• how to suspend a task in jbpm 4.4

    In jbpm 4.4 is there a way to suspend a task?
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    created by ayusman_dikshit
  • Dynamic parallel executions

    All, I have a requirement to create multiple parallel executions, based on a database value. Inside each execution, the set of user approvals can be sequential or parallel. The number of  users in each path of ...
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    last modified by ayusman_dikshit
  • jbpm project suggestions

    Hi forum,   I am working on my final project for the master degree ~ BPM in a help desk support tool. For the technical part i need to implement jBPM, but I am not sure what exactly to do. Should I transform t...
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    created by pantearaul
  • Java activity ejb jndi name

    I have one query regarding jBPM Java activity. It supports ejb-jndi-name attribute. Is it possible to put an expression into the jpdl file in place of actual ejb name. I will be setting this ejb jndi name at runtime i...
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    created by pushpak1981
  • How to use task and state in jbpm 4.4

    Hi All,I am trying to use jbpm 4.4 for a workflow solution where, the UI is provided by a web application.Here I am trying to assign a certain task to a user and expect him/her to perform certain action on it... like...
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    last modified by ayusman_dikshit
  • Jpdl deployment internals in jbpm4.4

    Hi All,   I have a question regarding how the jpdls are deployed using repository service. I know the api methods; what I am trying to ask are the internals.   1. when I say .. repositoryService.createDep...
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    created by whizkid.samrat
  • jbpm 4.4 and Spring 3.0.5 integration

    Hi all,   does anybody have a clear tutorials/instructions for integrating jbpm 4.4 and Spring 3.0.5?   Any pointers will be helpful. Thanks.
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    last modified by ayusman_dikshit
  • couldn't load delegation class 'null':

    My process definition is:::   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <process-definition name="Resignation" xmlns="urn:jbpm.org:jpdl-3.2"> <start-state name="StartNode"> ...
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    last modified by rajan01
  • jBPM - TaskService - assignees

    Hello All     I am relativly new to jBPM and I am experimenting with the capabilities of the product.   For the first time, now, I am using the TaskService and I wonder if there is a possibility to as...
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    created by echoo
  • jBPM 4.4 Jobs

    Our jpdl contains only one async nodes at start and all the other Java activities are not async. So as per the docs my workflow will run in an single transaction as it has only one async node. Is there any way i can...
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    last modified by pushpak1981
  • jbpm 4.x - Extending Tasks & task-node

    Hi All,   We had option to extend/customize task instance in 3.x to add our own attributes - Something like:   <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC      "-...
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    created by connectwithnk
  • Repeat fork to join

    Hi All,   I have similar issue with fork to join.   I have task1 going to fork1 , from fork1 spliting to task 3 and task 4, then task 3 going to task 3 decision ( reject goes to task 1 and approve go to jo...
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    created by t-9000
  • Jbpm 4.4 conflicts with hibernate-core 3.6.0.Final exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.OneToMany.orphanRemoval()Z

    Hello everyone,   I'm using Jbpm 4.4 with hibernate-core 3.6.0.Final but I've realized that Jbpm depends on org.hibernate:hibernate-core:jar:3.3.1.GA:compile, if we change to that version we get the following "e...
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    created by deiviz2001
  • problem faced with taskList = taskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(piID).list();

    Hello I am getting the below error when i try to use the taskQuery in JBPM4.4   This is the code i am using :   taskList = taskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(piID).list();   Error Thro...
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    created by pjazzar
  • jBPM Ejb dependency Problem

    Hi All,   We are facing some issue with the jBPM shutdown and startup. We have installed jBPM 4.4 into jBoss 5.1 server. Along with jBPM we have our custom ear application which has ejb deployed into jboss. Wh...
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    created by pushpak1981
  • get name of the actual state

    Do you know how we can get the state of our process with the code java by jBPM API ?   if we have : ProcessInstance instance = executionService.startProcessInstanceByKey("helloworld");   and when i pick ...
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    created by kaissun
  • Jbpm Shutdown

    Hi All,   I have some queries regarding the Jbpm Shutdown. Our Web Application is using Jbpm service deployed in Jboss. And the Java Jbpm Activities are using EJB's that are deployed into our application.  ...
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    created by pushpak1981
  • generate a process

    Hello ! do you know how i can generate my process which presented with jpdl ?. i want to create a java code that donate me to start my process, manage the timeout, manage tasks and manage the current state. i would u...
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    created by kaissun
  • jBPM4: How to call assignment-handler for a swimlane

    I need to have a swimlane initialized by calling an assignment handler. In jbpm4, th JPDL does not permit to add an assignment-handler element to the swimlane. Is it possible to have the swimlane initialized by an ass...
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    created by gmihai
  • Newbie in jbpm :unable to run examples

    Hello,   I am taking my baby steps in to jBPM 4.4. I going through the User Guide and setting up workspace accordingly. http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v4/userguide/html_single/   I have imported the example s...
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    last modified by tma0si3