• How to add http headers to ResteasyProviderFactory

    Hi all, I new to this forum... so dont know if this is right place to post this question... However... I have a problem but cant fine the solution, so I thought I would ask you. I am using ResteasyProviderFactory, P...
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    created by elangovans

    Ok, this seems a pretty stupid question but I haven't found any working tutorial out there. So here's the problem. A single application server (Jboss 4.2.3), Apache + mod_jk in front with two different domains configu...
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    last modified by spezam
  • socket connection timeouts, HTTP connections made by HttpCli

    We have an application that does robotic web extraction, its built in a servlet web container, and all the HTTP extraction is done using HTTPClient 3.1 code. When deployed on resin 3.0, all is fine, has been stable fo...
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    last modified by dashley
  • IllegalArgumentException on  jbosss 5.1.0 while reading http

    Hi, I'm trying to migrate from jboss 4.2.3 to jboss 5.1.0 (JDK 6.0). My application reads xml over http requests from several clients. When I'm sending xml requests from IE 8, I'm sometime getting IllegalArgumentExce...
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    last modified by erahamim
  • Allowing HTTP responses with non-standart status (security)

    I have to use server module that response valid http headers and data but with abnormal status codes (e.g. smth like HTTP/1.1 900...). This web application works on glassfish, and it seems that in JBoss it conflicts w...
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    last modified by deasc
  • @EJB injection in JSP and JSP change

    Hi, I have this problem with JBoss 5.1.0GA: http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4246334#4246334 Shortly, different classloader is used after changing JSP page for the compilation of this...
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    created by xmedeko
  • Property minSpareThreads not found on the protocol handler.

    Hi I am using jboss 4.2.3 and when configuring the http connector, there is a warn: WARN [org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector] Property minSpareThreads not found on the protocol handler. Why can't i specify th...
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    last modified by ozguy
  • Problem with sticky sessions in JBoss 5.1.0.GA

    Hi all, I do migration from 4.2.1 to 5.1.0.GA, and sticky sessions are not working with 5.1.0: I have a cluster of 2 JBosses with Apache mod_jk 1.2 front-end. After I start both JBosses, I see requests from the same s...
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    last modified by kosulin
  • Tomcat version included in JBoss 4.2.3

    Hello, For security compliance, we are looking to upgrade our older JBoss implementations to a version which includes a non vulnerable version of Tomcat. From looking at the JBoss site, http://www.jboss.org/communi...
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    last modified by macguy
  • RESTEasy .war deploys, but doesn't do anything...

    Putting this here, not sure where else RESTeasy questions would go. Downloaded the RESTEasy 1.1.GA release and am trying to deploy into JBoss 4.2.3. I added a really simple class/application, re-jar'd the resteasy.wa...
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    last modified by andrewe
  • Error after update java 1.6.0_14: _jspx_page_context.handleP

    After that I updated the my java version 1.6.0_13 to version 1.6.0_14 using apt-get at ubuntu, my web application stated displaying the follow error at the browser: HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report message...
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    created by fabriciorsf
  • Out of memory exception in implementing  HttpEventServlet

    Hi, I have written a servlet which implements HttpEventServlet in Jboss 5.0, here is my event method. public void event(HttpEvent event) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest request = event.get...
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    last modified by vijayravi_srn
  • Error in a web application on JBoss: javax.servlet.ServletEx

    The following page the error occurs during execution of a web application in JBoss: HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from ...
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    last modified by fabriciorsf
  • Problem with JBoss and DataSource

    Hi!! I've a problem. i'm developing an application with Google Web Toolkit run on server JBoss 4.2.2. I'm using a DataSource, and it´s good. The problem is that i modify the file web.xml to add the dataso...
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    last modified by gabry86
  • mod_proxy: RichFaces/A4J CSS & JavaScript not loaded

    I have a Facelets/Richfaces/Spring/Hibernate app that runs fine on Tomcat but when I mod_proxy Apache to TC, the webapp name is pre-pended to all the RichFaces and A4J CSS and Javascript. Hence, the RichFaces items a...
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    created by jruffin
  • Writing Comet Programming in Jboss 5

    Hi, Can any one have a sample program for Comet in Jboss 5 ? I tried implementing org.jboss.servlet.http.HttpEventServlet . It is working . but after some time i am getting OutOfMemoryError. Thanks
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    created by vijayravi_srn
  • Support maxThreads minSpareThreads  maxSpareThreads ?

    Does anyone know if i can set the maxspareThreads attribute on the ajp connector in Jboss? Or could I only set it on the http connector?
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    last modified by erasmomarciano
  • JSF + JBoss 3.x

    Hi all! Is it possible to deploy a JSF web application on JBoss 3.x?
  • Problem with jboss class loader

    Env. details: OS : Solaris Jboss : JBoss 3.2.X Issue Description: One of the module of my application is using Axis.jar. My application also have web module. Sometime when i access the web module of my application, ...
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    last modified by kevinjohn
  • Some benchmarking or testimonials on using APR Native on JBo

    Dear pros, I'm considering setting up the APR Native on an JBoss.com 4.3.0_GA customer, heavily loaded JBoss production server farm (balanced by mod_jk). However, I couldn't find any benchmark, tests, comments, test...
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    last modified by rodfreire