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Thread Handle exceptions in compensate
Handle exceptions in compensateHi, following the travel-agent quickstart, I'm trying to understand how to deal with exception during the transactions workflow. I'm especially interested in failures during the compensation. I am usin...
Thread CDI BeanManager cannot find an instance of requested type
CDI BeanManager cannot find an instance of requested typeFollowing the https://github.com/jbosstm/quickstart/tree/master/compensating-transactions/travel-agent quickstart, I am trying to introduce compensation-based transactions in the project I am working on. The project r...
Thread Deadlock seen with Narayana 5.0.4 and WildFly 8.2.1.Final
Deadlock seen with Narayana 5.0.4 and WildFly 8.2.1.FinalHi all, I do upgrade Narayana 5.0.0 on WildFly 8.2.1. Final to 5.0.4 to fix some issues. Now I am seeing a deadlock as below. The reaper thread is creating a deadlock against a DB reading thread. Found one Ja...
Working with Narayana in C++Hi, The Narayana website claims that it provides C++ bindings. I assume this means a C++ application can use Narayana as a Distributed Transaction Manager. I could not find any documentation of sample code aro...
Transaction Propagation with JBossNote: accompanying this article is example code located in the narayana git repo at github. To access the code use git to clone the narayana quickstart repo: git clone https://github.com/jbosstm/quickstart cd q...
Connection pooling for JBossTS NarayanaI'm using JBossTS (Narayana) version 5.2.9 Final. There is no supports for connection pooling through the TransactionDriver. Establishing new physical connection for every transaction will slow down my production serv...
Thread How to use jBoss Narayana for xts (Transnational WebService )
How to use jBoss Narayana for xts (Transnational WebService )Hello every body ,I'm working on jBoss Narayana product with wildfly 10 AS . i try to run "An Evening On the Town" example which exist in narayana-quickstarts-all / xts-demo- webservice which has some ...
Thread JTS vs. JTA transaction timeout behavior during 2PC prepare
JTS vs. JTA transaction timeout behavior during 2PC prepareHi guys, I have here another question on behavior of TM. Now it's about transaction timeout. I do have a test which simulates a transaction being timeouted during prepare phase of 2PC. In my case just prepare ...
Thread Behavior of transaction timeout defined on XAResource
Behavior of transaction timeout defined on XAResourceHi, if you don't mind this time I'm just curious. I'm now playing with tests of transaction timeout. I'm interested how the behavior of transaction timeout is expected to work when is defined for XAReso...
Thread Using TransactionManager with Quasar Fibers (Lightweight Threads)
Using TransactionManager with Quasar Fibers (Lightweight Threads)TL;DR I am trying to use the TransactionManager with Quasar Fibers. Essentially, in Quasar, fibers are lightweight threads which perform their execution through a fork-join pool. When a fiber blocks, quasar ca...
JTA.next input requestFor those not following the jta-spec mailing list a message was recently posted asking for input on the top priorities to work on for the next release of the spec. The message is over here: https://java.net/pr...
Thread How to understand Xid for inflow transaction
How to understand Xid for inflow transactionHi, Eventually I've got to start working on reproducer for https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-2579 (Throw XAException in XATerminator::commit if a wrapped resource fails transiently). I fight a little bit wit...
Thread How to manage TransactionalDriver connection in a DataSource
How to manage TransactionalDriver connection in a DataSourceHi, I'm trying to use the TransactionalDriver with a Tomcat JDBC DataSource. My problem is that sometimes, the next exception occurs :
java.sql.SQLException: ARJUNA017003: Checking transaction and foun...
Connection leak with PostgresHi, I'm using Narayana's JDBC TransactionalDriver with a Postgres XA datasource. My problem is that the connection are never closed. After some debug, I've found that if I'm adding a modifier, the conn...
Thread Feedback on Narayana Spring integration required
Feedback on Narayana Spring integration requiredI’d like to let everybody know that we have started working on providing better Narayana project integration with Spring. As a result of that, we’re planning to implement extra features to make Spring Fram...
Narayana STMHello; I started evaluating STM for a project I'm working on. It's very cool, being a very powerful model wrapped up a deceptively simple API.... I have a couple of questions I hope you can help me with. 1. ...
Thread Using Narayana JTA under Spring without an XA connection
Using Narayana JTA under Spring without an XA connectionAt one point in my company we went away from XA connections as we had issues with SQLServer 2008. They fundamentally wouldn't scale and were broken for our traffic volume at the time. We are now on SQLServer 2012, but...