• javax.servlet.ServletException: __redirected.__SAXParserFactory cannot be cast to javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory

    'org.springframework.web.context.support.XmlWebApplicationContext' for servlet 'action' 2018-04-24 14:09:06,197 INFO  [com.db.lemg.common.web.security.SpringContextLoaderPlugIn] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 169...
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  • jboss cli without specifying username/password

    Is there a way to run the ./jboss-cli.sh script and have it read the username/password from a properties file? Basically I want to do ./jboss-cli.sh --controller=<DC_fqdn:port> --properties=user.properties, wher...
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    last modified by chrisla
  • Error in manager web deployments WFLYCTL0013: Operación ("read-attribute")

    I'm trying to deploy a .war using web manager but when i add the .war it get this error. I restart service and .war is deployed. Only happen at first time and every time i want to access to deployments in the web ma...
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    last modified by fhernandezidoc
  • Have a question

    Hi all, I have tried to enable statistics in jBoss 7.0.2.Final but I could'nt enable the feature. I have two questions. 1) Does the jboss version has this concept? 2) If so, please let me know how to achieve that? Th...
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    last modified by natejasper
  • Resource Adapter Configuration for JBoss 7.x

    Hello,   I am migrating from Jboss 4 to Jboss 7 . I understand we would not require now ra.xml file and need to incorporate the definition in standalone.xml .   This is how my it looks:-   <resou...
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    last modified by coolaki2006
  • Oracle ADF application crashes under JBoss...

    Hi!   I have been asked to make an application that was developed with Oracle JDeveloper run on a JBoss EAP 6.4.16 server.   Now I know neither of these tools are still supported or with full su...
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    last modified by nickjob
  • I am trying to deploy a simple adf 12c application on AS 7  but

    16:26:20,817 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (MSC service thread 1-3) MSC000001: Failed to start service jboss.deployment.unit."Test1.war".POST_MODULE: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.deployme...
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    last modified by dharanian
  • Migrating Struts based java application from JBOSS 5.x to JBOSS 7.x

    Hi,           The following were the steps followed when we tried migrating from JBOSS 5.x to JBOSS 7.0.4   1. Changed from JDK1.6 to JDK1.8 2. changed datasources 3....
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    last modified by priyabaskar2004
  • Error while retrieving variable from vault - domain mode

    Hi guys, I'm having trouble with JBoss' vault. I've just created the keystore, the vault, configured JBoss to use the vault, and actually I can add a system property with its value referencing the vault, but when I st...
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  • Unable to use/load custom service provider in JBOSS

    Hello, We have a WAR application which uses custom FileSystem and CharSet providers, implemented in the “test.jar”. However, when this web application deployed in JBoss AS 7.1.1 web server, application fa...
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    last modified by vineetjain08
  • JBREM000200: Remote connection failed: java.io.IOException: Received an invalid message length of 1195725856

    I am getting an error while starting JBoss AS 7.1.1 from Eclipse.   Does this mean that I can ignore this error and do my work as I saw the message that the server was started?  I came across this thread bu...
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    last modified by jack_tauson_sr
  • Problem with com.sun.jersey.config.property.packages

    Hi, I have a problem. I have a source code with some rest service Jersey. I configured the web.xml file with some different servlet. Foreach servlet i have a differnt url to mapping my rest. I developed my source w...
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    last modified by aporcaro
  • use-parent-handlers="false" does not work

    Hi,   I hope I am doing wrong and can say what it is.   I have a problem with logging, that although i defined use-parent-handers="false" every log is also printed in the root logger (=console).   Th...
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    last modified by kaspatoo
  • java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.ejb.EntityManagerImpl

    I want to port a war file to JBoss 7.1. I deployed the existing war file, but got an exception:   Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/ejb/EntityManagerImpl   at com.hp.dtag.pmo.SchemaC...
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    last modified by buchholzs1
  • Ho w to get HibernateSearch Infinispan JGroups ERROR logs using log4j.xml ?

    Hi Team, I'm using WildFly-9.0.0 and in my application. I have created an entity and saved into the DB through hibernate entity manger with lucene indexing. When i search back the result am unable to find the search ...
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  • Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP) with JBOSS or Wildfly

    Sirs, I have researched the web extensively for solutions on how to implement Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP) in the wildfly 10 container. I understand that you can use the existing container to created poole...
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    last modified by arichards
  • Access to jBoss Console https

    Hello I am begin to working with jBoss jboss-as-7.1.1.Final and try to config the https access to console with http is Working  http://server:8686/console/App.html  (OK) but with https://server:8644/co...
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    last modified by alxreds
  • How to configure Infinispan using AWS discovery or Service discovery ?

    Hi All,   Currently am using "ECS" AWS container service to run my applications.   I'm using WildFly-9.0.0 and in my application. I have created an entity and saved into the DB through hibernate entity ma...
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    created by raju_manikala
  • Jboss connection to external web service from standalone instance failed

    Jboss connection to external web service from standalone instance failed.   we are getting this error when start running job. we have 10 servers clusterrd.   is JMS is not communicating ?   any help ...
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    created by mj2393
  • Master and Slave with different deploys

    Good morning, I would like to know how to proceed to restore the .wars deployed on master server onto slave server also. Slave server went down, we continued to deploy on master, so now we have two different version...
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    last modified by albosco