• Inconsistent reads produced by concurrent write and read operations during heavy load in Modeshape 5.1.0.Final

    Hello Modeshape community,   we're currently experiencing some weird behaviour on read-operations in a load test scenario with Modeshape 5.1.0.Final and Wildfly 10. This error first surfaced in HP LoadRunner lo...
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    last modified by kaape
  • CMIS Workbench connection with "services11" doesn't work! Does anybody has information how to configure "modeshape-cmis.war" in order to get CMIS 1.1 connection? Thank you in advance.

    Hello guys, I'm looking for instruction how to configure "modeshape-cmis.war" in order to use "CMIS 1.1".   Thank you in advance.
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    last modified by nmar
  • Custom BinaryStore deployed as jboss-module

    Hello,   I have checked these forums and google/stackoverflow.   I can't find a <pre> or <code> tag in this editor so apologies for the formatting below.   I am trying to develop a custom...
  • Workspace support in CMIS Service

    Does the CMIS Service support more than the default workspace?  This is the first time I have tried to use this service and I cannot figure out how to access other workspaces in the repository.
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    last modified by mashama
  • CMIS Authentication/Authorization

    I am trying to federate a ModeShape repository with another one via CMIS.  However when the CmisConnector attempts to create a session a "org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConnectionException: ...
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    last modified by mashama
  • How to quickly get the referenced paths and mixinTypes from nodes with many reference properties

    We have a MODE application that operates on the jcr:path and jcr:mixinTypes properties of referenced nodes with a query along the lines of:   SELECT [jcr:path] AS path, [jcr:mixinTypes] AS type FROM [nt:base] a...
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    last modified by barmintor
  • [ModeShape 5.x] Maven snapshot repository

    I am trying to find a Maven repository where ModeShape 5.2-SNAPSHOT would reside. The [1] has only a few modules published, but even those are for 4.1-SNAPSHOT. I found a continuous integration build [2], but it does ...
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    last modified by illia.khokholkov
  • How to create indexes on properties of referenced nodes?

    Given a schema of the sort:   [my:author] > mix:versionable primaryitem my:username   - my:username (STRING) mandatory queryops '=, <>, <, <=, >, >=, LIKE'   - my:email (STRING) man...
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    last modified by yanduc
  • Configuring modeshape 5.1.0 to authenticate with ldap

    Hello Experts, These are the steps i followed to authenticate my modeshape with ldap: 1)made Jaas-conf.xml which looks like this:   <?xml version='1.0'?> <policy xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XML...
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    last modified by nikkat2412
  • Infinite loop in queries using sort

    We stumbled upon a corner case where some queries like this: SELECT .. WHERE [ns:property1] = 'A' AND [ns:property2] = 'B' ORDER  BY ['ns:property3'] randomly get stuck to an infinite loop on ModeShape 5.x. ...
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    last modified by tsallinen
  • Maintaining version history "created" timestamps when importing

    My team is currently in the process of migrating from Jackrabbit 1 to Modeshape.  We would like to maintain the version history from our out existing repository.   It appears that although the "created"...
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    last modified by corey.schooler
  • Interest in contributing a binary store implementation for Amazon S3

    Hi,   I've written an implementation of a binary store for ModeShape 5 that allows for storage of binary content in Amazon S3: https://github.com/fcrepo4-labs/modeshape-s3-binary-store. I'd like to know if there...
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    last modified by bbranan
  • Cassandra for Nodes and Binary Storage / Cassandra Subsystem

    Former Modeshape Wildfly Subsystem versions utilized Infinispan to allow clustering of both the content repository and the binary store via multiple nodes.     With Modeshape 5 HA Clustering will require: ...
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    last modified by frank.mehlhose
  • Database Persistence cannot connect to Oracle XE 11.2

    I'm trying to connect Modeshape 5 Database Persistence to an Oracle XE 11.2 database running locally on my developer machine. Modeshape is not able to connect to the database. However, when I use Oracle SQLDeveloper I...
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    last modified by dimich
  • ModeShape 5:Persistence Provider vs. Binary Store

    I'm evaluatin ModeShape for a larger project coming up in my company.   I would prefer using Database Persistence to have the option of horizontally scaling with a cluster of ModeShape nodes if needed later. As...
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    last modified by dimich
  • Database persistence problems with Oracle and MySQL

    Having WildFly 10.0.0, ModeShape 5.0.0, Oracle 11g, MySQL 5.0.95 I tried to configure database persistent repositories and encountered the following problems:   1. Oracle I defined repository as: <repositor...
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    last modified by zcc39r
  • ModeShape 5 and beyond

    ModeShape has come a long way in the past 7+ years, and it's amazing to think of the capabilities and features the whole community has put into the software -- thank you once again! More recently, we've made a lot of ...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • How to use jackrabbit mysql repository by modeshape ?

    I am using jackrabbit from a long time and now I want to move to modeshape. I am storing all jackrabbit data into sql database. I want to retrieve same data without migration from modeshape. Is it possible ? How to do...
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    last modified by rishianand50