• JBoss ESB issue

      "Gowri" wrote: I am using JBOSS ESB socket listener in my project. I tried to connect to the server with this socket listener (JBR-Socket ) using a simple java client program which uses Socket API to make the ...
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    created by ron_sigal
  • J2EE remote client HTTP tunneling

    I've got a swing client that's making EJB calls and listening to JMS topics in my JBoss app server. I get the server JNDI and do remote proxy lookups for EJBs, JMS Topics, and the JMS Connection Factory. All of this ...
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    last modified by bwarren
  • Help Me

    ERROR [ServerThread] Worker thread initialization failure java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: socket write error at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketO...
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    last modified by songrouchen
  • Infinite lock in MicroSocketClientInvoker

    I am running 2 Jboss Nodes (4.2.3GA) in a cluster with Jboss Messaging (1.4.2 SP1) and Jboss remoting ( 2.4.0SP1). Now problem is that if I unplugs the network cable the clients get hanged. When I try to dig out the ...
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    last modified by mayankmit2002
  • Remoting release 2.5.2 is available

    Remoting version 2.5.2 is available. It features * Introduction of "connection identity" concept; * introduction of write timeout facility; * improved reliability for callbacks in bisocket transport; * improved t...
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    created by ron_sigal
  • Remoting release 2.2.3.SP1 is available

    Remoting version 2.2.3.SP1 is available. It features * Introduction of write timeout facility; * improved reliability for callbacks in bisocket transport; * improved treatment of invocation retries in socket and b...
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    created by ron_sigal
  • port problem on windows embedded pos

    Hello! I am currently working on a java ee project and we use Jboss as the application server. The server should run on windows xp, linux and also on windows embedded for point of sale (i know it is a funny choice)....
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    last modified by urspanda86
  • Problem running with Maven

    I've been playing around with remoting and developed some tests. These all run fine in the same environment as delivered by the 2.5.1 download. I now need to integrate this work into the main project which uses Maven...
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    last modified by eric.rotick
  • is JBoss remoting good choice for me ?

    Hi, I'm facing a problem of implementing communication between JBoss server and java standalone (WebStart) application. What I have to do is generally sending a few object serialized to XML (2mb each) and save them in...
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    last modified by maestr0
  • invoker locator config vs. request metadata params

    In reading 5.4.11. HTTP(S) Client Invoker - proxy and basic authentication of the docs here: http://www.jboss.org/file-access/default/members/jbossremoting/freezone/docs/guide/2.2/JBoss_Remoting_Guide.pdf it gives a...
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    last modified by mazz
  • TransporterClient threaded port

      "cuthbe" wrote: How do I configure a remoting service to run on a single port but handle multiple client connections. No configuration is necessary. Remoting servers use a ServerSocket which can accept multi...
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    created by ron_sigal
  • Weird port number on connection fail

    We are running JBossAS 4.2.2 with JBM 1.4.4. Recently we experience a problem and I am trying to track it down. It appeared to be a network issue in that we got the following in the log: 2009-08-25 10:45:22,902 ERRO...
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    last modified by chipschoch
  • Pass a custom object into callback handler

    All I have configured a remoting handler and callback, but what I want to do is pass in a custom object when I call addlistener can this be done ?
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    last modified by cuthbe
  • Callback Identification

    Hi, I am wanting to implement a push callback facility whereby on the server, I have multiple callbacks for which the callback payload is to be destined for. What I require is to be able to on the server, distinguish...
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    last modified by dingwa
  • Socket invocator and long transactions

    Looks like there is some problem with long running transactions when used with socket invocation. I found that no matter what I will specify for transaction time out I get exception from server for trying to call sta...
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    last modified by doychin
  • Socket Timeout?

    Is there a property that can be set for JBoss remoting that will set a socket response timeout in a way similar to the "sun.rmi.transport.tcp.responseTimeout"property for Sun's rmi implementation? Basically we would l...
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    last modified by klester
  • HTTPUnMarshaller and InvocationResponse objects

    Hi there. We encountered something that appears to be a bug when using JBR client to a JBR Server (http). In the above scenario, the JBR server returns an InvocationResponse to the JBR client (if the user-agent star...
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    last modified by tfennelly
  • Writing a custom invoker howto?

    Sorry if I'm in the wrong forum, but I've been trying to find some information on how to extend and write my own custom invoker. For example, I've created a ClientFactory which returns my ClientInvoker. My ClientInvo...
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    last modified by mbeierl
  • Problem with remote JBM access from applet running on conflu

    Hi, I encountered problem in making remote JBM connection to jboss-5.0.0.GA from an applet client that is residing inside atlassian confluence 2.7.3. Somehow, the problem is related to MarshallerEditor.class. Below is...
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    last modified by kweeboo
  • Help with HA Remoting with JBoss

    I've looked over all the remoting examples and they make sense to me and run no problems. I'm trying to use the "detection" examples that use JNDI. However, I need to use the HA-JNDI instance from with JBoss (4.2.2). ...
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    last modified by jgamache