• Comparison between JBoss internal web server and apache?

    Hi all, does anyone know of some reference/analysis about the pros and cons of using jboss internal web server against using an external web server like Apache? Thanks!
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  • Undertow + mod_cluster

    As Undertow is replacing JBossWeb in WildFly, will it support all the HTTP/HTTPS/AJP communications with mod_cluster?   I know that Undertow supports AJP with mod_cluster, will it also support the http/https con...
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  • MODCLUSTER000042: Error null sending INFO command to :443

    I've setup httpd to use SSL to server user requests, but I want httpd communication with AS7 servers with non-ssl port. So I put the advertising and MCPM functions into virtual host on 80. Here are my configs:   ...
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  • Is APR connector added by default in Jboss AS 7.1.1. If not, how to add it

    Is APR connector added by default in Jboss AS 7.1.1.    If not, please let me know how to  configure the HTTP connector 
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  • JBoss Cluster: Service Temporarily Unavailable

    I am using JBoss 6.1.0 Alpha in domain mode (cluster with 2 servers on 2 physical machines) and the mod_cluster binary bundle 1.2.0 Final. The setup is as follows: Physical machine 1: JBoss server 1 which also acts a...
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    last modified by codergeek
  • HAModClusterServiceMBean removed in mod_cluster 1.2.6.Final and what does it mean?

    Hi,        I saw HAModClusterServiceMBean.java is removed since 1.2.6.Final: https://github.com/modcluster/mod_cluster/commit/c50037d69b18305ec4143654758596d51555d1cd     ...
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  • mod_cluster1.2.0, mod_advertise question

    hi, I tried to config a mod_cluster on a debian box , but failed. Every time when i start apache, i see a Warning in /var/log/apache/error.log,   [warn] mod_advertise: ServerAdvertise Address or Port not defin...
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    last modified by xinhua
  • Correct way to upgrade mod_cluster in JBoss AS/WildFly?

    What is the proper procedure to install a new version of mod_cluster into JBoss AS7? I already upgraded the httpd part of mod_cluster (.so files), but I am not sure about how to proceed for JBoss...
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    last modified by marcodanti
  • download mod_cluster 1.2.6

    Where can I download mod_cluster 1.2.6 (released 07/Sep/13)'s dynamic libraries linux2-x86 bundle?   Thanks, Nuno
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  • multiple httpd segment faults in mod_proxy_cluster.c

    Hi Jean, I have been running into httpd crashes (segment fault in children). Using gdb I always trace their origin into several places inside mod_proxy_cluster.c. The cause is always some attempt to use some struct...
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    last modified by marcodanti
  • mod_cluster-manager page details

    Among the many things that are displayed in the mod_cluster-manager page there is a  line like the following   Balancer: mycluster,LBGroup: ,Flushpackets: Off,Flushwait: 10000,Ping: 10000000,Smax: 26,Ttl: 6...
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    last modified by marcodanti
  • how to run mod_cluster demo?

    I would like to run the demo application provided with mod_cluster (1.2.3.Final),   I found and deployed the mod_cluster-1.2.3.Final/demo/server/target/mod_cluster-demo-server-1.2.3.Final.war Then I found the m...
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    last modified by marcodanti
  • Help me understand Balancers and multiple EAP clusters

    Hello,   I've read through the docs, but I'm still not sure I grok how balancers work in relation to EAP6/AS7(WF7?) clusters, and EAP mod_cluster groups - especially when you have multiple ones.   We have ...
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    last modified by ehle
  • styckysession not working with httpd-2.4.6 / mod_cluster-1.2.5.Final

    In the following configuration, the stickysession directive worked perfectly when using httpd-2.2.24/mod_cluster-1.2.0.Final; however, it does not work any longer (in the sense that it is ignored) with httpd-2.4.6/mo...
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    last modified by marcodanti
  • May I install mod_Cluster in linux machine ?

    Hi Developers,       I would like to install mod_cluster in my local machine which has been installed with fedora.       In linux , I dont find any installation tutorials. Can...
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    last modified by arun2arunraj
  • mod_cluster httpd configuration

    Hi, I am trying to set up mod_cluster 1.2.4 on jboss-ews-2.0  -> eap 6.1 and I have some questions.   1. The apache needs to accept http and https requests. Do I set up separate virtual hosts and proxy ...
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    last modified by rabmcgill
  • JBoss errors after moving to Apache 2.4 and mod_cluster 1.2.1.Final

    Hi, I upgraded my web server from Apache 2.2.x (with mod_cluster 1.2.0) to Apache 2.4.6 (with mod_cluster 1.2.1.Final), all rebuilt from source. Now, when I bring up JBoss (7.2.0.Final) I start seeing repeated error...
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    last modified by marcodanti
  • wildfly standalone-ha cluster with mod_cluster port-offset not working

    Hi, we are using Wildfly Alpha3 and mod_cluster. We are trying to integrate 2 cluster nodes on a server using port-offset. In the mod_cluster-manager both node show up with the same ajp: port:   Node NodeB (a...
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    last modified by shadogray
  • 503 errors with mod_cluster

    We have been struggling with this setup for a while now. Any help greatly appreciated... Our configuration works fine with low activity but fails under heavier load. When we load the system (50 parallel clients, ea...
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    last modified by bcouillard
  • CAN NOT see nodes on mod_cluster status page after httpd receive a graceful restart signal

    Hi,all:   My environment:   suse: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)   httpd on suse: linux-01:~ # apache2ctl -v Server version: Apache/2.2.12 (Linux/SUSE) Server built:   Nov 30...
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