• Shutdown issue

    I'm call shutdown when tomcat is going down, but one ModeShape thread is in wait and will not release:   "modeshape-cron-2-thread-1" prio=5 tid=7ff3201cd800 nid=0x10f201000 waiting on condition [10f200000] ...
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    last modified by kurtstam
  • IRC meeting to discuss open issues for 3.0

    Please join me to go over the outstanding issues for Beta5, which we plan to release this coming Tuesday.   When: Thursday, Sept 27 at 13:00 UTC (see other time zones) Where: IRC chat room #modeshape on irc.freen...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • CRUD examples via REST with ModeShape in MySQL datasource

    Hi Randall, Thank you so much for all your great help adn CRUD examples using REST  in the "default" workspace of the "sample" repository at https://community.jboss.org/thread/204071?tstart=0 Could you help wit...
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    last modified by asilchenko
  • ModeShape 3 and programmatic infinispan/ModeShape configuration

    Hi,   is it possible to configure ModeShape programatically? I've created a infinispan configuration and now i want to use it with ModeShape but i found no way to tell ModeShape to use my inifinispan configurati...
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    last modified by forcam
  • Consuming existing Oracle database and Flat filesystem using Modeshape 3.x and Infinispan

    Hello,     We are pondering using Modeshape to take a currently exising Oracle database and flat filesystem containing XML and making them available using JCR via Modeshape.  I was wondering if anyone ...
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    last modified by llappin
  • ModeShape 3.0.0.Beta4 is available

    Cross-posted from the ModeShape blog.   The ModeShape community is proud and happy to announce the availability of 3.0.0.Beta4. All the artifacts are available in the JBoss Maven repository, and you can follow o...
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    created by rhauch
  • ModeShape 3.0.0.Beta4 build scheduled for Tuesday

    As you may know, we're cutting releases on a time-boxed schedule, which means we generally release with all of the changes merged into the codebase on (mostly) fixed, 3 week intervals. Beta3 will have been released 3 ...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • Creating workspaces at runtime

    Hi,   I have a question about creating workspaces in Modeshape 3beta3. I have set "allowCreation" to true in configRepository.json and have used following code snippet to create workspaces at runtime:   {c...
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    last modified by jpalka
  • With clustering enabled I got  java.io.NotSerializableException: org.modeshape.jcr.cache.change.NodeAdded

    All,   I have enabled clustering in my config,   {     "name" : "webdav_repo",     "jndiName" : "",     "storage" : {       &...
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    last modified by jpalka
  • Modeshape 3 Beta 2: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "classname"

    Hi,   I tried to give ModeShape3 Beta 2 a go but I somehow hit a wall I cant see. I change my createRepo for a modshape 3 base:     public Repository createRepository(String modeshapePath) {  &#...
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    last modified by kbachl
  • Memory leak/to much retained in WorkSpaceCache?

    Running 3.0.0.Beta3 on JDK 1.6.0_33.   I have a bit of code (shown below) that I am running against a populated repository that has 14524 nodes that are a subclass of nt:resource. These nodes each have a binary ...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • Modeshape 3 b3 bug in Session.propertyExists ?

    Hi,   I was just reverting/cleaning up stuff after my Modeshape 3 Beta3 adventure.   I noticed that I had to change the following code to get it to run properly in MS3:   {code}     p...
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    last modified by chrispoulsen
  • ModeShape 3 Beta 3 - no Graph API?

    Hi,   i just download the latest beta of ModeShape 3 und try to compile my project, but this result in errors. The compiler can't find the classes 'org.modeshape.graph.Graph' and 'org.modeshape.graph.property.P...
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    last modified by forcam
  • Reading and writing to Amazon S3 buckets using Modeshape

    I am having trouble reading and writing to amazon S3 buckets.   I can see that it is connecing ok because it says soin the logs but i can't seem to be able to upload content or read the workspace foldr struct...
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    last modified by jideesan
  • Jdbc cache store on modeshape 3.0.0.beta3 - repository null

    Hi, I've configured modeshape to use string keyed jdbc store. With the following configuration:     <local-cache name="sample2">             ...
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    last modified by michcss
  • Random no node exists error

    I'm running some volume/load tests against 3.0.0.beta3 in a jboss 7.2.0 snapshot and I have a couple of problems. One is an apparent memory leak in queries that I am trying to isolate and will post on later. The other...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • Query bug in MS3 B3?

    Hi,   After moving our application from MS 2.8.2 to MS 3 B3 the following query construct stopped returning results:   {code} QueryManager queryManager = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); QueryO...
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    last modified by chrispoulsen
  • ModeShape 3 beta3 and J2SE example

    Hi,   I am at the moment evaluating ModeShape for one of our projects. I have downloaded latest beta version and tried to run J2SE example with following config:   {     "name" : "webdav_re...
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    last modified by jpalka
  • Should we use properties or sub-nodes to model a Map?

    In S-RAMP we have nodes in ModeShape where we need to store (basically) a java.util.Map<String, String> of data.  Randall suggested using "residual properties" to store the data.  Going a bit further, ...
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    last modified by eric.wittmann
  • Need help - modeshape sequencing problem

    Hey guys.  Let me preface this by saying I'm probably doing something dumb.    However, I just tried upgrading s-ramp to the latest modeshape Beta release, and sequencing appears to no longer work. ...
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    last modified by eric.wittmann