• Remoting and ClassLoader domains don't mix

    JBoss Remoting unmarshalls the entire request before it dispatches the request. A big problem with this is when you are dispatching to a different, non-default, classloader domain in that the parameter classes may not...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • Remoting 3 API Approach Proposal

    After spending some time looking over JIRA, forums and the various wiki articles posted by other interested parties, I've come up with my own take on the Remoting 3 API. http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=ANewA...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • New release?

    Hi all, I have been trying to find out whether a release exists that fixes http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBREM-658, which is marked as fixed in v2.2.0beta1. I cannot find any release called v2.2.0beta1 anywhere t...
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    last modified by minfrin
  • Fully asynchronous invocation

    In my wiki article, I talked about using a Future to represent the future result of an invocation in the event of a non-blocking request-reply invocation. One limitation of Future is that it doesn't provide any means ...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Remoting 3 Security

    Some random thoughts about security in Remoting 3. Authentication - SASL looks like a good option to support client authentication. The API makes it look pretty easy. I know that SRP was proposed at one point as well...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • JBREM-433 - Point-to-multipoint, JGroups

    The question is - how can we provide a point-to-multipoint request-reply mechanism. I guess the easy answer is JBREM-48 - just have a JGroups transport. I think that there could be a couple more types of session: * ...
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    created by dmlloyd
  • Sharing connections and classloading

    It should be possible for all traffic between two Remoting endpoints to share a single connection for all communication (assuming a transport that uses TCP or similar). However an exception to this is that in order to...
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    created by dmlloyd
  • JBossCX -- JBossJCA and Remoting

    It has been proposed to combine the JBossJCA and JBossRemoting projects into a single project. This project with the tentative name JBossCX would be a new home for * JBossJCA * JBossRemoting * Any shared connectivi...
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    last modified by weston.price
  • New blocking mode for pul callbacks

    Remoting has a new callback polling mode, in response to the forum thread http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3990104#3990104. In the original mode, now known as "nonblocking" mode, org.j...
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    created by ron_sigal
  • JBREM-645: Need to cleanup locatorURI parsing

    It looks like adhering strictly to RFC 2396 "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax" will entail semantic changes to InvokerLocator. The example I see is the treatment of the path component. By definition,...
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    last modified by ron_sigal
  • http-invoker and authentication info

      "dsengupt" wrote: "dsengupt" wrote: Hi, I'm trying to use the http-invoker to call EJBs from my Applet. However, it looks like everytime i try to do a JNDI lookup and call the EJB, a new Http Session is being ...
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    last modified by dsengupt
  • JBREM-63, configuration pojofication

    "ron.sigal@jboss.com" wrote: My interpretation is that I should just get rid of the code in Connector that parses the "config" element. It looks like JBossXB can unmarshal all of the constructs in the Connector mbean...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • JSR 203 - More New I/O APIs for the JavaTM Platform

    The Early Draft Review Specification for JSR 203 - More New I/O APIs for the JavaTM Platform ("NIO.2") is now available for Review from the list of Early Draft Reviews page http://jcp.org/en/jsr/stage?listBy=comm...
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    created by starksm64
  • Remoting 3 - requirements

    Based on recent conversations, seems like there is enough interest in remoting 3 to start working on it in earnest. The biggest reason for remoting 3 is the fundamental change from being RPC based to being async messa...
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    last modified by tom.elrod
  • 2.2.0.GA/component-info.xml still depends on tomcat 5.5.15

    The remoting/2.2.0.GA/component-info.xml is still declaring a dependency on the apache-tomcat 5.5.15 container: <import componentref="apache-tomcat"> <compatible version="5.5.15"/> </import> ...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • jboss/remoting 2.2.0.Alpha7 not compatible with jboss5

    The dependency on apache-tomcat in the 2.2.0.Alpha7 version makes this incompatible with the jboss5 jbossweb-2.0.0 version: <!-- Only need the apache-tomcat jars tomcat-apr.jar, tomcat-coyote.jar, tomcat-http.ja...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Bisocket control connection failure

    Discussion of: http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBREM-726 When using the bisocket transport the creation of non control tcp connections is done in a retry to loop to prevent failures which may happen when trying to...
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    last modified by timfox
  • Bisocket server invoker NPE

    We are seeing the following exception intermittently in JBM: 12:20:32,765 WARN @Timer-1 [BisocketServerInvoker] org.jboss.remoting.transport.bisocket.BisocketServerInvoker$ControlMonitorTimerTask@ce796: detected f...
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    last modified by timfox
  • TransporterClient lacking create wrappers

    Is it just me or does anyone else notice that TransporterClient.java seems to lack coherent constructors and create methods. just today i added this very simple "hack" createTransporterClient method as there seemed t...
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    last modified by bord
  • Invalid error logging

    I'm seeing errors like the following from the remoting layer since the latest version updates in trunk: 12:34:20,129 ERROR [ServerThread] SocketServerInvoker[].invoke() cal l failed: Failed to find temp...
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    last modified by starksm64