• Using Log4J in AS7

    I'm trying to get a number of logging mechanisms to work in AS7 (standalone mode) in the context of JBAS-8429. JBoss logging works fine for me and my log messages appear nicely in the standalone/logs/boot.log file. ...
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    last modified by bosschaert
  • JAR blacklist for deployment

    Countless times that I've seen, a JBoss system JAR somehow gets accidentally deployed to the EAR/WAR file that we are trying to launch on JBoss.   Instead of giving a warning or an error stating that your web a...
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    last modified by ndipiazza
  • Managing passwords with the vault

    I followed the setup steps provided by Anil.   Using JBoss7.1.1.Final , urn:jboss:domain:1.2,  standalone mode.  Windows7 x64, jdk 1.7.   I get a 'Failed to parse configuration' error when insert...
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    last modified by bdyerjboss
  • are there any other ways to invoke EJB except for @EJB  (lookup='JNDI')

    Hi all,   I want to inject an EJB obejct to another EJB object,  so I am well knowing that I can have it like   @EJB(lookup="java:global/project/SomeDAOImpl!com.company.dao.common.local.SomeLocal") p...
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    created by yunshi
  • AS 7.1.1 : JNDI Look up for JMS connection factroy is not working

    Dear Experts, I am trying to write a sample program for JMS using Jboss. I went through the following link for how to use Jboss for JMS http://docs.jboss.org/jbossmessaging/docs/usermanual-2.0.0.beta1/html/usi...
  • org.hibernate.QueryException: query specified join fetching, but the owner of the fetched association was not present in the select list

    Hi All,   I am migrating an application from jboss 5.x to jboss 7.1.1 My application uses hibernate 3.3.1.GA, seam, jpa. I configured basic settings required for jboss 7.1. i am using oracle 10g database and I a...
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    last modified by edimukc
  • Programmatically access JBoss Security realm

    I have defined a realm in standalone.xml which is:   <security-domain name="adbRealm" cache-type="default">     <authentication>         <login-...
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    last modified by tapas.235711131719
  • How to use resin as XML parser in Jboss 7 standalone?

    We use XML transformations and our stylesheets make heavy use of resin specific code (java extensions). I was wondering how to use resin.jar (where the respective parsers reside)? I specify the SAX parser with a syste...
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    last modified by frankmoss
  • Injecting custom resource factory with @Resource

    Dear JBoss Experts   I want to inject my own resource factory into a RESTful service using @Resource. For example,   @ApplicationPath("/foo/") @Path("/") class Foo extends Application {    ...
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    last modified by andrewwinter77
  • Missing file from Nexus preventing build of Arquillian TestNG Integration

    After downloading the most recent codebase from git for jbossAS 7.2.0.SNAPSHOT, I recieved the following error: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building JBoss A...
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    last modified by mikevan
  • Deploy multiple resource adapters (including ironjacamar.xml)

    Hi there,   In JBoss 7.1.1, is it possible to deploy two resource adapter rar's at the same time which both have their own ironjacamar.xml included in META-INF? I'm trying to do that and always get the error: &#...
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    last modified by clubsoda
  • Two-phase commit using an XA-datasource

    Howdy! I'd like to ask a question about using an xa-datasource defined within my AS7 instance. What I did: I defined two different xa-datasources pointing to two databases What I need: I need to implement a two ph...
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    last modified by jecmenb
  • How to use a JBoss AS7 JNDI Datasource, from a Spring hibernate project running outside server?

    How to use a JBoss AS7 JNDI Datasource, from a Spring hibernate project running outside server?   I am trying to find a way to access my JBoss AS7 JNDI Data Sources out side a web application. Can someone please...
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    last modified by techsjs2012
  • MySQL module, datasource and persistence.xml (for JPA/Hibernate) configuration bash script

    Note: Consider using JBoss AS 7 Deployment plugin for Maven - see executions deploy-driver, add-datasource, add-xa-datasource in this example.       This is a bash script which will:   Ask you fo...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • AS7 getting slower

    Hello,   we have a real strange behavoir, which can´t be profiled with JProfiler cause it looks like a blocking inside JBoss before passing by any requests to our app. We are using a .WAR with Seam 2, JSF...
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    last modified by renegritsch
  • Session replication using AS7 clustering, S3 PING, Amazon EC2

    Hello all,   I am trying to setup session replication using AS7 clustering, S3 PING and Amazon EC2 for the Seam booking EAR app.   So far, I have managed to get session replication working with two differe...
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    created by silverdev
  • Cached Web Service Client sends wrong SoapAction in HTTP header

    Hi all,   I have a problem with an application which I have migrated from JBoss AS5 to AS7. Parts of the application contain a JaxWS webservice client which makes calls to a remote web service. The former implem...
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    created by greendale
  • JBoss AS7 - Listing Of All System Properties

    This article will talk about overview of all system properties in JBoss AS7+ including OS system properties and properties specified on command line using -D, -P or --properties arguments.   CLI$ ./bin/jboss-cli....
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    last modified by ozizka
  • Possible ThymeLeaf Integration

    ThymeLeaf is a templating engine. http://www.thymeleaf.org/documentation.html   Possible integration pointsIn CDI, even standalone:  IContext - the map of values available for the template. Those could be f...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • Authentication Service

    Authentication Service This article is do describe the new authentication service being added to AS7 to support security context proagation and connection re-authentication.  Until the component is complete this ...
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    last modified by dlofthouse