• jboss/tomcat bundle error - setAttribute: Non-serializable a

    I am using jboss3.2/tomcat1.4.2, when I deploy my web application as a war file in /server/all/depoly directory, the depolyment is ok, but when I run the application, I received the following exceptions, any help woul...
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    created by paul318
  • How to start Tomcat for JBoss 3.0.7/4.1.x?

    Hi, Need some help on getting the embeded Tomcat started for Jboss 3.0.7/Tomcat 4.1.24. The startup.bat gives me this error that says: Name java: not bound in this context from org.apache.catalina.mbean.GlobalResour...
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    last modified by howerho
  • Tomcat Vs Jetty

    Hi, Can anyone please explain how Tomcat on JBoss is better than the previous version of Jetty on JBoss? thanks.
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    created by ab1azeem
  • New Context

    I use JBoss 4. How can i create a new context?! Like add "Context" in the tomcat-standalone's "server.xml" file! This because i want to add a webapp that is in "c:\mywebapp\". Can anyone help me? Thanx Gio
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    created by formenti
  • JBoss alone

    Hello, Is it possible to get JBoss alone without embedded Tomcat? I would like to run multiple instances of Tomcat connected to JBoss and/or run JBoss with different versions of servlet container. Thanks, Vijay
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    created by vijayk
  • Tomcat and JBoss

    Well, in summary i need an application that could help speed up the development process with less amount of coding, easy to update and modify the content that get pass back and forward between the client and the backe...
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    created by monica_ou
  • jboss 3.2.1 / tomcat 4.1.24 / jdk1.4.2: changing xerces vers

    Hello all, I have got a web application correctly working under a standalone tomcat 4.1.24 / jdk1.4.2. Now I am forced to deploy this under the integrated jboss/tomcat and get errors. Knowing not much about the ASP f...
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    created by petermuckel
  • JNDI From Tomcat

    Hi, I am trying to get a JNDI Context to a JBoss 3.0.8 (Jetty) instance from a separate instance of Tomcat 4.1.27 (both running on the same machine). The following code works fine from a stand-alone jar file (with th...
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    created by akperry
  • Serving static content in Jboss 3.1.2

    Hi all, I am trying to serve the html contents of a static folder and I don't want to bundle this content as a war. I have read in the documentation (JbossBook_321.pdf page 483) that Tomcat 1.4 bundled in this distrib...
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    last modified by florinduroiu
  • Tomcat version in JBoss 4.0?

    Does JBoss 4.0 bundle with Tomcat 5.0? For J2EE 1.4 compliance, it needs support JSP 2.0. Tomcat 4.x supports ISP 1.2. The new Tomcat 5.0 (beta) supports JSP 2.0. Our new project will use JSP 2.0 for the frontend. An...
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    last modified by bryanhsueh
  • HOWTO Test a Servlet in JBOSS3.2.1??

    Hi ALL, I just want to know How to test a sample servlet using JBOSS3.2.1 using Tomcat?? Iam testing JSPs by creating a folder some thing like samplefolder.war and accessing samplejsp.jsp by accessing http://localhos...
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    created by jdsrinivas
  • Security propagation within the JBoss-Tomcat bundle

    Hi everyone. I haven't been able to find good information on how to set up user authentication / authorization within the embedded Tomcat engine (v4.1.24). If want to set up user validation using a JDBCRealm I need t...
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    created by ccajina
  • Apache 1.3.27 Tomcat 4.1.24 JK2 JBoss 3.2.1

    Has anybody tried this configuration. All of these are individually installed components and not using the integrated JBoss/Tomcat distribution. I got Tomcat working with Apache using JK but JK2 is giving problems. ...
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    last modified by sharad
  • JBoss 3.2.2RC3 + Tomcat 5.0.9 = PortableRemoteObject ClassCa

    I built JBoss 3.2.2RC3 from source, replaced the default jbossweb-tomcat41.sar with jbossweb-tomcat50.sar, also replaced the javax.servlet.jar with servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar. This slightly tweaked JBoss starts u...
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    last modified by gturner
  • How to deploy a war app to multile virtual hosts

    Hello out there! I can currently configure the Jboss 3.0/Tomcat 403 bundle inconjunction with the apache webserver (using the warp Connector) to deploy one war application to one virtual host but how can I deploy the...
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    last modified by cpd1
  • Session timeout

    your JBossinsallHd:\jboss\server\default\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat.sar\web.xml <session-config> <session-timeout>30</session-timeout> </session-config>
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    last modified by erwann
  • Missing CGI Servlets Jar

    Hi, in JBoss 3.2.2 RC3 and RC4 the servlets-cgi.jar is missing in jboss\server\default\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat41.sar. Without this jar no CGI scripts can be executed. Is this a bug or is there an intention behind it? ...
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    last modified by weingaertner
  • mod_jk  +  mod_rewrite  =  agony

    My question is wtf doesn't this work? I'm using apache 1.3.27 and jboss-3.0.4_tomcat-4.1.12 And please take note that I *am* using the following JkOptions in my httpd.conf file: JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardUR...
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    created by strazys
  • IIS and JBOSS

    Hi, I am on version jboss-3.0.6_tomcat-4.1.18, trying to use IIS as the webserver for historical reason. Can't find any document on how to set up the IIS for this boundle. Question: Can this version support IIS ? If y...
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    last modified by davidwei
  • How to make Jboss ejb container to trust Tomcat or Jetty for

    Does anyone know how to make(configure) Jboss EJB container to trust the webcontainer for security. We do have a login page which is secured using LDAP. When the context is passed from web container to the EJB contain...
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    created by indusunil