Tomcat

    Hi   Our web application uses JBoss 5.1.0 GA as an Application Server and a separate Tomcat (6.0) instance as a web server to connect to JBoss. The web server uses 1099 port of JBoss to connect to it and avail i...
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    last modified by v1_pankaj
  • error mesg "client write error"

    Hi,   Does anyone know what could be the root causes of following error messages ? ex: network problem or reach maximum number of ajp13 threads in tomcat ? And what message the browser will see when this error ...
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    last modified by jimyliu
  • Apache mod_jk/Jboss/Tomcat problem

    Hello folks,   I am running into a problem I need help with. Basically, after careful reading of configurations at the Apache, mod_jk (1.2.28) and Jboss/Tomcat (server.xml, connectors) my web app runs fine for a...
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    last modified by mzerroug
  • as6 m5 jasper exception: null

    this is deployed as an EAR that deploys and runs fine in as5.  also, it's not a generic jsp issue because other WARs containing jsps run just fine.   2010-10-01 11:00:11,150 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core....
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    last modified by brianx
  • new session id with new browser window with tomcat 6.0.29

    I have a webapp deployed to jboss 4.2.3.GA(including tomcat 6.0.20) with a IIS frontend using AJP 1.3.  IIS is using CAC authentication and will forward to jboss when successfull.  The first jsp that is hit ...
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    last modified by mrfixit440
  • Order of loading applications

    Hi all! Can you please help me in question how to create order of deploying applications in JBoss 5.1   I have an application exploded in *.war folder. And I have an application in *.sar file. If I have them bo...
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    last modified by night_rainbow
  • Tomcat JK Request / Workers Freezing

    Hi,   We use JBoss 4.0.4.GA with Tomcat 5.5 embedded (with a pretty standard configuration).   Apache httpd 1.3.41 / Mod JK 1.2.14 are used to front the Tomcat server and send requests to it.   JBos...
  • How I can upgrade tomcat ship with JBoss

    Hi all, Does anyone know how I can upgrade the Tomcat ship with JBoss?   My current version of Tomcat is 5.5.9 and need to upgrade to at least 5.5.28 to resolve the vulnerability issue.   Appreciate all ...
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    last modified by wilsonfu
  • Tomcat 6.0.29 -> JBoss 5.1.0GA EJB3 lookup - NO clients jars from Jboss.

    Hi there.   I have a scenario that I need assistance with, and have read various posts, but am not finding a solution.   The scenario is Jboss 5.1 with EJB3 session beans doing there thing. Tomcat 6.0.29 w...
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    last modified by sirbul25
  • Apache + mod_jk + Jboss issue. Resource available directly to JBoss but not throw apache

    Hi,       I have Apache as front end of Jboss using mod_jk. I have an issue when i invoke a particular button, the response never comes, and I get a "Bad Request" message from Apache, as a result ...
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    last modified by jguser
  • JBoss 4.2.3 Tomcat Servlet Reloadable

    Hello,   Is there a parameter in JBoss 4.2.3 web.xml for example:   <Context reloadable="true">   ?   Thanks
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    last modified by dennisk1718
  • Problem with Servlet Initialization in JBoss 5.1.0/JDK 1.6

    Hi, I have recently upgraded my JBoss 4.2.2 to JBoss 5.10 running on Java 1.6. The first issue that I'm facing is servlet initialization. We have servlets setup to load on startup with proper load order. First thr...
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    last modified by bganguly
  • Tomcat vs Jetty

    Hello, I currently use JBoss/Tomcat bundle but I'm wondering what is different between it and JBoss/Jetty bundle. It will be very interesting to know pros and cons of using Tomcat vs Jetty (in a bundled form): JSP/Se...
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    last modified by leonidshamis
  • Getting error when connecting to database using struts...

    Hi all,   I want to connect my database (oracle 10g) from my application which is in eclipse IDE using struts frame work .I am using Tomcat 5.5 server. while connecting to database through Data source (in strut...
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    created by kissandas
  • default page for url directories

    Hi, I'm using Jboss ver 4.2.3 for windows and I'm trying to figure out how to provide a default landing page for url directories: In my web.xml file I have the following:   <welcome-file-list> <welcom...
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    last modified by mg123