• How can I take process definitions from Guvnor with jBPM5 API?

    Hello,   I want to start a process with JBPM5 wich take the process definitions (.jbpm files) from Guvnor repository. How can I do this?   Thanks.
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    last modified by liliana.iovanovici
  • Oracle schema for jbpm 5.4

    Has there been any change in schema between jbpm 5.2 and jbm 5.4?   Also, is it possible to get hold of Oracle Schema ( ddl) for jbpm 5.4?
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  • email configuration with drools

    Hi   I am trying to configure email in my workflow design. Somebody help me how to configure the email in the jbpm workflow using drools guvnor???   Regards kannan
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    created by kannan123
  • Work with database in WorkItemHandler?

    Hello i have user database.   I Initalize:   <persistence-unit name="userData" transaction-type="JTA">... (persistence.xml)   I use Class for work with database:   @Stateless @Transactio...
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    last modified by neki
  • update a process variable in jbpm 5.2

    Hi,   I was wondering if anyone knows how to update/change a process variable in a jbpm workflow from external java code after the workflow has been started? Currently I have tried:   final WorkflowProcess...
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    created by m1k3
  • [Jbpm5]how to get the image showing the current status of  a workflow in the web application

    In my web application ,I want to get the image showing the current status of  a workflow ,I can not find a class which with these methods just like .getX() and .getY() ,I use jbpm5.2.0
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    last modified by mimi_2012
  • problem with Remote jBPM workflow implementation

    Hi all   I am trying to implement the remote jbpm workflow in my project. Implementing the workflow in the custom portlet. I have successfully passed the form parameters to the workflow instance from where the w...
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    created by kannan123
  • Is it possible to start multiple process instances at the same time  ?

    Is it possible to start multiple process instances at  the same time ? I am using 2 different knowledge seesions sessions but got  the execption while starting the 2nd instance. (JBPM5.4)     ERR...
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    created by shijuj
  • JBPM. Skip task (not work timer)

    Hello. used jbpm 6. I need to implement: user has the task if it does not start for some time, it is necessary to cancel the job. I am using the following approach. But it does not work when the process is run multipl...
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    last modified by neki
  • How to undo/rollback a stage in workflow ?

    Our application (using JBPM 5.1.0 final+ Hibernate+Spring), deployed on tomcat 6.0.26 gets an issue where sometimes when user completes a stage next stage does not become active.   We are unable to find out reas...
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    last modified by manimportal
  • Integrating Console with custom application

    Hi All,   I want to integrate the JBPM Console with my own application, where I have my own HumanTaskHandler, TaskService and Persistance Unit. I am using Sybase DB and Tomcat server.   Can any one help m...
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  • Spring 3 & jBPM 5 & LocalTaskService

    Has anyone out there successfully integrated Spring 3 (3.1) & jBPM 5 (5.2) in an application using the LocalTaskService?   If so, I would very much like to hear from you and see your initialization and confi...
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    last modified by jbize
  • How work with my bd from task

    Hello everyone. I model the process in which the tasks of the need to interact with the database. Example: in the control room receives a call. Number is checked against the database. If it is not available then the n...
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    created by neki
  • how can I get all variables in process?

    Hi, all      I'm a newbie. When I used the jbpm5.2, I found nowhere to get the variables list in the process. I need dump all the variables defined in process to do some work outside the jbpm and then ...
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    last modified by wangtrash
  • How to commit session, even on Gateway split failure

    Hi,   We are working with JBPM 5.2.   In a process we have a XOR Split gateway. It might happen that none of the expressions used in the constraints are met, which will lead to:   ERROR [org.drools....
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    last modified by mvermand
  • A statefulknowledgesession question

    Hi, all     In the user guide, I found the statefulknowledgesession must be release by using dispose function, otherwise the memory the session used would not be free. But in my process, I have several...
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    last modified by wangtrash
  • how I get a node's type in processevent

    Hi,    I create a processeventlistener to set some variables dynamicly. How can I get a node's type in beforenodetriggerd event?
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    last modified by wangtrash
  • Checking for Infinite looping for each node in a process diagram

    Hi, Is there any configuration available to throw some exceptions from any node if the same node visited more than 'n' number of times due to some configuration mistake or from the application part? I am using...
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    last modified by josdel
  • Dynamic reassignment in BRMS 5.3

    Hi there,   I have been looking for a way escalate a task with certain deadline, is ok using the Reassignment option in the web process modeler I use it in that way because our "business analysis" did the initia...
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    last modified by roar109
  • Drools Eclipse Plugin: Using the ProcessInstance(s) view for my own rcp application

    I'd like to view the current state of a process instance inside of my rcp application. Currently the process instance view shows only something if it is used in debug mode and I click the active ksession variable. Th...
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    last modified by sebb