• Help with Install...

    JBoss AS 4.0.5 JBoss Portal 2.4 JBoss Forum 1.0.0 Beta P2.4 Put the forum ear in deploy...started up Jboss...logged into the Portal... The database tables get created... I can see that the Forum Porlet and JSF Foru...
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    last modified by indyjones
  • JBoss Forums vs JForum

    Hi! I'm trying to decide what Javabased phpBB clone I should go with - JBoss Forums or JForums? Wished that there was only one and so that efforts were joined... Anyway, if you are familiar with JForum and phpBB the...
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    last modified by jimisola
  • JBoss Forums 1.0.0 Beta released

    Dear Users, I would like to inform you that JBoss Forums 1.0.0 Beta has been released and is available : http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossforums/downloads Thanks too all of you who helped me with testing last releas...
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    created by unibrew
  • view and create topics only as Admin Problem

    Hi, I have the problem, that i only can view and create topics when i'm logged in as an admin (JBOSS admin/admin). When I log in as a normal user (user/user), i can't view the topics and also can't create new topics....
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    last modified by djmacpac
  • jboss-forums-2.2.2-CR1 distro broken ?

    I'm trying to install forums using jboss-forums-2.2.2-CR1 and get the following error when deploying: 2007-01-11 14:13:46,648 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.SARDeployer] create operation failed for package file:/C:/Prog...
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    last modified by tomslater
  • Only announcements are listed normal posts are not listed

    Hi, I am working on Forums functionality in JBoss Portal using JBoss Forums. I have deployed the forums portlet using the alpha version for 2.4(built subversion code). In the forums portlet I am able to create a cat...
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    last modified by anu123suya
  • Problem with JBoss 2.4 + JBoss Portal 2.6 DR1 + JBoss Forums

    i have JBoss 2.4 with ejb3 enabled. i install Jbosss Portal 2.6dr1 it works fine when i deploy Forums Portlet ( hot deploy ) and try to see this portlet i get : 13:02:07,170 ERROR [ControllerCommand] Rendering portle...
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    last modified by j0ke
  • Search not working past 1st page

    Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I assume JBOss is using the JBoss forum technology. I was wonderign why the search results never work past the first page. It gives some no topic messages when y...
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    last modified by ccanning
  • Correct software stack to get forums working

    Hi there, I'm trying to get a version of JBoss Forums running and am encountering some problems... Using: * Java version: 1.5.0_09,Sun Microsystems Inc. * JBoss [Zion] 4.0.5.GA (build: CVSTag=Branch_4_0 date=2006101...
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    last modified by alexburton
  • Error with Jboss Forums

    Hi I have integrated the Jboss AS 4.0.5 GA with Portal 2.4.0 and the JBoss Forums from the repositry. I get the following error when i try to view a post javax.portlet.PortletException: Change component/tag 'newTop...
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    last modified by thanvi
  • Jboss forum and Oracle 9i

    Hello, I am using Jboss portal 2.4 and the jboss forum that comes with it. Previously I was using it with MySQL 5 and it worked fine. Now I need to use it with Oracle 9i and I am having some issues. I can add a new ...
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    last modified by mmontoni
  • JBoss Forums 1.0.0Alpha for JBoss Portal 2.6 DR

    Hello I prepared JBoss Forums 1.0.0Alpha package for JBoss Portal 2.6 Developer Release for those who would like to test newest portal. ;-) Cheers ------------------------ Ryszard Kozmik JBoss Forums JBoss Labs Team
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    last modified by unibrew
  • JavaScript errors in viewforum_body.jsf

    When rendering viewforum_body.jsf in IE6, javascript errors are being thrown by the browser. This is making it impossible to get anywhere using the 'new topic' button
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    last modified by kbjorndahl
  • Search Functionality

    Hi, the forum portlet does not incorporate a "Search" functionality right now...I wonder when this will be available... Thanks! mariella.
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    last modified by mmontoni
  • IE compatibility issue

    Nice work you guys doing for JBoss Forums, I'm very impressed. Unfortunately most staffs in our company using IE for browser, and JBoss Forums for JBoss Portal 2.4 GA didn't work with it - I can't create new topic. I...
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    last modified by yuwono
  • I love jboss forums

    Hi,my friend.
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    last modified by ioriyagamilm
  • JBoss Forums 1.0.0 Alpha Release

    Dear All Last week I wrote to you a pre release report with information about recent work and last test deployment before release. Today I would like to announce JBoss Forums 1.0.0 Alpha release. :-) . During the ...
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    last modified by unibrew