Instrumentor Failed with JBoss AS 5.1Hello I'm in the process of upgrading from JBoss AS 5.0 to 5.1 and I'm having issues using the Pojo Cache Naga with it. I get this stack trace on start up. It worked fine in 5.0, so i'm not sure what i ...
Thread Performance of cache.attach s badly influence by javassist calls
Performance of cache.attach s badly influence by javassist callsHi *, I am running a profiler over our code which is using intensively POJO cache. I was surprised to use a performance bottleneck caused by calls performed during cache.attach to javassist.CctnewMethodMake. ...
Thread Pojo Cache instrumentation does not work as expected
Pojo Cache instrumentation does not work as expectedHi *, I am using the following configuration for doing the instrumentation: <aop> <prepare expr="field(* @org.jboss.cache.pojo.annotation.Replicable->*)" /> </aop> According...
Internal FQN removalI tried attaching a single string object to PojoCache and detached it later. But even after detaching the object from cache, when monitored through JConsole, I noticed the internal fqn is still there in the cache. Wh...
Thread Remote node did not update when modifying a node
Remote node did not update when modifying a nodeHi, every one I have two jboss instances with a pojocache each are running in different server and share one database, I cluster the cache in a group. The cache mode is REPL_SYNC and my cache loader is JDBC ca...
Thread Searching facility on jboss cache pojo edition
Searching facility on jboss cache pojo editionHello everybody, I am a new user of Jboss cache pojo edition, and I have a question about seaching data in the cache. In fact, I would like to achieve something like "SELECT * from table where text=?". ...
Pojo attach() failureHi, I am new to use this POJO. Please help me to solve this issue. I ijust nstalled, and compliled it. But I could not run it. I got an error. It seems to complain aboute instrumentation. I added the " -javaagent:/roo...
Thread How exactly PojoCache.detach(Fqn fqn) works ... ?
How exactly PojoCache.detach(Fqn fqn) works ... ?I am using PojoCache version 3.0.x "Nana" with JobssAS 5.0.1 I am using JDBC CacheLoader "org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader" for persisting the Nodes. Configurations are as follows: ...
Thread pojocache-aop.xml doesn't work in jboss AS 5.1
pojocache-aop.xml doesn't work in jboss AS 5.1I am trying to follow the tutorial of jboss-cache-pojo-tutorial to make PojoCache working in Jboss AS 5.1. I copied replSync-service.xml to C:\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\all\deploy\cluster\jboss-cache-manager.sar\META-INF....
Configure PojoCache on Rad 7.5 DevelopmentGuys, I am very new to PojoCache, I was trying to use that for caching of java objects, and It all worked fine with JUnit, Now when I try to use it on the webapplication, nothing seems to work, I think I am missing a...
Using ExpirationAlgorithm with PojoCacheI am trying to configure an eviction policy using the ExpriationAlgorithm for my PojoCache, and I would like to specify a time-to-live value for each pojo I insert into the cache. The only documentation I found says t...
Transactions: atomicity OK, isolation KOI'm studying the feasibility of using JbossPOJOCache (henceforth JBPC) as a transactional cache for our application framework. I'm using a AtomikosEssentials transaction manager, and Spring as a declarative JTA contai...
JBC - JBoss Transactions pairI have an application with two JBoss PojoCache instances running in same JVM. The application performs some attach operations in the second cache depending on the attach in the first instance of cache and this is impl...
Pojo Cache Cluster problemI'm probably missing something easy here, but I'm trying to get PojoCache working in a clustered JBoss setup. I'm using JBoss AS 4.2.3 and JBoss Cache 1.4.1. I've used the following web site as a template for the conf...
How to store a list in cache?Hi There, Im trying to cache an ArrayList of objects which are Serializable. but when i store them using the attach and try to get them by calling find im getting an object of type "org.jboss.aop.genera...