• WS-Trust STS callback provides expected password, but then global security domain checks it again, WHY?

    I have a working application that uses webservices using CXF with WS-Trust in JBoss 7. I have a client, sts, and server. Client wants to make web-service calls to server. Client provides CallbackHandler, which is ca...
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    created by okidoky
  • javax.inject.DefinitionException: import not a Java type

    All, I am trying to deploy webservices using CXF on JBoss5.1.0. Getting the below error. It works well in JBoss4.2.2. Any help is highly appreciated.... DEPLOYMENTS IN ERROR: Deployment "vfszip:/opt/DEPLOYMENTS/rs...
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    last modified by suresh.korlapati
  • @EndpointConfig ws security poblem in jboss7

    Hi I'm trying to secure my exisiting web services using WS-Security. I tried to follow the tutorial https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/JBWS/WS-Security but I just cant make it work - i'm stuck on the first part w...
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    last modified by michajil_tigrow
  • WS-Security client on JBoss7.1

    Hello,   I am trying to make WS-Security call on JBoss7.1 but I have no idea how to do that using CXF. I call Alfresco repository service, I generated client stubs, I am able to call authentication WS (does not...
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    created by ndario
  • JBoss EAP 5.1 - CXF 2.3.1 Client Implementation Issue

    All,   After solving my JBOSS 5.1 EJB issue, I came up with another show stopper.   We have a webservice module that was generated using CXF 2.3.1 WSDL2JAVA.  The client (another webservice) is throw...
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    last modified by limacon
  • AS7, WS-TrustWithJBossWS-CXFOnJBossAS71 sample: "None of the policy alternatives can be satisfied."

    I tried to get the sample found at https://community.jboss.org/wiki/WS-TrustWithJBossWS-CXFOnJBossAS71 to work on JBoss 7.1.1.Final, and ran into all kinds of trouble.   JBoss comes with CXF 2.4.6, and the sampl...
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    last modified by okidoky
  • providing a parent or shared spring context to jbossws-cxf

    Hi,   Is it possible to provide a parent context to jboss-cxf ? if yes How ?   I have many class in business layer of my application called by web services as well as @controller generated/invoked by Sprin...
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    last modified by aminem
  • Using multiple ports in JBOSS

    I have the requirement where i have two CXF service war files. here are the WSDL urls.  http://localhost:8080/ABCController/123?wsdl              htt...
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    last modified by kishor_pawar89
  • Jboss7/CXF/Spring

    Hello,   I have a web-service developed with CXF and Spring. I tried to deploy it with JBoss7 (with standalone-preview.xml) but a couple of warnings appeared   WARN  [org.jboss.as.ee.component.deploy...
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    last modified by nuno.martins
  • jboss-CXF secure conversation implementation and inter-operability with WCF client

    Hi, I am new to CXF. I have implemented web services with WS-security in axis2 before. I tried using jboss-metro releases but since it is not supported anymore by Jboss, I am exploring on CXF web service. Can I know...
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    created by aravindps
  • CXF SSL Client to Register an WS-T participant

    Hi!   I'm developing an application that needs to sync two different web services on both .NET and J2EE platform, using JBoss AS 7. I've already created all the WS-T stuff (MSTDC on .NET, WS-AT wsdl, JBOSSTS wit...
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    last modified by grunchitog
  • SchemaValidation anootation JBoss 6.1.0 (cxf 2.3.1-patch-01)

    We have problem migrating our webservice to JBoss 6.1.0, the service deploys fine but when calling the service we get validation error (stack trace on the end of thread). We dont need validation and i whant to turn it...
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    last modified by poyge394
  • Encoding of response

    Hi,      I have a WebService deployed on a JBAS 7.1.1. Testing with SoapUI, I see an UTF-8 encoded request coming in, an UTF-8 encoded response  going out, "åäöÅÄÖ"...
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    last modified by nickarls
  • address rewrite

    The JBossWS user guide discusses Address rewrite in the Configuration section, to configure dynamically the value of the <soap:address> element in the wsdl. Is there a similar functionality for jbossws-cxf confi...
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    last modified by bapats
  • test installing JAX-WS on JBoss 5.1.0 failing

    I am attempting to migrate our WebServices to JBoss 5.1.0 and am having failures with the tests for installing JAX-WS 3.4.0 which seem to be related to the following error: [junit] Caused by: javax.naming.Communicati...
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    created by mikephoenix
  • Showing the cause exception message on JBoss AS 7.1

    Hi,   I trying to work how to get a JAX-WS webservice deployed on JBoss AS 7.1 to send the full stack trace in a message response when that exception is not modeled (i.e. the service is throwing a runtime except...
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    last modified by peterfry
  • debug an http 404 in jbossws-cxf

    I have a client running in jboss as 6 sending a request to a service in ASP.NET.   The service is responding with an 404 error.  The question arises: How do we identify the requested uri which cannot be fou...
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    created by jjfraney
  • How do I use jax-ws in Java 6 client with Jboss 6?

    I don't want metro or cxf. I just want to invoke EWS (Exchange Web Services) using the Java 6 client.   EWS calls did not work in JBoss 5 either, but I was able to remove the jboss jax-ws client jars to get my E...
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    last modified by dgodbey
  • Install jbossws-cxf 4.0.0GA in JBoss AS 6.0

    We need the SAML-Token-Profile for WS Security to be able to authenticate the web services. Since we are using JBoss AS 6.0, I'd like to install jbossws-cxf 4.0.0 GA in this version of JBoss AS. Since jbossws-cxf 4....
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    last modified by hmr_mueller
  • JBoss 6.1.0 CXF and Spring problem

    Hi   I'm trying to deploy a CXF and Spring WAR file on JBoss 6.1.0. If I include the CXF libraries I get:   Unresolved conflict on resource environment reference named: cxf   If I use a jboss-classlo...
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    last modified by nestorjb