• Exception caught while (preparing for) performing the invocation:  javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: In valid string sufix

    Hi   I need help with the below exception while consuming a web service. I use JBoss EAP 5.1. I am stuck with with this excpetion for 2 days can't proceed further so any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks...
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    created by santhanakum
  • How to set min thread pool?

    Im trying to set the min threads for http in /deploy/jbossweb.sar/server.xml         <Connector protocol="HTTP/1.1" port="8080" address="${jboss.bind.address}"    ...
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    created by meselfe
  • Help with download

    I have the following code that returns me the address of a temporary object. I need to open the browser window to select the location and name of the download. I am working with JSF 2.0 and Rich Faces. I have not fo...
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    created by murx66
  • basic question about getting console on webpage

    Hi,   This is very basic question from newbie.   I installed jboss on linux server. We are 4 developers in our team and each one wants to see server messages displayed on console. Is there any way to get t...
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    created by netcat
  • Purpose of jboss-webservice.xml only for jndi based services?

    Hi All,   I have a web application to which I want to limit the number of concurrent requests. For this. I did the MaximumPoolSize and MaximumQueueSize configurations and have set the BlockingMode to "abort" in ...
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    created by sanoj.prof
  • CDI cannot retrieve servlet responde using @Context annotation

    I have a jax-rs web service returning json, and I'd like to add cors headers to it. so I Have the following class: [...] import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; im...
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    created by opensas
  • how to access images from one war to another war file in Jboss 5.1

    Hi Frnds,   I want to put all the images, css, js ..etc files into one war called common.war. i want to use these images in another war files.Is there any solution?   Please help me if you know the solut...
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    created by sivarenati
  • getting java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException when i try to add Richfaces-ui-3.3.1.GA.jar in Jboss 5.1 GA server

    Hi Frnds,   I am trying to put all the richfaces jars in jboss/common/lib folder. It is working fine without richfaces-ui jar, if i added richfaces-ui jar it is showing the below exception.   Please help ...
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    created by sivarenati
  • Logs for rejected http post requests

    Hi All,   I have a Webservice which is deployed as a web-application in Jboss 5.1. I have to limit the number of requests that can be processed by my application.   I have set the maxPoolSize to "1" in jb...
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    created by sanoj.prof
  • Sharing session across web application .war

    I have two wars , that need to be deployed separatly. Since single user will use both the applications at same time, so we need to have common session across applications. Is this possible in Jboss.
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    last modified by milan.goel
  • Deploy the JBoss Native Connectors to JBoss Maven Repository

    I am wondering if you guys would mind deploying all the JBoss Native Connectors to the JBoss Maven Repository? I am currently using Maven to download JBoss distributions from the repository as part of our build proces...
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    created by jschultz
  • Increasing JBoss memory

    Hi all,   I'm currently working on a Windows server 2008(64bit) with 32GB of ram and totally dedicated to our JBoss server. We use JBoss5.1 and JDK and my problem is that I can't set up the xms and xmx in jboss/...
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    created by vegas2033
  • war file getting deployed but wsdl is not getting extracted

    hi,   am able to deploy the war file but the war is not generating the wsdl.....
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    created by ramzsys
  • Error in extracting the stubs from the wsdl. (by wsconsume)

    hi,     i have used the following command ... to generate the stubs from the wsdl       "wsconsume --v -k -p com.hp C:\JBOSS\jboss-soa-p.5.0.0\jboss-as\bin\VolumeCDR.wsdl""   its givin...
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    created by ramzsys
  • javascript calander examples

    Anybody know some good javascript calander examples that work in jboss
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    created by mschwery
  • problem occurs in jboss when two wars are deployed

    I have two wars deployed in jboss, A.war and B.war ,there is a threadpool in A.war,it can gernerates 45 threads when A.war has been deployed,and then it will be stated.and right now ,B.war cannot be accessed through I...
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    last modified by jack_chi
  • Error while trying to deploy: secure not found as a child of jboss

    Hi everybody,   I have installed jboss 5.1.0.GA.   I becomme an error while trying to deploy:   org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: Error creating managed object for vfszip:/opt/jboss-5.1.0.G...
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    created by solna
  • Virtual hosts?

    I have to ask because I can't get this straight in my head   In the file jboss-web.xml, the value you enter in the <virtual-host> tags is it suppose to be some sort of temporary hosts-file that's created?...
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    created by daver690
  • i encountered an issue when i trying to start up jboss, can someone help me?

    14:39:39,234 ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Real: name=vfsfile:/D:/PCE_Dev/Project/Runtime/jboss51/server/PCE/deploy/jca-jboss-beans.xml state=PreReal mode=Manual requiredState=Real org.jboss.de...
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    last modified by champin0904
  • JBoss Web Application and SSO

    Hello, i'm new in this jboss world and i'm wondering if an application developed for example with seam is able to integrate with some SSO solution ??? i have been working with Oracle products and there you can integra...
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    created by menjivar88