• JBPM PerProcessInstance without persistence

    Hi, Can anyone please let me know how to set up a JBPM without persistence. I am using Per Process Instance strategy. I tried .persistence(false) but it failed.   @Inject private static InjectableRegisterableI...
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    created by getkarthik
  • JBPM 5.4.0-Final: Identifying Task Creation and Task Table Update

    Hi,   Details: JBPM: 5.4.0-Final Drools: 5.5.0-Final   In JBPM when a task gets complete, the next task is created as expected. private TaskService client; client.addTask(task, content);   B...
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    created by mariaprabudass
  • Read data from the H2 database into during process in jBPM

    hi i try to read my data into h2 database for display to user or valuation business rule for example list of book of book table for display to user or check validation member id when a member try to login system Pl...
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    last modified by sepideh
  • KIE workbench and Remote Java API call

    Hi All,     I am running one project using 'Remote Java API call' all process designed is done KIE workbench.we created one custom project which is deployed on same jbpm jboss (wildfly) server. both jbpm a...
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    created by swapnilugare
  • Getting JBPM Process Return Values via KIE REST Remote API

    I am trying to retrieve the result objects created by a business process via the KIE remote API:   if (baseURL != null) {  System.out.println("[GlobalFlow]-Creating Engine");  engine = RemoteRuntimeEngi...
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    created by richmarkle
  • JBPM errors

    Hi All,   I'm researching on JBPM functionality so that i may use in environment. i have installed below components: Apache Ant 1.9.6 Jdk1.7 jbpm6.2(jbpm-6.2.0.Final-installer-full.zip) However, solving erro...
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    last modified by sreekanth.munarai
  • Has anyone successfully used getTasksAssignedAsBusinessAdministrator using REST API ?

    JBPM 6.3   1. How do you assign users in JBPM Tasks to be a Business Administrator ? 2. I am getting a null pointer exception when I make the call. I havent done 1. yet but didnt expect to get a null pointer. S...
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    created by tonycattlin
  • Custom Task or Manual Task

    Hello, i have a question. it's possible have more custom task or manual tasks? I have this bpmn2: In my kmodule.xml i have:   <ksession name="defaultKieSession" type="stateful" default="true" clo...
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    created by salvuzzo
  • Differences in API JBPM

    Hello,   who could say me what is the differences in API's   API KIE REMOTE API's      REST      SOAP      remote java api    ...
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    created by reky1991
  • [JBPM 6.3] Process Image does not highlight current task in case of loop

    Dear Team,   We are using JBPM 6.3 : If the business process contains a loop , the process image doesn't show the current task highlighted in red after the second iteration. Please could you advise?   &#...
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    last modified by nabilf
  • what is the best API?

    In my company use the JBPM v6.2   what API can use, org.jbpm or org.kie? what is the difference? what is the best API for this version of JBPM?   i need very help!!
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    created by reky1991
  • Do I need to create/raise a JIRA for adding a test method in test code/class file in JBPM

    Do I need to create/raise a JIRA for adding a test method in test code/class file in JBPM. If yes then in which category should I choose.
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    created by abuistiaque
  • how and when JBPM acquire lock on token

    how and when JBPM acquire lock on token ? Please help.
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    created by rameshprasad
  • Token is already locked by another Token [<123>] & Transition to '<State1>' does not exist on State(<State2>)'

    We are using JBPM to manage business process workflow in our application and JBPM is configured to run in persisted mode, with details being logged in JBPM_* tables in DB2 in our case. We are getting following errors...
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    created by rameshprasad
  • HELP ! Unable to build entity manager factory... unable to find a bound object at name 'java:jboss/datasources/jbpmDS'

    JBPM 6.3.0 Wildfly 8.1.0 Standalone   I hope someone out there can help me out. I have been tearing my hair out for a few days now on this one...   I am writing a jbpm console and want to get a list of ta...
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    last modified by tonycattlin
  • jBPM Persistance

    Hi! I'm working on a jBPM project now and I can't get jBPM to persist its state into the DB. After I run a process, I see no records in the tables. I expect to see some records in processinstancelog, sessioninfo or n...
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    last modified by 3biga
  • Is there any Maven Archetype that I can use to start a jBPM project?

    I have just started learning jBPM, just trying to find out some ways to quickly setup web application with necessary dependencies of jBPM 6.2.0.Final, in Maven POM file. My question is, Is there any Maven Archetype t...
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    last modified by abuistiaque
  • Can't start server on Centos 7.2

    Hi,   I have installed before in centos 6.7 and I don't have any problem.   Now I'm using centos 7.2, and I can't run the server.   Could someone help me?   I attached my server.log   Tha...
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    last modified by hector.elizondo
  • Difference between API REST, SOAP and JMS?

    what is the difference between API JMS, API REST and API SOAP in Remote Kie Api? Thank you so much
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    last modified by reky1991
  • JBPM 6 Inclusive or Parallel Converging Gateway Release on one path completing

    Hi,   I have a question regarding a standard BPM pattern and would like to know the best way to achieve in JBPM 6.   With a diverging inclusive/parallel gateway, that evaluates to >1 path executing, I...
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    last modified by tonycattlin