• JBoss restart forces a restart on remote Tomcat

    Hello, I have a small issue that I would like to resolve. I have Jboss running on one machine and an instance of Tomcat running on another Machine. I'm accessing EJB's remotely just fine. BUT.... when I restart Jbo...
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    created by jm2hall
  • Virtual Hosts with JBoss 3RC1 Tomcat 4.0.3 Apache 1.3.29

    Has anyone being able to get virtual hosts working using the JBoss 3RC1 Tomcat 4.0.3 bundle and using the mod_webapp.so (warpConnector) with Apache 1.3.29 web server. When I try to deploy a war file to a virtual host...
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    created by cpd1
  • JBoss+Tom Bundle - Configuration

    I've downloaded a recent bundle yet I can't find docs about how to configure the JBoss + Tomcat and how to run the servlet/JSP engines. I can simply not run http://myhost:8080 etc ? What's wrong ? Can anyone give me s...
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    last modified by solaires
  • Remote Tomcat EJB Reference

    Hi Guys, I've got jboss3.2-tomcat4.1.24 bundle running just fine. And when I want to lookup an ejb in the java:comp/env/ namespace its fine! But I've got a thin client running tomcat 4.1.24 on a seperate machine th...
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    last modified by jm2hall
  • FINALLY: JBoss & Tomcat Standalone Approach

    Hello there! Here is a way, how to integrate ein Standalone Tomcat with JBoss. It's pretty simple. It works with Tomcat4.1.27 and JBoss 3.2.2RC2. This is answer for these threads: http://www.jboss.org/modules/bb/ind...
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    last modified by masroor
  • Separate Tomcat with JAAS integration

    After several days of trying to figure out how to integrate JAAS between a separate Tomcat server and JBoss server i think i've come to a mostly complete solution. I'd like to post the result and instructions for how ...
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    last modified by rcadena
  • Tomcat unable to compile jsp using application.getAttribute(

    Hi I am using Version jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24. Which I try to access a jsp page which uses the Servlet application scope to retrieve a particular attribute using application.getAttribute, I get the following errors:...
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    created by shandrilavj
  • filter not working in jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24

    Hi I am trying to put the following filter tag in my web.xml on jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24 version of jboss. <filter-name>IEFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>com.SessionChecker</filter-class&g...
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    created by harpreetset
  • Tomcat should be dropped

    Can anyone explain why Tomcat 4 is included when it has so many bugs? My two main gripes about it are; - There are currently 683 bugs listed as new, assigned, or reopened (this is after lots of releases). - Some of...
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    last modified by alsutton
  • Jboss Cannot see changes in Servlets

    Hi, I work with jboss 3.2.1 I have deployes a application in the jboss, which is an open-war, I have ant-targets to do the deployment to JBoss. When i make a change to a jsp, and deply it , i can see the changes, ...
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    created by vkons
  • Integration of Jboss with Tomcat

    I want to use JBOSS and Tomcat seperately ,can any one help me how to integrate both of them.I tried a lot for it,but i didnt get a proper documentaation to it. It will be an added advantage if any body knows hos to i...
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    last modified by leninkoduru
  • Which version is JBoss's XML parser?

    Jules, I don't think that you can do what you want using the descriptors. The JNDI names that are visible on the remote J2EE server will always be the "plain vanilla" names. Only an instance of an EJB on the remote ...
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    created by jboss-x
  • Throwing ClassNotFoundException when i use digester at my we

    10:48:34,820 ERROR [Digester] Begin event threw exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for: test.MyClass at org.jboss.mx.loading.LoadMgr.beginLoadTask(LoadMgr.java:161) at org.jboss.mx.loa...
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    created by jboss-x
  • Add a waster blank to jboss-service.xml cause lots of except

    i use jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24. i add a blank at jboss-service.xml ( eg: at .... [here a blank] and save it, (or after earse this blank) then jboss console print a lot of exceptions. why ? is this a bug ?
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    created by jboss-x
  • Setting a fixed Context location

    Hello, We recently moved to JBoss 3.0.6 w/ Tomcat 4.1.18 integrated but I'm having one difficulty setting it up in our development environment. In production, we use an ear file without any problem, but in developme...
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    last modified by chickenchow
  • JBoss Tomcat seperation

    Hi, Can any body tell me what are the pros and cons for running the JBoss server and Tomcat on two different Java VMs. I am trying to address the issue of heap consumption. The way they connect is that Threads under L...
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    created by shashankj
  • JBoss add Content-Length header to Tomcat response??

    Hi. My setup is JBoss-3.2.0RC4_tomcat-4.1.18 + jk + customized Apache. I have to receive a string formatted at my servlet and process it at Apache. If I run tomcat-4.1.18 (running ./catalina.sh from the tomcat folde...
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    created by bentzy
  • Compiled JSP deleted when JBoss is restarted

    Hi, I m using jboss-3.2.0_tomcat-4.1.24 bundle with JDK1.3.1_01 on Windows NT. Everything seems to work except that when I restart Boss all the compiled jsp classes are deleted and the compilation happens again afte...
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    last modified by jawwadhussain
  • where are jsps in tomcat ofter deployment of ear

    I am deplying a ear in jboss 3.0 with tomcat bu i can't find where tomact unzips the war file. I whant to edit jsp file as they are deployed and tomcat to compile them after every change without redeplyment. Is ther...
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    last modified by lcekov
  • Exceptions when starting jboss-4.0.0DR1_tomcat-4.1.24.zip

    I recently downloaded both the jboss-4.0.0DR1_tomcat-4.1.24.zip and (Jetty) jboss-4.0.0DR1.zip releases of the system and I'm getting a number of exceptions when starting and deploying web apps under the Tomcat versio...
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    last modified by jdaly