• Distribution of Execution environment

    Hi,   Does jBPM (specifically jBPM5) support distribution of the execution environment? How ? Does jBPM(specifically jBPM5) provide central logging, especially if distributed?         Tha...
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  • Root cause identification

    Hi ,           Are there any pre-defined patterns, built-in functionality or settings to allow identification of technical errors or bottlenecks in JBPM (specifically jBPM5)? F...
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  • jBPM 4.4 on JBoss7 ?

    Hi,   Can we configure jBPM 4.4 on JBoss AS 7 or we have to migrate to jBPM 5.2?   Thanks.
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  • Questionnaire on JBPM

    Hi ,             On insistance of Tihomir Surdilovic i m posting all my Questions , doubts in one thread here.  Some of the Questions may appear very generic , with ...
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  • WS-Security

    Hi ,                      Does jBPM support WS-Security?  Does it support SAML?
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  • Avoid using hibernate in JBPM 4.4

    Hi,   I am using JBPM 4.4 as a library within a framework I have made myself. I am not interested in persistence at all, thus I would like to get rid of all the hibernate jars and its configuration. Most impor...
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    last modified by dsalvi
  • Automation

        Hi ,                               Can specific parts o...
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  • Adaptive Case Management

    Hi ,         How does JBPM provide Adaptive Case Management ? Does the solution provide monitoring and measurability for adaptive case management?     Thanks, Bhargav
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  • Workflow Generation

    Hi ,                               Can workflows be auto-generated using templa...
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  • Non - Repudiation

    Hi ,         Does jBPM support Non-Repudiation ? Does the solution support SSL/X.509 signing (e.g. HTTPs) or SSL/X.509 signing via WS-Security ?     Thanks, Bhargav
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  • Encryption

    Hi,                             Does the solution support encryption? Does the solution s...
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  • Human Workflow

    Hi ,                          Does the solution provide human interaction/workflows integration when mod...
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  • SLA support

    Hi ,          Is there any SLA support in jBPM ? Are there any notification messages if a certain SLA fails?   Thanks, Bhargav
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  • Impact management

    Hi ,                         Which preconditions or requirements need to be met, in order to get valuable res...
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  • BPEL 1.x , 2.x complaince

    Hi ,          Does jBPM solution support BPEL 1.x , 2.x  ?     Thanks,
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  • Testing & Debugging workflows ,rules

    Hi,         Can workflows and rules be tested and debugged in jBPM .. ?? Can the developer set breakpoints to debug the process? Can test metrics for workflows be generated and integrate...
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  • BPM-end - to end modeling

    Hi ,          How Jbpm can be used for end - to - end modeling where Business and IT professionals are able to participate actively and proactively in the business process improveme...
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  • XSLT , XPATH support

    Hi ,          Does jBPM support XQuery for transformations or querying of XML data structures? Does jBPM support XPath to handle XML data structures?       Thanks, ...
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  • Configuration Management

    Hi,                         Does the IDE support configuration repository?  Can process configuration be...
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  • Version Management

    Hi ,                            Does jBPM support versioning? In the sense of a versioning system w...
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