• Portlet communication in multiple wars?

    Hi there,   I am using below server & configs.   JBoss EPP 4.3.0 Portletbridge 1.0 Richfaces 3.2.0     We have multiple wars deployed on server. one is for Login and few other activities a...
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    last modified by yshashidhar
  • https starting up on wrong port

    I have this specification in deploy/jboss-web.deployer/server.xml <Connector port="24443" address="${jboss.bind.address}" maxThreads="100" strategy="ms" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" emptySessionPath="true" SSLEnabl...
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    last modified by advaittrivedi
  • Jboss Portal Installation 2.7.2 - Newbie Issues

    Hi Just started working on Jboss Portal 2.7.2. Facing an issue with the installation. I've configured mysql 5 with the portal. 7 tables have been created in the database. When I start the server again, it displays th...
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    last modified by namrata.hangal
  • Portal in JBoss 5.1.x

    Is Jboss Portal still supported in JBoss 5.1.x? I tried to install it through this document:   http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JBossPortalonAS5   But compiling JBoss Portal from:   http://anonsvn.jbos...
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    last modified by sviluppatorefico
  • Jboss Portal + Richfaces 3.0 + Primefaces - Will it work?

    Hi there   Well, let me come to the point straight forward. We are using Jboss Portal server 4.3_05, Richfaces 3.0 in our project. Life is good so far.   We would like to have the feasibility to resize d...
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    created by yshashidhar
  • Override portlet security

    Hi,   I have jboss portal application deployed as myapp.war file. WAR contains all XMLs files like -object.xml, -instances.xml and other required XML files.   I have copied myapp.war in deploy folder. It h...
  • Error in production environment

    Hi everyone,        I am using JBOSS Portal 2.7.0 with icefaces. I don't have a direct connection with a database, instead I use webservices.        The problem that...
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    created by mkmatamoros
  • Jboss Portal Server caching render-view

    Hi -   I am using jboss portal 2.7.0, seam 2.2.1, and richfaces 3.3.3.  If I go to a page from the tabs on the top with required='true' on a widget and click save.  The page says 'Field is required'...
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    created by todd123
  • jboss portal 2.6.8 CMS lock

    I have been using jboss-portal 2.6.8 in production for a while.   Performance is really good except for when savings are made to the CMS. (I'm using the default Jackrabbit CMS that comes with jboss-portal.2.6....
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    created by ttiicc2009
  • Server error 403 when accessing a page without access

    Hi All,   I have recently joined JBoss portal community and I am looking forward for a great working experience here.   I have setup my portlets, instances and objects in the xml files. Where one of my pag...
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    last modified by dwarak_cit
  • How to suppress "Server Credentials required" screen in Eclipse

    I have 2 machines Machine A has "jboss community 5.0" Machine B has "jboss EAP 4.3"   On machine B, I am trying to start the "JBOSS eap 4.3 runtime server" from eclipse. However I always get this warning messa...
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    last modified by baabaa
  • WCM and portal integration

    Hi   We just finished one project with IBM Portal 6.1 and IBM WCM  6.1. Honestly I wasn't too happy how those two products were integrated.  Biggest problems were that WCM navigation and portal navigat...
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    created by 980933
  • Removing JBoss Portal Window Titlebar

    Hi there,   I have a requirement where in I have to remove Portlet window titlebar completely. It should not be visible and the contents inside the portlet should appear as is.   Not sure how to achieve th...
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    last modified by yshashidhar
  • Problem  in configuring IIS with  JBoss

    Hi All,   We are facing issue configuring JBoss Portal application with IIS. We have developed a JBoss portal application which is running successfully on JBoss portal server. Now we configure JBoss portal appli...
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    created by deepaksbhatia
  • help: error in javax_portlet_faces_GenericFacesPortlet

    when many users view pages at the same time, errors:   Thanks for your help. i'm wait here......     2010-05-22 22:41:56,883 ERROR [http-][org.jboss.portal.portlet.container.javax_...
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    last modified by yelan_gatein
  • Portal/Portlet - IDE

    Can anyone point me to follow an example -step-to-step guide to create Portal and Portlet using   JBOSS INtellij Idea (latest 9.0 version) JSF Maven
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    created by shelly2010
  • Test service in Jboss portal

    Hello.  I have a question, I have tests for service. Need find way to run these tests in the jboss context.  Please tell my how to do it.
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    created by mrgrechkinn
  • VFSZIP problem ?

    Hi, I have this situation, using jersey with restful webservices. My web.xml has among others things these lines: ... <context-param> <param-name>org.restlet.application</param-name> <param-v...
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    last modified by blopes
  • Newbie Jboss EJB questions

    1. Is there a way to use the debugger to debug EJB beans or webservices inside Eclipse-Jboss? Not the client code. I want to know about the server code(using the log files is an option, but I want to know about the de...
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    created by baabaa
  • Jboss Cluster on same network does not identify each other

    Hi all,   I'm trying to setup a cluster with two Jboss 5.0.1.GA instances (initially) on two different machines sharing same network and have STATIC IP been assigned. When I start those instances using:   ...
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    created by sasidev