• Jboss POJO Cache, where do I download it from!?!

    Hi, I downloaded Jboss-core-2.1.1.GA only to read within the documentation that I need jbosscache-pojo-2.1.x to incorporate to use within Seam projects. Where can I download the pojo cache from, as I cannot find a li...
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    last modified by beyarecords
  • PojoCache(1.4.1SP9) is corrupted when tx modify a map and ro

    In my cluster i have 2 PojoCache (REPL_SYNC,inactive on startup,transcational,replication version 1.4.0.GA). First i create one cache and fill it with data, then i create the second cache and force full state transfer...
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    last modified by oferunipier
  • when can we have the distributed lock available?

    when can we have the distributed lock available? I am missing this feature badly. currently I have to use other tricks to work around it.
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    last modified by jasonhu919
  • Persistence

    I am using the file cache loader to persist my POJOs to disk for testing. I am doing something like this: obj = cache.find( fqn ); if( obj == null ) { obj = new X(); cache.attach( fqn, obj ); } obj.setBlah( "blah"...
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    last modified by swtet
  • Question about findAll()

    The docs for findAll() claim that is will "Query all managed POJO objects under the id recursively.". But then it also says "In addition, it assumes that once a POJO is found with a id, no more POJO is stored under th...
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    last modified by swtet
  • Newbie question about pojo cache

    Hi all, I used abit JBoss cache core edition (version 1.4.1), and then I realized I might have the classic scenario of object graph problem that requires me to use jboss pojo cache (i'm now using pojo cache version 1....
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    created by yair.zaslavsky
  • Combination of @Replicable withSerializable in the POJO Cach

    We have a multiple node cache set up with a JDBC cache loader configured. Our objects stored in the POJO cache need to be Serializable in order to be persisted to the secondary store since the secondary store could be...
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    last modified by kringdahl
  • problem with using pojo cache with other application server

    I was able to work out a standalone, simple Hello world of the pojo cache in netbeans. pretty easy and simple. then I tried to make it work in oracle OC4J. I was not even able to start the server with javaagent option...
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    last modified by jasonhu919
  • Bind adress?

    When I try to start a Pojo Cache (v 2.1.0 GA) I get the following error: Exception in thread "main" org.jboss.cache.pojo.PojoCacheException: Failed starting org.jboss.cache.CacheException: Unable to connect to JGrou...
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    last modified by martinstr
  • Download

    I am trying to locate a download for the POJO cache. The README.txt in the core cache download says this: - If you are looking for JBoss Cache POJO edition, this is a separate distribution: + jbosscache-pojo-2.1.x-...
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    last modified by swtet
  • Documentation has restricted access

    I cant seem to load the documentation concerning the Pojo cache at all. It simply gives me the message "Sorry, you don't have access to this resource" The link is: (from the documentation page, Pojo section) http://w...
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    last modified by dahankzter
  • Problems using JBoss Cache 2.1.1. GA with JBoss 4.2.2GA

    We are currently using JSF 1.2, JBoss Seam 2.0.0. CR2 and EJB 3.0/JPA with Hibernate as the JPA provider. We would like to use the absolute time based expiration eviction policy and so, decided to start using JBoss Ca...
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    last modified by ajaygupta0512
  • Can an absolute expiration time based policy be supported in

    My understanding is that JBoss Cache 1.4.x does not support an absolute time based eviction policy. JBoss Cache 2.x does. Unfortunately, we are using JBoss 4.2.2 GA at our work and this version of JBoss AS doesnot sup...
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    last modified by ajaygupta0512
  • A question on custom eviction policies in JBoss Cache

    In our company, we have a very simple requirement where we load values from lots of different lookup tables in the database in the application scope at application startup time. We then use those values to render drop...
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    last modified by ajay_gupta0512
  • How to make an exclusive read lock on an ArrayList ?

    Hi all, I've need to block all thread (servlet and queue) which access to an ArrayList stored in cache, if one thread is using (reading) the ArrayList. I'm running this on Jboss 4.0.5 in a cluster of 2 computers with...
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    last modified by dmary
  • attach()detach() can transaction,but find() can not?

    hi all, when i use as the follow ,i can rollback the cache: clientDao.insertClient(client); Client clientCache = clientDao .getClientByName(client.getName()); //insertClientToCache use pojocache.attach(id,client...
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    last modified by wj.king
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jgroups/MembershipListen

    Hi, i am trying to use the JBOSS PojoCache, but i had get the error that I describe at title, any one can say me where are the error or what is the error? The JBOSS is configured in my classpath aplication, my JBOSS v...
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    last modified by hpunix
  • How to disable trasaction in pojocache

    I am using pojocache2.1. All caching operations are being called from session bean methods ( with transactions ). I dont want caching operation to be in this transaction ( caching operations are independent of busines...
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    last modified by anandlramadurg
  • cache + replication between different POJO entities

    Hi, I have a question regarding to the replication between two caches. Is it possible to replicate POJO's on field level AND also on the entity level? My problem is that I'd like to have two caches. First cache will...
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    created by seahawk
  • Connect JBoss cache UI to a remote cache

    Hi *, I am trying to connect the jbosscache-demo-1.0 to a remote cache. As far as I can see the current UI implementation let's only to connect to a cache started inside that application :(. Is any way to configure...
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    last modified by prese