• JBoss OSGi with WildFly 9

    Hi,   WildFly 9 is final (Link). Are there plans to provide an integration for it? Road Map (Link) so far does not cover it at all Last distribution of the installer bundle is 2.2.0 (Link) targeted at Wil...
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    last modified by mreasy
  • Osgi bundle cannot find osgi service

    I have 2 osgi bundles (say A and B) running in Jboss Fuse. I am using Felix. 'A' bundle exposes a service which 'B' bundle uses. When I deploy both these bundles there is no problem. When I execute osgi:ls -u, I see t...
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    created by c-ddhesh
  • Is there a way (API) to set start level for deployments bundles (for example: bundles in deployments folder)?

    Hello. Is there a way (API) to set start level for deployments bundles (for example: bundles in deployments folder)? I can not use https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/OSGi+subsystem+configuration#OSGisubsyste...
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    created by sofit
  • Startup exception

    Hello,   For your information, I get several exceptions like the following when starting up JBOSS OSGI 2.1.1 on Wildfly 8.0.0.Final.   2014-02-14 16:24:38,273 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail](MSC service...
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    last modified by andrew_scully
  • OSGI Bundle using jboss module

    Hi all,   I need to create a new OSGI Bundle with Jboss Module Dependency. Is it Possible?   If in my manifest I insert Bundle-ClassPath, I refer to internal jar, right?   Help me please   Than...

    Hi! I have a question : lets say I have an EJB that's implementing "helloworld " from an OSGI bundle and during the runtime what happens if I stop the bundle and start another one? Thank you! Zubair
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    created by zubs1366
  • org.jboss.osgi.metadata missing?

    Hello,   This is somewhat of a follow up to Shipping Wildfly with Jboss OSGI   If I install the patch which can be found at... Index of /nexus/content/groups/public-jboss/org/jboss/osgi/wildfly/jbosgi-wil...
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    last modified by andrew_scully
  • Shipping Wildfly with Jboss OSGI

    Hello,   As has been widely reported, Wildfly (JBOSS AS 8) is not shipping with the OSGI subsystem built in, as it did in in AS 7.   This has the obvious practical implication that the application develope...
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    last modified by andrew_scully
  • [ClassLoader of OSGi] HBase Client API in JBossOSGi

    Hello,every one!   My team now get a Apache HBase problem when we integrating it with OSGi. The deatil is that we first setup a server side out of OSGi,then build a bundle,in which we use HBase client API to c...
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    created by wuxiaowei
  • Use thread pool in OSGi

    Hi,I now have a problem with thread pool in Jboss 7.1.1 Final OSGi. I can config it in standalone.xml or through the Admin web console, As I have saw some documents said that the thread pool is not putted into the ...
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    last modified by wuxiaowei
  • JBoss OSGi Bundle with Hibernate

    Hello,   am trying to create a osgi bundle with hibernate that runs inside Jboss-OSGi enviroment(JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final). I have tried different configurations but without success. Has anyone tried something sim...
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    created by kemot
  • OSGI - handling 3rd party JARs and their dependencies

    I'm new in OSGI development and am struggling to understand how best to handle dependent JARs. i.e. if I'm creating a bundle the likelihood is that I will need to use a few 3rd party JARs. When I create my bundle JAR...
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    created by anuragvr
  • Load module from OSGi bundle (JBoss EAP 6.1.0.Alpha1)

    iI have a bundle that used infinispan. In the manifest i have insert this entry Dependencies: org.infinispan but during the deploy i receive java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.infinispan.manager.CacheContainer err...
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    last modified by execretor
  • Is JBoss OSGi 2.0 support Spring

    I have a project use spring-dm and spring 3.x in equinox , and I want move it to jboss osgi framwork . Lots of errors when I use spring jars as bundles in Jboss OSGi 1.X . Is there anyone have the same problem like me...
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    created by 1007991403
  • Can javax.servlet.Filter implementations be used with the OSGI HttpService in 7.2.0.Final

    We are trying to use filters with a OSGi WAB deployment in JBoss AS 7.2.0.Final   Is the whiteboard mechanism for javax.servlet.Filter supported by the OSGi HTTPService over JBoss Web ? If so, an example working...
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    last modified by ejroberts
  • Jbosgi failing to build due to missing dependency

    Hi.   I tried to build jbosgi from github head now and I got a error due a missing jar: wildfly-controller-client-8.0.0.Alpha2-SNAPSHOT.jar   I search for this Alpha2 and it was not published into jboss ma...
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    last modified by cvgaviao
  • .gitmodules ?

    In the following wiki page is https://github.com/jbosgi/jbosgi#building-from-source is stated that we should setup the git submodules.   But I can't see any .gitmodules file on the repository.   Is this re...
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    last modified by cvgaviao
  • JBoss AS 7.2.0.Alpha : Spring, Gemini Blueprint and WAB association

    Hello guys,   I'm using gemini blueprint in a WAB to discover services exposed by somes bundles deployed on JBoss OSGi container and all works fine, expect the reference-listener on the service consumed. Here's...
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    created by matiou
  • OSGi Roadmap first half 2013

    Folks,   I've just come back from the AS8 planning meeting in Brno. It was once again very inspiring and great to see so many colleagues/friends that I hadn't seen for a while.   Here is a set of stuff th...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • Provisioner service and feature deployment

    Service Definition  The Provisioner is a service that allows a client to specifiy a set of abstract requirements to be satisfied by the runtime. It has the complete view of Capabilities installed in the runtime ...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler