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Thread AbstractParsingDeployerWithOutput->setName
AbstractParsingDeployerWithOutput->setNamehttp://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/jboss-deployers/tags/2.0.5.GA/deployers-spi/src/main/java/org/jboss/deployers/spi/deployer/helpers/AbstractParsingDeployerWithOutput.java There is a setName method that...
Thread Customizing attachment name in parsing deployers
Customizing attachment name in parsing deployersIs there any way by which the parsing deployers store metadata attachments in the deployment unit keyed in by a custom attachment name rather than the deployment type? Use case: There are 2 or more parsing deployers ...
EAR CL isolation is brokenWRT - https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6600 current impl of EarClassLoaderDeployer looks pretty much broken. From 5_0 branch
public void deploy(DeploymentUnit unit, JBossAppMetaData metaData) throws Deploy...
Locking in DeploymentRepositoryWhile fixing JBAS-6330 I saw I need a lock on the HDScanner as in 5_x we do check for modifications differently. (multiple profiles, hence multiple urls) I would need a lock on the HDScanner when Tools want to suspen...
Stable deployment API for toolsThe tools team is concerned that the profile service is too much of a moving target, and that they need a stable API & protocol that is BC across minor releases. Since their usage is limited to basic deployment (...
Clustered DeploymentRepository for 5.1I'll be posting here some FYI stuff re: what I'm doing to get a clustered impl of a DeploymentRepository working, specifically for 5.1. There's been a lot of demand for a Farm service replacement, so my 5.1 target is...
Thread Integrating platform mbeans into kernel bus?
Integrating platform mbeans into kernel bus?One thing I need to do is enable the KernelBusRuntimeComponentDispatcher to be aware of the platform mbeans. I can just code that knowledge directly into the KernelBusRuntimeComponentDispatcher, but is there a better ...
admin-console deployment errorsI'm trying to deploy the current embjopr admin-console.war trunk build against the current jbas5 Branch_5_x build and its failing with:
08:38:25,977 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/admin-console
Backing the Web Beans Application scopeCurrently we back the Web Beans Application scope with the servlet context, however this isn't sufficient as Servlet may not be available. The application context should available for the whole time the application i...
Thread Bringing the trunk profile service changes to 5_x
Bringing the trunk profile service changes to 5_xI took a look at merging the current trunk profile service changes into the Branch_5_x using just the 6.0.0.Alpha3 org.jboss.integration:jboss-profileservice-spi, but I see it has dependencies on updated deployer clas...
Removal of AS bootstrap modulehttps://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6476 "bootstrap" module of AS is set to be removed in favor of the standalone component: http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/bootstrap/trunk/ We've had dual sourc...
Thread jboss-threads brought into jbossas repository...
jboss-threads brought into jbossas repository......and I've mostly finished (locally) a basic integration of the deployer into AS 5.x. I'm probably going to finish it fully tonight, and then have a look around to see if there's anything that can/should be moved to ...
Our CL info toolingI guess we can build our OSGi-izing tools around this: - https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/TTALE-44 Or should we take some existing tool, like BND: - http://www.aqute.biz/Code/Bnd I guess the best way would be if...
State of JDK logging in jboss-logging-jdkThe jboss-logging-jdk module has three different implementations of java.util.logging.LogManager in it. Rather than adding a fourth, is it OK if I just replace org.jboss.logging.jdk.JBossJDKLogManager? In addition to ...
Logging integration requirementsI've posted the logging integration requirements in a Wiki article here: https://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-13346. If you have any comments or contributions, post them here or on the article. I'm developing thi...
Regression on VirtualFile.toURL()Because of a regression in VFS where virtualFile.toURL() used to return 'vfszip:/tmp/ejb3_pkg_scope.ear/ejb3_pkg_scope.jar' and is now returning 'vfszip:/tmp/ejb3_pkg_scope.ear/ejb3_pkg_scope.jar/' JPA deployers doesn...
Kernel beans initialization in JBossASWRT: - http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4210683#4210683 - https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6514 I'll create new kernel.xml file for bootstrap.xml. Or should I stick it into so...
Thread Getting hold of the real cause of a DeploymentException
Getting hold of the real cause of a DeploymentExceptionI'm trying to get hold of the real cause of a deployment failure (example shown below, I need to get the javax.inject.DefinitonException). I've tried deploying via JBossTestServices, and via the ProfileService. Both r...
Thread JBMETA-110: CreateDestination metadata feature / new metadat
JBMETA-110: CreateDestination metadata feature / new metadatWe need a way to add new vertical features without affecting the horizontal layers. For example CreateDestination required a change to metadata. It'll will also require a new annotation processor, but that one can (/s...
The DeploymentManager and ProfileServiceIt seems there were some more people struggling with the DeploymentManger interface, i'll would like to suggest some changes i was planning to do to make it a bit easier to use: The current way to use DeploymentManag...