• Instrumentation required in order to use Lists?

    Hello all. Of course the holidays could not keep me away from JBoss and I was diving into JBoss Cache. Sofar ok. I created a PojoCache and TreeCache and have both running. I can add serialized Pojos to the PojoCache ...
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    last modified by frankthetank
  • replSync-service.xml does not conform to XML Schema

    I noticed that the bundled replSync-service.xml configuration file does not conform to the JBC 3.0 XML Schema and is being ignored on startup. It appears that the bundled configuration is assuming that JBC is being de...
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    last modified by loopingrage
  • Moving to Pojo 3 from pojo 2 and attach fails

    Hi, I am preparing my existing application that uses multiple pojo caches to be able to be accessed from the latest JBoss App Server 5. In doing this, I realized I had to "upgrade" to the latest release of Pojo cach...
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    last modified by adrigan
  • POJOCache with Hibernate?

    Hi, I am trying to evaluate JBossCache with Hibernate. There is the Second-level cache that can be used with Hibernate. I would like to know if there is a cachestore that is placed in front instead of having the cach...
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    last modified by yaomin
  • Placing a node in an FQN that is not defined in the configur

    Hi All, I defined several regions in my cache configuration file: One region for fqn "/apples" with TTL of 180 seconds and max nodes 5000 One region for fqn "/pears" with TTL with TTL 360 seconds and max nodes 2000 W...
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    last modified by mushonholon
  • New to Cache, Need some answers.

    Hello guys, I am reading and trying to make prototype application using JBoss cache. If i'll success in that, it will be implemented in our system, I am sure i'll get good help here. Anyways, 1. Is there any book fo...
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    last modified by nachiket_patel
  • Recommendation for collections with large number of items -

    We've been experimenting with ways to store large collection of items in the cache and have not been able to settle on the right way to do this. One of the major challenges is that collections are aspectized in the po...
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    last modified by kringdahl
  • Problem after PojoCache restart (stop() and start())

    Hello, When i stop() and start() cache in instance1, after that, change in cache by other instance2 [which is not stop()and start() ed ] results in 2008-12-19 15:01:57,095 DEBUG [CacheMarshaller300] (Incoming-1,150...
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    created by nachiket_patel
  • How PojoCache handles List when disconnected

    Hello guys, I started 2 instance of CacheApp say A and B I added one element Element1 in cached list using A, it added to B [i am printing events] on 0th index. I added one more element Element2 using B, it is repli...
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    last modified by nachiket_patel
  • Container managed transactions in JBoss AS 5.0

    Just downloaded the newly released AS 5.0.0 GA with the Naga PojoCache. I tried to use a @Replicable object in a session bean using CMT, but for some reason the cache isn't honoring the transaction. For comparison, I...
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    last modified by objectswitch
  • Thank you and Help us learn how Feature Requests R gathered

    Thank you to everyone who completed the survey! We’re getting great feedback. If you haven’t already participated, please take a few moments to complete the survey located at the ...
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    created by plaurentphd
  • problems with replication of huge amount of data

    in my cache population phase, on some cases the loaded object graph size is big (~20MG in a 5300 tree put operations) and when replicated to other nodes, replications fails with ClassCastException. When observing the ...
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    last modified by oferunipier
  • Help us learn how Feature Requests R gathered

    My name is Paula Laurent. I am a Computer Science PhD student at DePaul University conducting research on soliciting and prioritizing requirements. The goal of this research is to find out about the current requiremen...
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    created by plaurentphd
  • OptimisticTreeCacheProviderHook vs OptimisticTreeCacheProvid

    I am trying to use OPTIMISTIC NODE LOCKING for my second level cache. Based on what I have read, using property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class" value="org.hibernate.cache.OptimisticTreeCacheProvider" in persi...
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    last modified by mhsheikh
  • OptimisticTreeCacheProviderHook vs OptimisticTreeCacheProvid

    I am trying to use OPTIMISTIC NODE LOCKING for my second level cache. Based on what I have read, using in persistence.xml and providing an XML config file using works, but it results in having a cache that is no...
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    created by mhsheikh
  • Pojo Cache - jgroups error

    Hi; I am getting some errors while starting jboss server. I installed jboss pojo cache and i am using pojo cache from my application and start pojo cache too. I am new to use Pojo Cache. Anyone advice me to not get er...
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    created by keremo
  • missing a library?

    His, just downloaded jbosscache-pojo-2.2.1 and trying a sample application. There is an error being shown "Cannot find the class file for org.jboss.cache.Fqn" in my Eclipse. I made sure to include all the required ja...
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    last modified by dworq
  • ETA for a 3.0.0 pojo cache?

    Is there an ETA for a 3.0.0 pojo cache Beta?
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    last modified by kringdahl
  • Session Management in Jboss Cache?

    Hi There, I'm currently building a web service in jboss that uses ejb3's persistence fairly extensively. The web service itself is stateful, takes a session ID on requests and retrieves the state of the session using...
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    last modified by doubledenim
  • Steps to setting up a pojo cache

    I'm wondering if anyone can help guide me through the steps to setting up a basic pojo cache. Think "pojo cache for dummies".. the dummy being myself. My steps so far: I'm using the "all" server in my jboss 4.2.2 A...
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    created by doubledenim