• cleaning up server side callback handlers

    With regards to JBREM-117, need a way for server side callback back handlers to clean up when detect client callback servers are dead. This only applies to push callbacks where try to deliver callbacks to remote callb...
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    last modified by tom.elrod
  • log.isTraceEnabled()

    One other (easy) change I would really appreciate being in remoting before jboss messaging 1.0 is released, is, (in SocketClientInvoker and SocketServerInvoker especially) is to use the following idiom: public void...
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    last modified by timfox
  • SocketWrapper.checkConnection

    Hi- I noticed that checkConnection is called immediately before any invocation is made. This seems to write a byte to the socket outputstream then flushes it. If the invocation itself is small enough to fit in one t...
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    last modified by timfox
  • remaining issues with multiplex transport for 1.4.0 final re

    As I understand it, there is one (and only one) remaining issue with multiplex transport in regards to use within the JBoss Messaging project. This issue is that the local invoker is not used to make direct, by refere...
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    last modified by tom.elrod
  • dynamic classloading

    JBossRemoting currently has the ability to dynamically load classes from the server that do not exist on the client's classpath. This is only enabled when the server is configured with a loader port (see http://labs.j...
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    last modified by tom.elrod
  • Dependency on coyote.jar

    I have tested JBossRemoting/head integrated with Head, and I realized something. Due to the recent changes on HTTPInvoker, HTTPLocator is loading transporters for HTTP which is depending on coyote.jar (and some other...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • TransporterClient exception handling

    Since the transporters use the Java reflection API to make remote calls and the "invoke" method of the class "Method" wraps all user defined exceptions of the underlying method in an "InvocationTargetException", I thi...
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    last modified by mabacro
  • Serialization/Marshalling problem

    I'm obviously doing something wrong but can't work it out, perhaps one of you guys can help me out. I am attempting to send an Invocation (actually an org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation) from client to server u...
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    last modified by timfox
  • Trying to use multiplex to implement UIL2 style transport

    One of our critical tasks in JBoss Messaging is to have a "UIL2" style transport - with this transport sockets are only created from client to server, and the same socket is used for communication from server to clien...
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    last modified by timfox
  • Multiplex transport performance.

    Hi guys The multiplex docs state that the performance of the multiplex transport is between about 2 and 9 times "slower" than normal sockets depending on what you're doing. Does "slowness" here refer to a reduction ...
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    last modified by timfox
  • Callback for transport progress notification

    I was looking for a way to implement some kind of transport progress notification. When a large amount of data being transfered in either direction (to/from the server) I'd like to register a "ProgressListener" to rem...
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    last modified by llucifer
  • transport progress notification

    There is a jira issue (JBREM-103) requesting ability to provide progress notification while sending a payload to the server. While I don't think would be practical to have this build in for most client to server invoc...
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    last modified by tom.elrod
  • Progress Feedback In Remoting

    Hello, I have an interesting question. Currently I am developing an RCP using eclipse. Having been amazed with eclipse's user feedback framework with progress monitors, I would like to implement the same monitors fo...
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    last modified by hceylan
  • JBoss Remoting TransporterClient

    I'm currently analyzing JBoss Remoting, because I want to use it in a customer project here in Germany. Particularly interesting are the TransporterClient and TransporterServer classes. During my first tests I notice...
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    last modified by mabacro
  • JBAS-2523 - "Unified" naming context factory

    Discussion thread for: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-2523 My comment on an earlier discussion on the dev-list On Tue, 2005-09-13 at 16:49, Scott M Stark wrote: > Moving all of the other org.jboss.naming...
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    created by adrian.brock
  • StreamCorruptedException in DTM testcase

    I am getting weird a java.io.StreamCorruptedException in a DTM testcase. This is a recent thing, it started to happen after a CVS update. A stack trace is included below. To reproduce the problem in a JBoss QA lab bo...
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    last modified by reverbel
  • Server side connection clean-up

    In JBoss Messaging we want to clean-up server side connection resources when the connection from the client fails, e.g. the client dies. On the client side, we can hook into connection failure using addConnectionList...
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    last modified by timfox
  • remoting vs raw transport performance

    There was a jira issue logged (JBREM-195) that pointed out the performance difference between raw rmi calls and rmi calls using remoting. Although the performance is better now, it spurred me to write some tests to co...
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    last modified by tom.elrod

    If you want to help with the development or discuss the design of the Remoting you are in the correct place. If you are asking for help, go here: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewforum&f=222 ...
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    created by adrian.brock
  • JBAS-2237: Discussion

    Comment by Scott M Stark [09/Sep/05 12:13 PM] Delete [ Permlink ] The stack trace and message look consistent to me. You appear to have used an invalid naming url for the current InitialContextFactory and its parsing ...
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    last modified by adrian.brock