• AS 7 Testsuite lifecycle

    This doc will list Maven build phases of AS 7 testsuite with bound plugin executions  since Maven doesn't provide way to.     validateinitializegenerate-sourcesprocess-sourcesgenerate-resourcesprocess-r...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • AS7 Patching requirements

    Patches and AS 7  Background / Introduction to AS 7  AS 7 offers 2 startup modes, standalone and domain. Standalone is just the App Server instance. Domain starts a Process Controller, a Host Controller, ...
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    last modified by jiwils
  • Adding an Operation Handler for an AS 7 Subsystem

    WARNING: This article is out of date as of AS 7.0.0.CR1. See the Extending JBoss AS 7 section of the official JBoss AS 7 documentation for correct information.  This article is a quick description of the steps n...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Remote EJB lookup and invocation in JBoss AS 7.0.0

    Since JBoss AS 7.0.0 targets the Java EE6 Web Profile, no support is available for remote connectivity beyond http (and the management functionality). That means that out of the box you can't do things like look up th...
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    last modified by kabirkhan
  • Using JBoss Negotiation on AS7

    This will be available in JBoss AS 7.0.0.CR1 or builds based on the latest source.   JBoss Negotiation is still JBoss Negotiation so the majority of the configuration is still the same as on previous JBoss AS re...
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    last modified by dlofthouse
  • AS7 Deployment Terms

    AS7 adds a lot of new functionality to the world of deployments.  Consequently, there is a need to add new terms and define some old terms more strictly.  This document provides a means to define deployment-...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • Current AS7 Console Widget Set

    Not migrated to ballroom. Still a collection of widgets. Complete screens can be found here: http://relative-order.blogspot.com/search/label/jboss7     Paging Tables   Inline Tabs     ...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Subsystem Management Operations

    This page reflects the current implementation status and availability of management operations within the JBoss7 console.     Status Flags:       Feature Complete Partly implemented N...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • JBoss 7 Management Web UI

    The JBoss 7 management console is served through the default HTTP management endoint. Typically that's http://localhost:9990/console     (Project Page can be found here)
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Module Inventory

    A full inventory of all modules in the application server.  Each module has a status: private, public, or included.   public - the module is available to be explicitly imported via manifest or descriptor. ...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Multiple instances of JBoss AS7 on the same machine

    Overview:  This wiki explains how multiple instances of JBoss AS7 standalone server, on single physical system, can be started simultaneously.   Approach#1  [Tested against JBoss AS7.0.0 Beta2 and AS7...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • JIRA Policy

    Policy copied from [1]   When creating an issue that you intend to assign to yourself, pick a fix-for release version that you can commit to achieving. Please be realistic in making this choice, as very few of o...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • Experiments with EJB3 annotation + DD merging in AS7

    Purpose:  This document outlines the issues encountered while trying to implement merging of EJB3 deployment descriptor and annotations for AS 7.0.0.Beta2   Details:  Pre-AS7 deployers and metdata merg...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • EJB3 support in JBoss AS 7.0.0.Beta2

    This document outlines the EJB 3.x support that's currently available in JBoss AS 7.0.0.Beta2   h3. Support for EJB 3.x session beans   h4. Annotation based support   h5. @Stateless, @Stateful, @Sing...
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    last modified by wolfc
  • ManagementConsoleUIPerformance

    Some considerations about the overall performance of the UI. This includes loading times, sluggishness and general user experience improvements.   SmartGWT Layout Calculations (JS calculations) Pixel perfect de...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Writing a AS7 Test Case in testsuite module

    Background Requirements Choices of Technologies Test Case Web Deployment Where should I look for the source code? Show me the test in action, buddy Troubleshooting Background I wanted ...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • EJB3/JPA 2.0 support for AS7

    This is about the AS7 JPA layer and related concerns.  Its a rough draft, mostly points copied from the JPA 2.0 spec.   Container-managed persistence context Transaction scope (JPA 7.6.1) Transaction acti...
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    last modified by smarlow
  • Beta1 MUST HAVE List

    EE Related JPA and PC injection EE Injection EJB3 Singletons, SFSBs and SLSBs with annotation processing Working "Cache" and "Pool" behavior EJB Injection Managed Beans JNDI contexts EJB TX EE @Interceptor lif...
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    last modified by smarlow
  • ManagementConsoleDevGuide

    Development Guide You want to contribute to the management web interface for JBoss ? Then this is the right place to start.   Codebase Everything is hosted at github, The best way is to create a fork of either on...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Management API Security Possible Configuration Sample

    Management API Security Possible Configuration Sample For domain management security we are looking to achieve the following: - Simplified configuration without need to understand inner workings of JAAS Configuratio...
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    last modified by dlofthouse