• JBoss 4.2.3 and @WebService

    Hello,   Does anyone know if the above annotation will work with JBoss 4.2.3?   Thank You
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  • Bug JBoss 4.2.3GA  CLOSE_WAIT status

    Hi   I don't understand if in Jboss 4.2.3.GA this bug  https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBPAPP-366 is fixed.   I have installed in Jboss 4.2.3.GA jbossnative3.1   tnks
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    created by erasmomarciano
  • Deploying exploded war with symlinks

    I am running into an issue deploying an exploded warfile which contains symlinks. This works with standalone Tomcat, but not with JBoss 4.0.2 + embedded Tomcat 5.5 (on RedHat Enterprise 4, JDK 1.5_06). My exploded wa...
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    last modified by gkushida
  • Unicode convert problem with Jboss in Linux

    Hello,   I have faced with an issue where UTF-8 characters are not correctly formatted ONLY in the Jboss (jboss-5.1.0.GA-3) instance running on Linux.   For an instance: BORÅS is converted to BOR?S...
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    last modified by isurux
  • Tomcat encoding

    I'm using JBoss on a server with french locale. All the pages displayed (JSP, servlets) are displaying correctly. However, the error pages have a strange encoding (it is (correctly) interpreted by firefox as UTF-8). F...
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    last modified by jidehem
  • Applying patch to JBOSS-4.0.5.GA

    I am interested in applying latest security patch  JBossAS-4.0.5.GA_CP19 / ASPATCH-447 (CVE-2009-2693, CVE-2009-2901,  CVE-2009-2902) to JBOSS. From the attached instructions (https://jira.jboss.org/browse/A...
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    created by danuha
  • 404 Missing Resources list?

    Hi there,   I'm using JBoss 4.2.2 and have my Web Application set up to handle 404 errors by configuring an error page in my web.xml   It all works exactly as I would expect - and if the user requests a pa...
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    last modified by jpatrick
  • Issue with async servlets when using jboss 6 M3

    I am facing issues when trying to use asynchronous servlets with JBOSS 6 M3.   I have a AJAX based client that can send multiple xmlhttp requests (concurrent) handled by servlet 3.0 based async servlets.   ...
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    created by abverb
  • Remote access ejb problem?

    Hi ,          I am deploay  my war in jboss server and ejb in my another jboss server access ejb  remotely working fine. But when i am using apache-tomcat 7.0  ...
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    last modified by akhtar24
  • JBOSS 4.0.5 and tomcat 5.5.28

    Hi, can somebody tell me what I have to do when I want to get proper tomcat 5.5.28 SAR for JBOSS 4.0.5? Is it possible to buy or what need to be done ? Thanks Michal
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  • request include attributes missing in the included jsp

    Hey guys, not sure if this is the right place or maybe I should just open a bug/issue/ticket with the Tomcat team itself. I might do that too.   Anyway, I do have an issue with the dynamically include jsps. Let...
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  • question for jboss SSO cluster module

    Hi I am very new to Jboss, so please allow my ignorance.   I am having a problem to setup tomcat cluster with singlesignon failover to other node.  Therefore, I am very interested in Jboss cluster sso modul...
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    created by yasushinj
  • Need to configure Tomcat 6 (standalone) with Jboss 5.0

    Searched on the net and in Jboss docs but couldn't find any helpfull information. I need to disable the inbuilt tomcat instance coming with Jboss 5 and would like to start a separate tomcat 6. Can any body tell me the...
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  • Need to upgrade embedded Tomcat in 4.0.5 GA

    Hello all.   I've got customer's screaming about all the security holes in tomcat 5.5 so I need to upgrade to 6.0 I've built a new .sar file for the tomcat deplymoent with the 6.0 bits in it, and change everythi...
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    created by gwolfjdc
  • Embedded JBoss on Tomcat 6 with JDK/JRE 6 throws exception at server startup

    Hello,   I'm trying to get embedded JBoss to work on Tomcat 6 with a JRE 6.0. I put the embedded JBoss files into the Tomcat lib dir as described in the install tuto. I've heard that there are problems with embe...
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    last modified by kwutzke
  • Certificate and form login in one WAR

    Hi, is it possible to have in one WAR: one servlet protected by a certificate authentication and the another servlet protected by FORM authentication? Thanks
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  • JBOSS 5.1.0 + Tomcat 5.5

    Hi,   I have following environments -   Client side -   Tomcat 5.5 Compiled and running with JDK/JRE 1.5   Server side - JBOSS 5.1.0 running with JRE 1.6 Code compiled with JDK 1.5   N...
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    last modified by hemil_81
  • load-on-startup parameter question

    Hi, Does anybody know how to specify servlet load order for Tomcat 4.0.1. I'm trying to use load-on-startup with different positive integer values, but cannot make it working properly. Thanks, AX
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  • deploy war file in jboss-4.0.5.GA (guvnorstandalone  )

    Hi guys, does anyone knows how to deploy a war file into jboss-4.0.5 ? i had so much troubles with the other versions of guvnor, i installed the guvnor standalone, but, i'm not sure how to deploy my web dynamic proj...
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    last modified by voxy
  • All TCP connections are in CLOSE_WAIT State

    hi i m using jboss4.2.2.GA and ocle 10g OS : RHEL5 Problem Description: Users get a 503 error message when the try to login in to the website. it seems they cannot connect to the Application via ajp proxying. 1. M...
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    last modified by ravikumar.palaparthi