• jbpm gateway loop problem

    I'm currently testing a jbpm 6.4 I tried to implement iteration through the gateway.   Attach an error occurred when it was tested as a source.   I would like to know whether a gate way is wrong with the ...
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    last modified by chobk
  • Role based access to Kie-Server web portal

    I am developing a Role Based Project. I need to know whether it is possible to make a user to have read only access to a project. I need to assign role to the user by which he/she can have Read-only access to see the ...
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    last modified by mkrishnareddy.k
  • Project Authoring - Editing a jBPM project

    How to edit a jbpm project that was cloned from the GIT repository? The project was cloned, deployed and is in executable state. But could not see that in the project explorer for editing it further. Is there a way to...
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    last modified by mrajaram82
  • correlationKey while starting process in jBPM 6.3

    Hi All,   There is a REST URL available to start jBPM 6.3 process where we can pass correlationkey to the process   {processId}/instances/correlation/{correlationKey}   But I am not able to find the...
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    last modified by pandyajayn
  • JBPM 6 Some Examples

    Hi all, I'm new in jbpm 6... I have used jbpm 3 in the past... but there are too many differences. Are there some example? E.g. hello world ?   Thanks in advance
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    last modified by clusardi
  • automatic deployment projects on jboss jbpm 6

    Dears,   How we can enable the jbpm6 to deploy the projects directly once it's started?
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    last modified by mjaradat
  • How to deploy project in jbpm manually

    Dears,   How to deploy project in jbpm manually
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    last modified by mjaradat
  • How does KIE Server load or be loaded from the beginning ?

    Hi guys, just as what I mentioned in title.   I'm new to KIE system and I found it's hard to catch the real clue about how KIE Server works (I need run jBPM project there).   I'll be appreciate if any sugg...
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    last modified by soiff
  • How to incorporate workitem handlers in jBPM 6.3.0 workbench.

    Hi, I am trying to build an application, in which there is requirement of custom workitem handlers. I am able to create workitem handlers in eclipse (Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)) as per advise given at below links...
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    last modified by a_upendra28
  • process variable

    How can i open this window in kie workbench(process variable window)?I can not find the entry,help please.I am using jbpm 6.3 and wildfly-8.1.0  
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    last modified by tianzk
  • Jbpm 6.4 pesistence unit on project

    up vote0down votefavorite     I created a new repository and a new Project in JBPM 6.4 Inside project I created a persistence.xml     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"...
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    last modified by dacopan
  • bpm-console.war failed to start after restarting jbpm

    My testing environment: jbpm-6.4.0.Final on CentOS 7 with Oracle JDK 7 jbpm is configured to use mysql db   jbpm is started with ant start.demo.noeclipse   After playing with jbpm-console, creating organizat...
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    last modified by mberta
  • jbpm language problem

    Why my ui of kie workbench has two language mixed. Even if I choose English here, still some page ui is showed in chinese.
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    last modified by tianzk
  • jBPM 6.x - no complete rollback after exception in ServiceTask triggered by Quartz-Timer

    Greetings,   a neat feature of the jBPM engine is the ability to rollback the process, if an exception occured in a script/servicetask (the transaction does not get commited). That makes it easy to fix the error...
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    created by happyhippo
  • spring boot application with jbpm services

    Hi,   I manage to run spring-boot-jbpm available at (jbpm-examples/spring-boot-jbpm at master · mswiderski/jbpm-examples · GitHub) within the embedded tomcat container after .packaging it as executable...
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    last modified by lhwong
  • How to Retrieve Form filled data in JBPM 6

    I am creating an application using Jbpm 6.4 . Every user task has a task form and I completed them through JBPM console . But I want to know how jbpm is storing this data .Is there any way to retrieve these data's for...
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    created by anishjr
  • Export BPM project

    Hello,   We're just getting started here using jBPM 6, and I was wondering whether it was possible to export a project to a package, and import it on a different jBPM installation? I have been browsing the docu...
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    last modified by scattie
  • JBPM6.1 + Quartz

    Hi, I'm newer with JBPM. I'm using JBPM like a embedded library in my project and I deploy it in WebLogic 12c. I'm modeling a process that is shown in next image : I need persist the timers because if the server...
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    last modified by miguel.angel.garcia
  • Issue in more number of roles assigned per user in jbpm

    Hi, In jbpm, As per my requirement, I have hidden the images present in home page of kie workbench by adding some styles and javascript in bootstrap.min.css and kie-wb.css. Its working fine.   The issue is whe...
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    last modified by manasareddy
  • jBPM 6 and Quartz timer : Timer jobs do not restart automatically after server crash/restart

    Hello I am trying out the new jBPM v6 and with Quartz scheduler enabled. I followed this http://mswiderski.blogspot.in/2013/09/jbpm6-samples-with-runtimemanager.html and then subsequently followed the projects https:...
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    last modified by anindyas79