• JBoss Forums 1.0.0 GA Released

    Dear All, Today I released JBoss Forums 1.0.0 GA version. There were many bugfixes mostly connected with views. Full changelog you can see in jira http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBFORUMS?report=com.atlassian.jira....
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    last modified by unibrew
  • Feature Request - Admin page to set permissions and default

    It would be a great benefit if the Administration page would allow you to set acl permissions instead of having to modify the acl-mapping.xml file. Additionally, it would beneficial to have an admin screen be able to...
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    last modified by 733nb
  • multiple forums

    can I use more instances of forums with different datas into db?
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    last modified by sviluppatorefico
  • permissions per topic ?

    ...and if I would to put a role permission to each topic? for example, a topic accessible only for "worker" role, a topic only for "director" role, etc etc ?
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    last modified by sviluppatorefico
  • Deletion of posts error

    I'm having problems with deletions of topics. When I delete a topic within a category with only one topic, the end result is not what I was expecting. It appears that I have "-1" Topics and "-1" Posts Not sure what...
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    last modified by tcollier
  • Jboss forums portlet exeptions

    Hi all, I'm trying to run Jboss Forums (jboss-forums-1.0.0RC-P2.4.zip) as a portlet inside Jboss Portal 2.4.1 (the release that comes with the AS bundled). These are the steps: 1)portal installation (unzip, set java...
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    last modified by ctassini
  • Forum Views

    Hello, I am new to JBoss forums but am evaluating it for a project that is starting up. One feature that we need is the ability to have different views into the forums. For example, the ability to have multiple forum...
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    last modified by kotlusa
  • Forums 1.0.0 RC for 2.6 Alpha Deployment to Portal 2.6 CR1

    I tried deploying Forums 1.0.0 RC for 2.6 Alpha to the newly release Portal 2.6 CR1 and got the following error: WARN [ServiceController] Problem starting service org.jboss.security.acl.AclKerelFactory:service=aclKer...
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    last modified by thorntond
  • Can i deploy forum portlet to another portal server?

    hi I just wannt deploy this forum portal to another portal server, can anyone give me a solution about it. Regards
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    last modified by zenjians1
  • last sources from svn

    hi.....where I can to find the last snapshot of jboss forums through anonsvn?
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    last modified by sviluppatorefico
  • Problems calling function 'forums:dateStr'

    Hello. I've installed JBoss Forums on my Portal (version 2.4.1 bundled, Windows XP), but I'm getting an error on it's use. The portlet content is now replaced by the message javax.portlet.PortletException: /views...
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    last modified by oberiko
  • Downloaded and deployed Forum portlet... nothing showing up.

    Hello. I downloaded the JBoss Forums portlet for 2.4 and placed the .EAR file in my server/default/deploy directory. On starting up JBoss though, I can't find anything that tells me I've got the JBoss Forums portlet...
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    last modified by oberiko
  • mail alerts in JBoss Forums

    i am using version JBoss Portal 2.6 alpha2 JBoss Forums beta 1.0(compatible with above portal version) content of "JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/mailservice.xml" file is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&g...
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    last modified by ravindrareddy
  • error in console while deploying EAR file of forums portlet

    soon after i copy the EAR file corresponding to forums(jboss-forums.ear) i am able to see this error. but still forums working perfectly. i am using jdk 1.5 is there any possibility to avoid this error in console. ...
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    last modified by ravindrareddy
  • Forums 1.0.0 on Portal 2.6 A2

    OK, I couldn't get Portal 2.4 running, so I am trying out 2.6 Alpha 2. It runs OK, but I cannot deploy the forums 1.0.0 portlet. First off, is Java 1.6 supported? I don't see any mention of the JDK requirement in the...
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    last modified by jparker44
  • unable to get acl permissions to work

    Only logging as admin brings up the Adminiistration button in the portlet. I tried adding another roles to acl-permissions.xml: <!-- users with Admin privileges --> <!-- users with Admin privileges --&...
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    last modified by jboss.biancashouse.com
  • JBoss Forums 1.0.0 RC released

    Hello I would like to inform you that release candidate for 1.0.0 version of JBoss Forums has been released and is available for downloading here : http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossforums/downloads Few minor bugs we...
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    last modified by unibrew
  • Help with Install...

    JBoss AS 4.0.5 JBoss Portal 2.4 JBoss Forum 1.0.0 Beta P2.4 Put the forum ear in deploy...started up Jboss...logged into the Portal... The database tables get created... I can see that the Forum Porlet and JSF Foru...
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    last modified by indyjones
  • JBoss Forums vs JForum

    Hi! I'm trying to decide what Javabased phpBB clone I should go with - JBoss Forums or JForums? Wished that there was only one and so that efforts were joined... Anyway, if you are familiar with JForum and phpBB the...
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    last modified by jimisola
  • JBoss Forums 1.0.0 Beta released

    Dear Users, I would like to inform you that JBoss Forums 1.0.0 Beta has been released and is available : http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossforums/downloads Thanks too all of you who helped me with testing last releas...
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    created by unibrew