Dear All, The JBoss Forums User Forum is only for discussing ideas, problems and any other issues connected with JBoss Forums project. Please, be aware that posts that are not apropriate for this forum will be delet...
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    last modified by unibrew
  • JBoss forums not searchable:

    log into jboss.org go to http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=search bascially, all combinations of search operations/operands give this output Cannot invoke the operation : the module threw an exception
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    last modified by ben.cotton2
  • error starting jboss-forums-1.2.0-Beta-27 on JBoss Portal 2.

    Starting of jboss-forums-1.2.0-Beta-27.ear fails with error 17:14:37,512 WARN [ServiceController] Problem starting service portal.forums:service=Hibernate org.hibernate.HibernateException: Unable to initialize: cate...
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    last modified by sandello
  • new binaries for jboss forums 1.2.0

    hi...there are new binaries for jboss forums 1.2.0. They are three versions: JBoss Forum 1.2.0 Beta 2.7 - forums version without clustering JBoss Forum 1.2.0 Beta 2.7 JBPC - version with jboss portal clustering syste...
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    created by sviluppatorefico
  • Unicode characters in preview and reply problem

    I installed jboss-forums-1.0.0GA-P2.6.1 last week and was blocked by the unicode problem since then. The forum portlet was install to JBoss Portal 2.6.5 which was downloaded as binary. These are run on JBoss AS 4.2.2...
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    last modified by wlchung
  • Errors starting Forum1.2 in Portal2.7.0

    LS, I downloaded the new forum sw for portal 2.7.0, compiled with no errors and deployed in a working environment. During startup I get the following errros 13:14:18,140 WARN [ServiceController] Problem starting s...
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    last modified by hreintke
  • forums for jboss portal 2.7 is ready !!

    we have a new version of jboss forums 1.2.o for jboss portal 2.7. You can take it here: http://anonsvn.labs.jboss.com/labs/jbossforums/branches/forums120P27/ good entertainment at all ;)
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    last modified by sviluppatorefico
  • Deploy JBoss Forum on JBoss Portal 2.7.0

    Hi, Where i can find a guide for deplyement and configuration of jboss forum on jboss portal 2.7.0? Thank you very mutch Daniele
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    last modified by danielecalise
  • Boss Forums under new JBoss Portal 2.7

    Have you tested JBoss Forums under new JBoss Portal 2.7.0? When we can except version for this branch of Portal?
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    last modified by andixt
  • Jboss Forums Encoding Problem

    Hi all, I'm using the JBOSS Forum Portlet and we've managed to configure/install it, but we have problems with the character encoding. The characters ¿ (open interra...
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    last modified by rmarmun
  • Problem in posting img tag in forums portlet

    Hi, I am having problem with jboss forum portlet. The forums works fine. But it does not support img tag. For example: The image is not getting renderd. can any one tell me how to post the image in the topic. Than...
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    last modified by senthilkumar.devan
  • MS SQL with Jboss Forums

    Hi everyone: I have installed Jboss forums 1.10 alpha in jboss portal 2.6.4 with MS SQL 2000, but it does not seem to work. Does someone know if the forums portlet will have MS SQL support?
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    last modified by darkwingedangel9
  • How to create categories dynamically?

    How can one create categories, topics, etc. dynamically, i.e. programmatically via code? Is there an API? Currently I'm trying to do this using class org.jboss.portlet.forums.impl.ForumsModuleImpl, I'm looking up vi...
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    created by holly77
  • group permissions on jsfActions

    Is it possible to do this in acl-permissions.xml file? <permission action="editPost"> <criteria for="editPost://ui"> param[0].poster.user.roleNames.contains("RESPONSIBLE") </criteria> </perm...
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    last modified by holly77
  • dynamic categorie / forum permission

    Hi all, I'm new with JBoss forums. We are planning to use JBoss Forums (together with JBoss Portal) for a seminar application. We are develpoping an application (portlet) for seminar management (Information + booking...
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    created by eichec
  • Script Error in IE while clicking Moderate button link

    Hi, Jboss Forum portlet is working fine. I am using jboss-forums-1.1.0Alpha-P2.6.4. It works find in the mozila and chrome(google) browser even in IE. But while clicking on Moderate button inside the forum i get scri...
  • Problem with "Add a Poll" feature when admin posts new topic

    Hi... I tried working with jboss forums and facing this problem...... the "Add Poll" feature is giving some problem................ When admin clicks on "Add Option" button(while posting a new topic with some Poll Que...
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    created by annu
  • Jboss forum configuration problem

    I have successfully deployed the jboss-forums.ear in the jboss-forums-1.0.0GA-P2.6.1 downloaded from jboss.org.My server.log is as follows. 12:39:26,234 INFO [EARDeployer] Init J2EE application: file:/D:/jboss/server...
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    created by ssidhanta
  • JBoss-forums on Portal 2.7.0 Beta 1?

    Is there a version of jboss-forums that runs under the 2.7 beta?
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    created by mdesignz
  • JBoss Forums 1.1.0 Alpha for Portal 2.6.4 Spanish Traslation

    I have translated ResourceBundles and image files into spanish language. Uploaded file: http://maicros.diinoweb.com/files/JbossForums1.1.0alpha-Spanish.zip Regards.
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    created by maicros