• Running the transaction manager (and recovery manager) in an environment with automatic provisioning - a discussion

    We have had contact recently requesting guidance on the best way to structure transaction manager deployments in environments where nodes are provisioned and fully discarded dynamically.   Here are the restricti...
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    last modified by tomjenkinson
  • Outcome when JTA::commit with a single resource throws XAER_RMFAIL out of commit

    A query was recently raised about the correct semantics to apply if an XAResource raises XAER_RMFAIL out of a commit one phase.   The method in question is: https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/transaction...
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    last modified by tomjenkinson
  • Periodic recovery thread in Java EE

    Hello,   I have been working on Compensations recovery when I ran into an issue with PeriodicRecovery. Since it is implemented as a subclass of Thread, it does not allow to access JNDI which is crucial for compe...
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    last modified by gytis
  • Different behaviour of JTA and JTS when network failure occurs

    Hi,   I have another inquiring question on difference between JTA and JTS behaviour. It's case of connection failure when transaction manager is completely disconnected from outside world. The XA resouces could ...
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    last modified by ochaloup
  • Using JDK 8 features in naryana

    We now compile on JDK 8 to accommodate some of our users and to take advantage of bug fixes etc. I am interested in getting feedback on what, if any, negative impact there would be on our users if we also started usin...
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    last modified by mmusgrov
  • TMFAIL vs. Xid

    Hi,   I'm looking at a scenario where the Enterprise Information System is expecting that it is notified with TMFAIL on the connection that actually had the error occur on it. Currently IronJacamar just "disasso...
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    last modified by jesper.pedersen
  • Nested Transaction Support

    Dear All,     When I was going through the nested transaction support in JbossTS - narayana 4.17.0 Final documentation , I am getting a bit confused. In the documentation of JbossTS it is mentioned that it...
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    last modified by rohitht
  • Narayana vJBug: Tuesday 12th May

    I would like to extend an invite from the JBoss Virtual JBug team for you to attend next weeks meet-up: http://www.meetup.com/JBoss-User-Group-Worldwide/events/222230057/   Join us online (or in person, if you a...
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    created by tomjenkinson
  • Narayana 5.1.1.Final released!

    Hello,   The Narayana team are proud to announce the release of Narayana 5.1.1.Final!   This was an early bug fix release to squash an issue discovered very late in the integration of Narayana 5.1.0 with...
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    created by tomjenkinson
  • ReaperMonitor usage

    Hi!   I'm trying to implement a listener implementing the ReaperMonitor interface, but I can't find the way to stablish the relation between the monitor an the TransactionReaper instance.   can anyone give...
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    last modified by hernanbolido
  • JBoss transactions with aspectj in a desktop app.

    Hi! This is my first post at this community, so i'll make my best try to explain myself.   I have a desktop app, that app needs to make (in the service layer) to do an update operation in two different tables,...
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    last modified by n3k0
  • Recording commit events into a a distributed binary log for consumption by an eventually consistent external client

    Hello all, I could use some design advice related to feeding a binary log of changes generated from an Hibernate/JPA application, typically deployed on WildFly (i.e. using Narayana).   We register a javax.trans...
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    last modified by sannegrinovero
  • What DB priveleges are needed by Arjuna Recovery Manager in JBOSS7.1.1

    I am constantly getting following error by recovery manager in JBOSS 7.1.1   11:24:30,821 INFO  [com.arjuna.ats.jta] ARJUNA016013: Rolling back < formatId=131077, gtrid_length=29, bqual_length=36, tx_uid...
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    last modified by ion_mayank
  • Requirement for an observer SPI for tracking thread-to-transaction association changes

    This is the follow up to the thread Re: Design Discussion: Changing the reaper to use setRollbackOnly() instead of rollback() where the requirement for a new SPI for clients such as JPA and IJ to listen for thread-to-...
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    last modified by mmusgrov
  • Issue using REST-AT

    Hi, i have following scenario based on the quickstarts: 2 different applications running on two Wildfly 8.2 (narayana-rts 5.0.0-Final) servers with the rts subsystem enabled . appA and appB thereof appA is the clien...
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    last modified by ajcmartins
  • new requirement for synchronization ordering (WildFly is delisting resources during Sychronization.beforeCompletion)

    To address a memory leak issue that occurred with some resources, WildFly is de-listing resources at (interposed) Synchronization.beforeCompletion time (this is IronJacamar doing the de-list).  However, the IronJ...
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    last modified by smarlow
  • TransactionManager.getTransaction() is returning transaction which is in aborted state

    Hi, I am using JBoss 4.2.1.GA and getting following error:   2015-03-09 00:42:40,621 1152889083 ERROR [org.xyz.Service] (Server-121 Error: org.xyz.ContextException: Unable to register.   at org.xyz.Sched...
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    last modified by jayantvaish5
  • blacktie :use and support ?

    Hello,   I have two questions about the use and support of blacktie component (XATMI protocol / TX)   1) Do you have any feedback on the use by customers using this technology ? (in production ?)   2...
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    last modified by gleysour
  • XTS behaviour when a server is suspending

    The wildfly team are adding a graceful shutdown feature https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/WildflySuspendAndResumeakaGracefulShutdown. The purpose of this suspend and resume feature is to allow a server to be taken out ...
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    last modified by mmusgrov
  • Design Discussion: Changing the reaper to use setRollbackOnly() instead of rollback()

    We are currently about to commence work on [JBTM-2079] Reaper mark tx rollback-only - JBoss Issue Tracker and are looking for community feedback on a couple of outstanding questions in regards the implementation. ...
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    last modified by tomjenkinson