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Thread Installing VFS* Protocol Handlers
Installing VFS* Protocol HandlersIn bringing the new bootstrap implementation to AS I've run into: Caused by: java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: vfsfile This was expected, as I'd opened an issue to manually initialize VFS when the s...
Thread Expensive calls to getDeclaredMethods while creating joinpoi
Expensive calls to getDeclaredMethods while creating joinpoiWhile working on performance improvement of EJB3 deployments (EJBTHREE-1800), i have been seeing that most of the time is spent in AOP (ex: finding annotations, creating interceptor chains etc...). The sample app tha...
webapp deployment objectsI have a deployer that needs information about a deployed webapp. Specifically things like its servlet context and context path. Currently we get this information by hacking around with specific pojo bean injections t...
Thread Caching of classes in BaseClassLoaderDomain
Caching of classes in BaseClassLoaderDomainApologies if this topic has been discussed/resolved elsewhere. TBH I'm sure it has. If so, please just tell me to go search. But in any case the implications are big enough that it seems worth another discussion. Dom...
Thread JBBOOT - Event listener and ServerInitializer APIs
JBBOOT - Event listener and ServerInitializer APIsMoving the email discussion with ALR, to the forum: "jaikiran" wrote: > Hi Andrew, > > > I was working on the JBBOOT-54 and had a few related questions: > > 1) In MCServer (impl-mc) what is the rig...
Thread Moving ServiceBindingManager config out of bootstrap
Moving ServiceBindingManager config out of bootstrapFor 5.1.0.GA, I'd like to move the SBM deployment out of the bootstrap. There's been discussion on the dev list of doing this for AS 6, since the ProfileService impl will support more fine-grained sub-profiles. But I ...
Thread Persisted mgmt edits not applied to AbstractBeanMetaData
Persisted mgmt edits not applied to AbstractBeanMetaDataI'm experimenting with applying edits via the ManagementView to ServiceBindingManager (see http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=154673 for changes I've made locally to set this up.) I'm fin...
Intercepting ManagedComponent ctorI'm not able to get the ManagedComponentImpl ctor intercepted if I add the following bootstrap xml to the aop.xml/AspectManager ctor:
<bean name="AspectManager" class="org.jboss.aop.deployers.AspectManagerJDK5"...
HDScanner scanPeriodAles has recently updated the hot deployment scanner so that it is also responsible for updating the temp copy of existing apps - people use this for being able to copy a new JSF etc. page and have the app show it wit...
VFS thread safety issuesIt is not very clear what the thread access semantics are supposed to be for the VFS. Can someone explain what the intended thread access patterns are supposed to be (i.e. which classes are supposed to be multi-thread...
Thread servlet-api.jar missing in JBOSS_HOME/client folder
servlet-api.jar missing in JBOSS_HOME/client folderStarting AS-5.0.1 GA, the javax.servlet.* classes were removed from jboss-javaee.jar. However the corresponding servlet-api.jar (which contains these classes) is not available in %JBOSS_HOM%/client folder. I guess we...
Thread MBeanRegistration (ProfileService test configuration shut d
MBeanRegistration (ProfileService test configuration shut dScott, I see that the profile service test configuration shut down > 10secs. This was just my first run. When I look in the log, I see 3 exceptions in unregistering mbeans. I paste one of them.
2008-10-10 11:25...
Thread Integration of Clustered DeploymentRepository in
Integration of Clustered DeploymentRepository inI've gotten a clustered DeploymentRepository working, providing functionality equivalent to (actually better than) the AS 4.x FarmService.[1] It's checked into trunk and Branch_5_x and is being tested via the tests-cl...
JSR-299 servlet injectionSection 5.12.3 of the JSR-299 specification requires that JSR-299 DI occurs for Servlets. As there are no specified hooks in Servlet to perform a post construct lifecycle callback, I have exposed an API in Web Beans w...
Thread AS 5 not reliably picking up changes in exploded EAR
AS 5 not reliably picking up changes in exploded EARHi guys, I'm opening this forum thread based on Ales request in https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6590 Kenneth found that when you use an exploded ear on AS 5 then: 1) Seam deployer causes a copy of resources...
Removing ClassLoading from jboss-bootstraphttps://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBBOOT-24 As it stands, Bootstrap is sensitive to arbitrary JARs on the application CP (and picked up by the extension ClassLoader). This becomes especially apparent when starting u...
Codesource URL on the embedded jarsScott/Adrian, we had some discussion on this last year. Basically in JBAS4.x, the codesource url is set to the top level deployment. As part of the VFS layer, we wanted the ability to set the CS at individual jars le...
JAXB DeployerI have an independent JAXB model for configuration from a separate project called as JBossXACML (which does not have any dependencies on JBossXB). As part of https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6607, I tried usin...
Annotation for MC beanI am trying to write a new annotation for MC beans similar to what the JMX/JndiBinding annotations do. I took a look at http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/microcontainer/trunk/aop-mc-int/src/main/java/or...
Explicit listing of Boot ClasspathCame across this while addressing: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6698 I was under the impression that anything in $JBOSS_HOME/lib should be on the boot CP. As such the ServerLoader in jboss-bootstrap constr...