• org.modeshape.jcr.value.binary.BinaryStoreException

    Hi,   We are running modeshape 4.1.0 and had some data and some files are no longer accessible,   the error trace we are getting is below   requested url = http://sharearchiver/archive/DownloadFile ...
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    last modified by mlateef
  • Transparent Object-Content-Mapping

    Hi Randall & team -- w my comment at https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ARTIF-683 as context...   what are your views on current best ways to transparently persist JPA/POJOs into JCR/ModeShape?   (For e...
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    last modified by hxp
  • Uploading file name containing special characters come across failure

    javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException: No node exists at path '/video/人物 Muffin Stories - Albert Einstein   Children's Tales, Stories and Fables  muffin songs.m4v' in workspace "default"   at org.modeshape.jcr....
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    last modified by lizhenxing
  • Managing modeshape transactions and oracle database transactions at the same time

    I want to manage modeshape transactions and oracle database hibernate transactions at the same time, is it possible? If it is, then how? Function(){    ReadEntityFromDatabase();    AddModeshap...
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    last modified by caliskan
  • Configure ModeShape cluster w/ each node backed a non-shared persistent store? On WildFly?

    Is it possible to configure a ModeShape cluster in which each node is backed by its own, non-shared persistent store? Replicated topology in documentation shows a single, shared persistent store, but can each node hav...
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    last modified by ryanweber
  • Query search on node versions

    I am currently using Modeshape 4.1.0 and i can make a query search on a node's previous versions. Is there any possible way to do this? Thanks in advance.
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    last modified by johnsnow
  • "Error writing request body to server" on upload ~50Mb file

    Hi guys,   I'm starting to evaluate Modeshape 4.1.0-Final with Wildfly 8.2. My installation is completely default with no modification in any configuration file, except those mentioned in this guide [1]. I'm not...
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    last modified by rtrestini
  • Using the + character in node names in WebDAV

    Hi.   I am trying to access a file with a + character in the name. If I access it through WebDAV I get a 404. From the WildFly log file I see that it is trying to fetch the name without +. The name in ModeShape ...
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    last modified by jacobilsoe
  • Switching between local GIT branches causes GIT connector to no longer be able to read a commit?

    I have discovered a scenario where after switching between local branches the GIT connector can no longer access the same path within a federated GIT repository.  17:35:14,931 WARN  [org.modeshape.connect...
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    last modified by mashama
  • Customizing roles in ModeShape

    Hi.   It does not seem to be possible to customize the three role names: admin, readonly and readwrite. It looks like they are hardcoded in the ModeShapeRoles interface. Is that correct?   Do you plan to a...
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    last modified by jacobilsoe
  • How to fix broken parent-child relations (NodeNotFoundInParentException)

    Hello modeshape team,   we're using modeshape 4.1 in a clustered environment and are experiencing serious troubles with NodeNotFoundInParentException when moving a node from one parent to another. This happen...
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    last modified by javagirlie
  • Is it possible to secure ModeShape with Keycloak?

    I am starting to explore Keycloak as an authentication/authorization provider for my JavaEE applications.  It would be great if I can use it to secure our ModeShape repositories also.
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    last modified by mashama
  • How to Query for shared nodes in JCR (ModeShape)?

    NOTE: This question was originally asked on StackOverflow, but has not got any attention, so I'm trying my luck here. Feel free to answer it on SO.   I have a JCR content repository implemented in ModeShape (4.0...
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    last modified by haraldk
  • Possible to extend Index / IndexProvider SPI so that we can ask a Workspace about currently disabled indexes

    In my application / setup indexes might get damaged or simply deleted on purpose. If that happens they are being rebuilt or repaired on next startup.   During that time ManagedIndex.enable is set to false so the...
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    last modified by bes82
  • SnapCrab_NoName_2015-2-12_12-40-37_No-00.png

    global.access.content.type.-I am trying to figure out the best way to structure my JCR. Any suggestions or comments about where I may run into unforeseen issues? Attached is a picture of the current file structure.
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    last modified by loach678
  • GIT connector not refreshing federated nodes

    I am having an issue where the GIT connector isn't showing changes to a federated GIT repository.  After federating a local GIT repository, exploring the repository through the ModeShape Rest Service, and then cr...
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    last modified by mashama
  • Cannot add mixin to a locked node

    I'm locking a node and want to add a new mixin type but i get a ConstraintViolationException. The addMixin(String mixinName) method have a checkForLock() method, this works fine because it also checks if the session i...
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    last modified by asmierzchalski
  • ModeShape 4.1 and disk space

    I've just started using ModeShape, but I've run into some issues.  Essentially, I'm building a tree with approximately 136000 nodes in the entire tree structure.  The data is originating from a relational da...
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    last modified by mhunter-aap
  • Can a Infinispan Cache Store get out of sync with the Cache when using Transactions?

    I have asked this question over on the Infinispan forum and Stackoverflow   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28127428/enlisting-a-infinispan-cache-store-in-a-cache-transaction https://developer.jboss.org/mess...
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    last modified by ma6rl
  • Node ACLs not checked when calling "hasNode"

    I'm creating a node with pretty strict ACLs so basically after the node is created nobody can read it anymore. Now when I login as a different user and query the main node via   node.hasNode("foo");   it ...
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    last modified by janpetzold