• JsfUnit2 with Primefaces?

    Hi has anyone managed to get jsfunit2 working with primefaces 2.x or 3 ?   I use arquillian and it all works fine until I swap a standard component for the primefaces equivalent.   Has anyone expirienced t...
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    last modified by craiggreenhalgh
  • Does @FormAuthentication obey redirects

    My understanding of the documentation on testing secure pages using @FormAuthentication is that by the time the test executes and form authentication has been successful, if the app automatically redirects to a new vi...
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    last modified by martinuk
  • Tutorial for JSFUnit2 + JBoss 6 + Eclipse WTP

    Hi all,   after a long struggle with JSFUnit, Maven and Eclipse, I finished writing a beginners tutorial, which targets for using JSFUnit with Eclipse: It is targeted for this combination of tools: -Eclipse 3....
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    last modified by wolfgangknauf
  • JSFUnit 2.0.0 Beta 2 is Out!!

    Click here to see the blog for details.   Stan
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    created by ssilvert
  • JSFUnit 2.0.0 FAQ

    What's new in JSFUnit 2.0.0? There are two major changes in JSFUnit 2.x.  The first is that you can more easily use Arquillian instead of Cactus.  This allows you to use JUnit 4 or TestNG.  It also pro...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • JSFUnitDocumentation

    JSFUnit documentation, tips, and tricks  Getting Started Getting Started Guide for JSFUnit 1.3 Getting Started Guide for JSFUnit 2.0 Supported JSF environments Workaround for WebSphere   Testing with J...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta2 Getting Started Example

    Introduction Attached is a simple JSF application that uses Arquillian to run JSFUnit tests.   The Getting Started applicaiton is completely independent.  This project's pom does not inherit from any parent...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • JSFUnit 2.0.0 "Getting Started" Example

    This article only applies to JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta1.  Since JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta2 is out, this article is deprecated.  Click here for Beta2.     Note: The Getting Started project has now been migrated ...
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  • JSFUnit Download broken

    I'm about to test-drive JSFUnit 2 with Arquillian, but the downloads section on the main site still lists beta1 and these links are broken.   I then tried to get the jars via the maven repository, but there are...
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    last modified by tommyd
  • Injection for JSFSession, JSFClientSession, and JSFServerSession

    As of JSFUnit release 2.0.0, you can use Arquillian instead of Catus to run your tests.  This also allows you to use JUnit 4 and TestNG instead of JUnit 3.  It also allows you to use JSFUnit annotations for ...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • JSFUnit 2.0.0 Beta 2 Release Notes

    Introduction to JSFUnit 2.0.0 JSFUnit 2.0.0 is the second major release of JSFUnit, focusing on Arquillian integration.  As always, use of Cargo/Cactus instead of Arquillian is still supported.  If you use C...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • JBossJSFUnit

    JSFUnit: In-container testing for JSF applications JSFUnit is a test framework for JSF applications. It is designed to allow complete integration testing and unit testing of JSF applications using a simplified API. JS...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • JSFUnit's session key not 'put' to external context

    I am using arquillian 1.0.0.CR4 and JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT in jboss AS 6 on a seam 2.2 application.   This simple unit test fails.   @Test @InitialPage("/home.seam") public void testLogin(JSFServer...
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    last modified by jjfraney
  • JSFUnitTestClass

    A JSFUnit Test Class is an ordinary JUnit class.  However, if you are using Cactus instead of Arquillian, it does need to extend org.apache.cactus.ServletTestCase which extends junit.framework.TestCase.  Als...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • WritingJSFUnitTests

    How to Write JSFUnit tests  First, take a look at the Getting Started Guide from the JSFUnit web site.   Then for more detail on writing tests, read these topics:   Creating a JUnit/JSFUnit class for ...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • ArquillianJSFUnitTestClass

    An Arquillian JSFUnit Test Class is an ordinary JUnit 4 class using Arquillian's @RunWith and @Deployment annotations.  It also uses JSFUnit Annotations to configure and inject JSFSession, JSFClientSession, and J...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • WELD-001308 on running JUnit4 tests using JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta1 in Embedded Glassfish 3.1

    I've written a very trivial example to examine JSFUnit's capabilities in embedded Glassfish 3.1. It is quite similar to the one posted in the Getting Started page for version 2.0.0.Beta1. I've removed quite a few depe...
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    last modified by vineet.reynolds
  • BeanManager tear down fails with JBoss 6 Final

    My test cases are running fine with JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta1, but I get an error on tear down. The test deployment seems unable to tear down the BeanManager properly.   Remote6 profile deps: JBoss 6 Final (remote pro...
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    last modified by oranheim
  • java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.faces.application.ApplicationWrapper

    Hi There i've got following error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.faces.application.ApplicationWrapper   you know , there is a job Application sample on the following link http://www.portletfaces.or...
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    created by mshv
  • Misterious NPE

    Hey guys, I'm trying to run arquillian-hellojsf after updating jsfunit-arquillian to use arquillian.CR1 spi. Everything seems to be working well with the arquillian extension. and most of tests run without error. &...
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    last modified by spinner