• Learning JBPM

        I want to start learning JBPM, can any one guide from where should i start.     Application Steup ?     User guide ?     Installation ?
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    last modified by kunal.scrop
  • UserGroupCallbackManager: Not returning callback

    Hello,   I'm unable to retrieve an instance of the UserGroupCallback using the UserGroupCallbackManager.   From my understanding this should work by setting the jbpm.usergroup.callback property:   Sys...
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    last modified by houston4j
  • JPAWorkingMemoryDbLogger NullPointerException

    Hi,   I am a newbie JBPM user and I would like to get history log. I use JBPM v5.3,I tried it with a sapmle process, and I get the Exception below:   Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerExcept...
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    last modified by chabee
  • How to update a process when it is running ?

    in my project ,i use the JBPM5.3 and spring ,the task server is HornetQTaskServer, i need to update a task node when the task process was running .   For this thing , i start a task process , when it go to a tas...
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    last modified by miniservice
  • Ordering in converging AND Gateway in JBPM5

    I have two signal events signal1 and signal2 in my diagram for an and converging gateway and I want that signal1 should come first after that only signal2 should be activated. If signal2 comes first then it should be ...
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    created by nehatripathi
  • Whats the state of buildin exception handling in 5.3?

    Hello,   I found several older threads saying that in order to change process flow due to exceptions I have to either signal the process from my work item handler or pass the error as a result parameter and then...
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    created by shizanu
  • Attaching objects to messages/signals or otherwise moving objects between processes.

    Hello community,   I am looking for a way to move/transport objects between seperate processes while modelling processes in the designer for jbpm5.3 The best way would be if I could somehow attach an object to ...
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    last modified by shizanu
  • input and output variable for Script Task in Web Designer vs Eclipse Designer

    Hi All,   I see some differences in both jBPM web designer and eclipse design iterms of the capabilities.   Some of the Task Nodes in web designer showing DataInputSet and DataOutputSet and lot of other o...
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    last modified by ncboy
  • How to send customized response json object for new_intance Restful  request

    I want to send custmized respose json object instad of default respose when a RestFul request for "/gwt-console-server/rs/process/definition/{id}/new_instance" came.How  I do that ?I am using Jbpm5.4.
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    created by vijaykr
  • JBPM 5.3 Transactional persistence timing issue

    We have come accross a transactional timing issue using JPBM5.3 as workflow. A simplified use case is as follows:   An external process is kicked off in a workItem handler in this case putting a message on a JMS...
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    created by tsnyman
  • Not able to start a process through the Java API

    I have succesfully created and deployed a process in BRMS 5.3 standalone server, following this: https://community.jboss.org/message/796593#796593   But now i am facing another problem. I am doing this to obtain...
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    last modified by jmiguel77
  • Getting errors after login through jbpm-console

    Hi, I am using jbpm5.4 on glassfish server3.1.2. I deploy “jbpm-human-task”, “gwt-console-server”,” jbpm-console” successfully on glassfish server 3.1.2.  I am able to login t...
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    created by snowstormuser
  • UserManagement in jBPM 5.3.0

    Hi folks,   i've installed the BRMS 5.3.0 on EAP 6. But since its based on jBPM 5.3.0 i hope I can get some help here. The Redhat support form doesnt accept my message.   My simple question is: What is th...
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    created by stundzig
  • BRMS Could not connect task client

    Hi   I have a running BRMS standalone 5.3 server, and i am working on a client to remotely interact with a BPMN2 process   I can succesfully connect to the guvnor repository, and create a persistent Statef...
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    last modified by jmiguel77
  • How to call external web service in jbpm process.

    Hi, I have a scenario where I want to call the external web service. Please hlep me. Thanks.
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    last modified by snowstormuser
  • BRMS / JBPM does not show my process

    Hi   I have an installation of BRMS 5.3 standalone server; everything seems to be working fine, i have the server againts a postgresql database   I created a new package, com.ndev.harpy for my rules and my...
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    last modified by jmiguel77
  • How to connect Multiple Task Forms

    Hi, I am newbie to jBPM.I am using jBPM5.3. I tried creating the process in Guvnor and accessed the process from jBPM Console. While i tried with task forms,each task form's "complete" action navigates to a default...
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    created by sakthi_19tcs
  • Perform DB operations from Workflow

    We have implemented JBPM Workflow in our application and is integrated with Spring MVC. Now we are planning to handle all the Workflow related DB operations from within the Workflow. We thought of two options.   ...
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    last modified by pns
  • Facing an error while using service task for web service

    Hi,   I am facing an error while execuation of the example from this link.   https://github.com/mswiderski/jbpm-examples/blob/master/jbpm-ws-sample/   here i'm provding the bpmn file, java code and e...
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    created by snowstormuser
  • Processinstance not continue after restarting application.

    Hi all,      We are using jBPM humantask implementation, for handling user tasks . We have multiple(say 3) human task nodes in our process diagram in a sequence. It's working fine. ie,after comple...
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    last modified by tomsebastian