• JBoss transactions with aspectj in a desktop app.

    Hi! This is my first post at this community, so i'll make my best try to explain myself.   I have a desktop app, that app needs to make (in the service layer) to do an update operation in two different tables,...
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    last modified by n3k0
  • Recording commit events into a a distributed binary log for consumption by an eventually consistent external client

    Hello all, I could use some design advice related to feeding a binary log of changes generated from an Hibernate/JPA application, typically deployed on WildFly (i.e. using Narayana).   We register a javax.trans...
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    last modified by sannegrinovero
  • What DB priveleges are needed by Arjuna Recovery Manager in JBOSS7.1.1

    I am constantly getting following error by recovery manager in JBOSS 7.1.1   11:24:30,821 INFO  [com.arjuna.ats.jta] ARJUNA016013: Rolling back < formatId=131077, gtrid_length=29, bqual_length=36, tx_uid...
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    last modified by ion_mayank
  • Requirement for an observer SPI for tracking thread-to-transaction association changes

    This is the follow up to the thread Re: Design Discussion: Changing the reaper to use setRollbackOnly() instead of rollback() where the requirement for a new SPI for clients such as JPA and IJ to listen for thread-to-...
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    last modified by mmusgrov
  • TransactionalFileIO

    Transactional File I/O in Java.  Summary Transactions are often used to structure activities within reliable software applications. In Java EE, business logic typically involves accessing transactional resource m...
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    last modified by jhalliday
  • Issue using REST-AT

    Hi, i have following scenario based on the quickstarts: 2 different applications running on two Wildfly 8.2 (narayana-rts 5.0.0-Final) servers with the rts subsystem enabled . appA and appB thereof appA is the clien...
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    last modified by ajcmartins
  • new requirement for synchronization ordering (WildFly is delisting resources during Sychronization.beforeCompletion)

    To address a memory leak issue that occurred with some resources, WildFly is de-listing resources at (interposed) Synchronization.beforeCompletion time (this is IronJacamar doing the de-list).  However, the IronJ...
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    last modified by smarlow
  • TransactionManager.getTransaction() is returning transaction which is in aborted state

    Hi, I am using JBoss 4.2.1.GA and getting following error:   2015-03-09 00:42:40,621 1152889083 ERROR [org.xyz.Service] (Server-121 Error: org.xyz.ContextException: Unable to register.   at org.xyz.Sched...
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    last modified by jayantvaish5
  • blacktie :use and support ?

    Hello,   I have two questions about the use and support of blacktie component (XATMI protocol / TX)   1) Do you have any feedback on the use by customers using this technology ? (in production ?)   2...
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    last modified by gleysour
  • TransactionMonitoringAndVisualization

    Transaction Profiling and Visualization  Overview of the Tool  The purpose of this project is to create a tool for profiling the status of in-flight and complete transactions. The main aims of the tool are ...
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    last modified by paul.robinson
  • Compensating Transactions: When ACID is too much

    I'm using this article as a place for the community to review a series of blog posts I'm preparing.   The plan is to base my JUDCon:Boston talk roughly on this series of blog posts. The code examples will demons...
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    last modified by paul.robinson
  • XTS behaviour when a server is suspending

    The wildfly team are adding a graceful shutdown feature https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/WildflySuspendAndResumeakaGracefulShutdown. The purpose of this suspend and resume feature is to allow a server to be taken out ...
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    last modified by mmusgrov
  • Design Discussion: Changing the reaper to use setRollbackOnly() instead of rollback()

    We are currently about to commence work on [JBTM-2079] Reaper mark tx rollback-only - JBoss Issue Tracker and are looking for community feedback on a couple of outstanding questions in regards the implementation. ...
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    last modified by tomjenkinson
  • Additional stats that you might find interesting?

    We are currently adding a few more stats to the items we are monitoring in Narayana as part of [JBTM-2341] Add two more statistics - JBoss Issue Tracker . We are posting this topic to solicit feedback from our communi...
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    last modified by tomjenkinson
  • Jboss TS Transaction propagation from Standalone Java Program to web service Stack

    I have a requirement to call the webservice deployed in one of the App server which supports jax-ws 2 standard  from the standalone program and perform some DB activity as well in the standalone Program. How can...
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    last modified by deepakms
  • Data inconsistency for XA transaction when db resource returns XAER_RMERR code for lost connection

    Hi,   I would like start discussion about scenario which ends with inconsistent data for XA transaction when XA resource returns XAException.XAER_RMERR and continues with commit.   This behaviour is agains...
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    last modified by ochaloup
  • Uses for HeuristicInformation

    We have an interface called com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.HeuristicInformation which provides information about what kind of heuristic a transaction participant generated and a method to return a reference to an o...
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    last modified by mmusgrov
  • JTA 1.2 - @Transactional, @TransactionalScope

    Hi,   As Narayana project supports JTA 1.2 (http://planet.jboss.org/post/narayana_is_now_jta_1_2_compliant) CDI annotations (@Transactional, @TransactionalScope)  and could be used outside of an EJB Contain...
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    last modified by cmoulliard
  • How to match JTS XAResourceRecord participants with a transaction

    We have a tooling request to show the participants of a JTS transaction (JBTM-2308 JTS participants are not showing up in the tooling) for a given store.   My plan was to read XAResourceRecords (record type /Co...
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    last modified by mmusgrov
  • Consolidating documentation pack?

    The documentation for our project is available here: Narayana Documentation 5.0.2.Final - JBoss Community   As you can see it consists of several downloads including multiple books, links to various JavaDocs an...
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    last modified by tomjenkinson