• String truncates in jbpm-console

    Dear Board,   I am using JBPM console to orchestrate web services. When I enter a webservice URL as a process input String (I am using custom work items), it sometimes truncates so that it misses a lot of the ur...
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    last modified by sammeek
  • setting default values in custom work items

    Hi,   I want to set default values for CustomWorkItems in the web editor console. I have looked around but I can't find a method of doing it. Ideally I would like it to be set somewhere in the MVEL file:   ...
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    created by sammeek
  • issue in wildfly 8.1.0 integration with LDAP for jbpm-console

    Hi I am trying to integrate my jBoss app for jBPM authorization and authentication of processes vii LDAP application,   modified standlaone.xml file keeping LDAP configuration details and jbpm-console.war's jbos...
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    created by plpatro
  • RestApi task content unmarshal

    Hi!   I get content of a task by restApi (rest/task/content/{contentId}). I get response XML string. How can I get variable values?   Thank you, Zoli   This is the XML response:   <?xml ver...
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    last modified by zpirate
  • how to display task form(.ftl) from stand alone web application

    I started a standalone application based on jbpm and i cannot display the task form on my own jsp and i used designer for bpmn not work , and i jar .bpmn files and ftl files free-marker and deploy process but not d...
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    last modified by future_makers
  • Error en Kie Workbenh

    Buenas noches, tengo este problema, no me muestra la parte de modelar con BPMN  
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    created by julio.santosisla
  • Buenas tardes, alguien puede facilitarme un manual detallado de como instalar y configurar JBPM 6.1 con MySQL en Windows.

    Buenas tardes, he tenido problemas con la instalación y configuración de JBPM con MySQL en Windows, si alguien me podría facilitar  algún manual detallado.He configurado segun varios man...
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    created by julio.santosisla
  • Duda de configuración de standalone-full-as-7.1.1.Final.xml para iniciar con MySQL en JBPM 6.1

    Hola, tengo una duda en que parte del archivo standalone-full-as-7.1.1.Final.xml cambiar la configuración por defecto por la correcta para MySQL. Supuestametne tengo que modificar en la parte de <datasource&...
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    created by julio.santosisla
  • JBPM6 in WildFly 8

    Is it posible to run JBPM 6 in WildFly 8 im getting an error like this.. JBPMorm.xml is missing or its an Hibernate Core {4.3.0.Final} problem? Same settings and jars working on Jboss AS 7.1 Final with hibernate-cor...
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    last modified by dogancaufuk
  • Multiple instances issue in JBPM 6.0.1

    Hi All,   Created one BPMN with multiple instances through JBPM console. Please find the attachment has BPMN screen shot and BPMN.   By using below JAVA API code, trying to create a process for the BPMN w...
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    last modified by sudhakarang
  • Dashboard web application ERROR

    Hi all! I've downloaded the jbpm-6.0.1.Final-installer-full with the jbpm-console and the dashboar-builder wars. The jbpm-console works fine in my Jboss AS 7.1.1 But when I try to deploy the dashboard-builder, I ge...
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    last modified by fgiannetti
  • Custom editor for kie-wb

    Hi,   I would like to add a custom editor for the kie-workbench. I performed the following tasks:   - Made a copy of an existing editor (the java file editor defined in kie-wb-common) into a new maven proj...
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    created by wvstaal
  • Want to use Kie-Workbench as my user interface. But HOW?

    Dear all,   I have a jBPM project called 'MyProject' in Eclipse with jBPM6.1 plugin. Now, I want to use the Kie-Workbench as the UI of 'MyProject'. That is, I want the users of 'MyProject' can create, modify an...
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    last modified by catherinesjy
  • Accessing property "DataInputSet" programmatically

    Hi,   Is it possible to get the value of the property "DataInputSet" (defined in a Human Task) programmatically ? (version : 6.1.0.Final) I've tried to "explore" some objects such as Task, TaskData, Node, or Wo...
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    last modified by anthony_inovelan
  • Accessing task/process instance variables and filtering tasks with REST API

    Hi,   In project which I'm participating we would like to display tasks on custom grid and we need some custom values which are not available using REST API. We decided to extend REST API with operation that w...
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    last modified by lukasz.dworski
  • jBPM process loop will automatically pop out in few minutes

    Dear all,   I would like to set up a workflow, which looks like:     Loop ( gain files from a port -> process -> Storage ) I would like to keep the loop running forever (at least for s...
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    last modified by catherinesjy
  • Deploying from Eclipse to web editor

    Hi Board,   I am relatively new to JBOSS and JBPM so apologies for potentially simple questions.   I have developed a project in Eclipse and I want to deploy it to the web app. I am running the ant script ...
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    created by sammeek
  • jBPM Designer fails to build on Windows (again)

    I've checked out the current-as-of-now (Oct 27) master branch for jbpm-designer and tried to build it, however, it fails with the CreateProcess 206 error (filename or path too long). In the past, I managed to work aro...
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    created by pwilkin
  • how to use gateway and relative constraints??

         Hi, i'm new in jbpm. I create a simple process with only script task, but now i want to use a gateway diverging but i don't use it in the correct mode. Please can you help me with example? i...
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    created by ivanice
  • Caused by: org.drools.core.WorkItemHandlerNotFoundException: Could not find work item handler for OptaPlanner

    Hi,   I have configured a WorkItemHandler with name OptaPlanner for my JBPM process node. I have added the handler class and added the jar in the class path.   But I am getting below error:   Caused...
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    last modified by akpanda