• Error while sending E mail Notification in jBPM 3.2.........

    I have tried to send e mail Notification using following procedure   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <process-definition  xmlns="urn:jbpm.org:jpdl-3.2"  name="simple">   ...
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    last modified by dennislivera
  • GPD source code

    I am working with JBPM 3.2.7 and want to make some minor changes to the designer (GPD). The GPD jar is org.jbpm.gd.jpdl_3.1.7.jar. Does anyone know where I can get the source code and build instructions for GPD 3.1.7?...
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    created by jbossphan
  • Etat HTTP 403 - L'accès à la ressource demandée a été interdit

    I am new user in JBPM, so I use some tutoriel with a small project. after create users an group of user, when I try to acces why URL http://localhost:8080/jbpm-consol  login/pass I have this error: Etat HTTP 403...
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    created by ggotam
  • How to force a transition when HttpSession in which task was started is no longer valid

    Hi all, I'm currently working on a web form workflow where forms are created, edited, approved and published.   We don't want two users to edit the same form simultaneously so there is a state availableToEdit.&...
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    last modified by scatudal
  • jbpm-console login issue

    Hi,   I installed jbpm 3.2.8 into JBoss 5.1 GA.    I would like to use the jbpm console for administration.  Can anyone tell me what is the default login of the jbpm console?   Thanks
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    last modified by bensonfungjava
  • Server Deployer field in the graphic designer tool

    Hi,   I would like to use the graphical designer tool to deploy the process archive into JBoss 5.1 GA which has been installed JBPM 3.2.8.  I tried '/gpd-deployer/upload' and '/jbpm-console/upload'. ...
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    last modified by bensonfungjava
  • EsbActionHandler – esbToBpmVars behaviour

    In simple JBPM to ESB integration, I just wanted to add an ESB node with EsbActionHandler action. The purpose is to just process some variable from business process in ESB and return the output. However, it’s no...
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    last modified by nishant_hadole
  • jbmp3 examples link?

    Hi,   I am new to jBPM. I have a requirement to work with jBPM3 for processing workflow of items, and mailing,dynamic worlflows etc..   Can any one provide me examples or links which shows how to process. ...
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    created by mada_harikrishna
  • Changing objects and serialization problem

    I am responsible for an application where the hibernate objects are stored in the jbpm tables. I changed a hibernate object and now jbpm is throwing up exceptions since it cannot deseriliaze object anymore. Prior deve...
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    last modified by enderwiggin30
  • jbpm 4.x - Extending Tasks & task-node

    Hi All,   We had option to extend/customize task instance in 3.x to add our own attributes - Something like:   <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC      "-...
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    created by connectwithnk
  • Limit of processdefinition id.

    Hi,    When ever i deployed the processdefinition it is creating processdefinition id in jbpm_processdefinition table, but after the processdefinitionid=5321, it is not creating new id while deploying, is t...
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    created by crayaug15
  • Error while deleting membership

    Hi,   In my code i need to delete the memebership. I am using below code for deleting the membership but it is thrwoing error. Please help me on this.   Code: ===== try{      &#...
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    created by crayaug15
  • Need solution

    Hi   I am new to jbpm, i am using joins in my workflow , and when i run the processinstance.signal it is going to join and wait over there and at the same time it is ending the instance also, but my requirement...
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    created by crayaug15
  • blocking task in start-state does not block

    Hi,   I'm running into the problem that a blocking task in a start-state node does not prevent a token to proceed to the next node, but a "regular" blocking task in a task-node does. I'm using the jBPM 3.2 runti...
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    last modified by laszlovandenhoek
  • jbpm3 update variables in contextinstance

    Hi, in a jbpm 3 process inside a Node implemented with a custom action handler, I update the value of a variable inside the ContextInstance. When the process leaves this node and enters in the following node (a decis...
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    last modified by hifly81
  • How can I access ESB Service in JBPM from another JBossAS?

    Hi there,  the situation is this:   We had 2 JBoss AS 5.1, one with JBoss ESB 4.9 (1) and in the other with apps and jbpm 3.2.6 SP1 (2), so exist a way to access the ESB services (2 -> 1) from another AS...
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    last modified by roar109
  • Need source code for jbpm Identity

    Hi All,   I am new to Jbpm. Currently we are planning to use the Jbpm identity session in our project. by going through the api of identity session it has methods like saveGroup, saveUser but are depricated only...
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    created by crayaug15
  • Question: Running JBPM on JBOSS AS 6

    Hello,   I want to run an JEE(6) application on my JBOSS AS 6 server using JBPM 3 (incl. persistence to MySQL DB). I want this app to be scalable, support clustering, workflow resume after restart etc. From what...
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    created by baecks
  • java:/jbpmDS not bound issue

    Hi,   I deployed an application for retrieving all deployed process name into a SOA-P server.  The application is deployed into server/default/deploy folder.  However, when the server is started, it go...
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    last modified by bensonfungjava
  • this token is locked by token[34]

    hello, i'm new in the jbpm world and trying to understand how it works, while trying to end a taskinstance by using taskinstance.end(); i keep getting the exception "this token is locked by token"   my method...
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    created by darkzan