• benchmark

    Hello world,   Are the benchmarks (http://docs.jboss.org/jbossremoting/docs/benchmark/performance_benchmark.html) still relevant for jboss-5.1.0?   Btw, would it be possible to get the source code implemen...
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  • Encrypt SSL KeyStorePassword in remoting-sslbisocket-service.xml

    Hello,   I am using jboss 5.1 GA.   I would like to encrypt the ssl keystore password in the remoting-sslbisocket-service.xml of jboss messaging. This xml contains the following mbean configuration. This x...
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    last modified by massios
  • Help!!! ON Jboss and IIS 6 ISAPI

    Please i need a huge favour from any Jboss IIS User and idea that could help will be appreciated cos...i have been trying to redirect request from IIS to an EAR (homepage.ear) file delpoyed in Jboss-5.1.0.GA in the de...
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    last modified by vtech005
  • Can not get connection to server. Problem establishing socket connection for InvokerLocator

    hey ,   Currently I have a problem with my Jboss server . i'm trying to invoke some livecycle EJB from remote Host but i get this error :     com.adobe.idp.um.api.UMException| [com.adobe.livecycle.us...
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    last modified by nfahem
  • ClassCastException under heavy load

    Hi,   I'm looking at the same problems as described here: http://community.jboss.org/thread/111357   Under heavy load ClassCastExceptions are thrown.   The situation: 2 ears on one server (4.2.3, j...
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    last modified by cornhoolio22
  • LeasePinger, sessionId, jboss messaging

    Hi,   We're experiencing intermittent connection issues with jboss messaging. Client jboss app server 4.2.3.GA jboss messaging 1.4.5.GA jboss remoting 2.2.3.SP3   Server jboss app server 4.2.3.GA jbo...
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    last modified by mark_v_torres
  • Jboss5.1 - JMS and Linux Heartbeat - server return the real IP and not the VIP

    Hi, I've got an HA system, using linux HA (heartbeat).   2 machines:      node1 =      node2 =   and the Virtual IP (VIP) is &...
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    last modified by kobiianko
  • Remoting 2 bug: No reuse of ClientInvoker with params invokerDestructionDelay and socketFactoryClassName

    Hello,   I think I found a bug in InvokerRegistry.createClientInvoker(InvokerLocator locator, Map configuration) which leads to superflous instances of ClientInvoker (and therefore no reusing of an existing one)...
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    last modified by qliphot
  • Unable to find Remoting services in Jboss 5.1.0

    dhaval joshi wrote:   Hi   My project was eariler deployed on  Jboss 4.2.2 and now we are migrating towards jboss 5.1.0, We used Jboss  remoting  in Jboss 4.2.2 and so we  edited Jb...
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  • Using sockets from JBoss AS?

    Hi, I am writing a web-app using the Seam Framework that needs to talk to a musical programming application called MaxMSP.   It seemed to me that JBoss Remoting was a good solution for this, and I have a standa...
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  • JBoss Remoting 3 in JBoss AS 6.0.0.GA?

    Hi!   We are writing on an article about the JBoss AS6 and have the following questions to you: Which version of JBoss Remoting will be part of the JBoss AS 6.6.0.GA? The current version of JBoss Remoting 3 is a ...
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  • Starting jboss using -b

    Hello,   When i start jboss-4.2.3.GA with option -b  from another machine i cant access ejb which is deployed , but when i start jboss-4.2.3.GA with using option -b <ip of server> it works fin...
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  • Jboss 4.2.3.GA Configuration for client to call ejb

    Hello, I am using following environment in my project: JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA JBoss ejb 2.x (but on 3 is the same problem i have) Swing for client Server and client are running on different machines in local ne...
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  • sslservlet transport - too many client / server round trips for single invocation

    HI All,   I am using remoting 2.5.1 with JBoss 5.1.0   I have setup sslservlet transport for my EJB2 beans. The invocation from the client side works fine. Invocation URL https://serverName:443/unified-in...
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  • JBoss Remoting and JBoss AS 6

    Hi folks, I'd like to investigate the use of Remoting on JBoss for a large project with many different technologies. We are currently using JBoss AS 6 but it looks like there is no Remoting available for JBoss AS 6. ...
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  • JBoss Remoting upgrade

    Hi,   We are using JBoss 5.1 with JBoss Remoting 2.5.1 acting as a JMS subscriber.   We decided to upgrade to JBoss Remoting 2.5.2SP3 but due to various reasons we can't replace jars in $JBOSS_HOME/client an...
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  • JBoss remoting integration with legacy systems

    Hi, I need implement a server socket to do integration between 3 systems implemented in languages diferent (C#, Delphi). I already implemented all functionality (existe thread in this functionality ) in one desktop a...
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  • Configure Local port for client socket

    Hi All, My clients and  servers will have a firewall between them, How do  I set localports for  the client socket?  The reason if the ports are added in the firewall  exception list, I shoul...
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  • bind options

    I'm using 4.2.3 and I have an issue with connecting my client via RMI   I wish to bind my server to the hostname so that the client can then use this information to connect back. If I do bind to host I notice th...
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    last modified by crazycradd
  • SSL calls thru a proxy with authentication?

    Hi! Have to pass a bluecoat proxy with authentication to make client SSL calls from my application to an external webservice. Running solaris, jdk5 and jboss_4.0.5.GA. Version 1.4.3.GA accoding to the jboss-remoting....
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