• how does jBPM deal with J2EE-Patterns?

    Hi, i'm relativly new to jBPM - UTFSE, forum-browsing, documentation etc did not realy help to solve my "problem": i wonder where the instantiation of ProcessDefinitions does fit with the concept of the core J2EE-Patt...
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    created by stefkrech
  • Listener J2EE deployment problem

    hi all i am using jsf application and want to deploy it in the jboss serve by making EAR , in ear i am using common.jar one war file while i take out all my lib file from the war file and make one common jar the i d...
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    last modified by neerajgeit
  • suppress some outputs from jboss

    hi community, i've slimmed the jboss, but there are some outputs which are disturbing me. these outputs are these two: 12:41:32,372 INFO [WebappLoader] Dual registration of jndi stream handler: factory already defi...
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    last modified by mika.fhdw
  • quite a design problem..!!!

    Dear Forum, I am facing design problem...here it goes... I have a class that contains several method having name pattern like "createXXX()". All of these methods contains similar logic except data.This class is exami...
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    last modified by ashudagr8
  • Producer - Consumer Pattern with EJB3.0

    Dear All! I'm trying to construct a consumer - producer construct using 2 stateful session beans and one message driven bean. One statefull session bean represents a running business process. This bean references ano...
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    created by sschmidt42
  • Reuse of j2ee modules in applications

    Hi all, I have a problem understanding how (assembled and tested) ejb-archives containing MDBs can be deployed in multiple applications without avoiding resource conflicts. To my knowledge, queues are bound (either b...
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    created by ekrisjo
  • help, help , help me !

    11:44:01,843 ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] Incomplete Deployment listing: MBeans waiting for other MBeans: ObjectName: jboss.jca:name=HibernateFactory,service=HibernateFactory state: CONFIGURED I Depend On: jboss.jca...
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    last modified by yyc178
  • Software design patterns

    Dear members, As part of a research degree, I am conducting an online survey on the use of software design patterns within software design projects, especially when used within the scope of integrating applications ...
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    created by magal
  • lookup time slow at first time

    public TestHotelOrderService() throws NamingException{ InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); session = (HotelOrderService.Remote) ic.lookup("btoss/HotelOrderServiceBean/re...
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    last modified by chinafax
  • Cycles in workflow

    I am wondering whether it is possible possible to have cycles in workflow with JBoss Jbpm, i.e. can a state be re-entered during a process ? I tried to define such a workflow in my processdefinition.xml file. No error...
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    created by biggef
  • Module type is not compatible?

    Hi, I have installed Eclipse 3.1 with the Lombox 3.1RC2 plugin running with Jboss 4.0.2. I try to create a new Enterprise Application with one EJB Project (ejbmod) and one Dynamic Web Project (webmod). Lomboz creates...
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    last modified by teklord
  • multirendering

    Hi, I need to know if JBoss supports multichannel rendering Do you know something? Please help me! Thanks
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    created by gcinque
  • design patterns research

    Hi folks , I am seeking help from people with background in software design like you to fill an online questionaire for a reserach study. The link is at http://www.integrationsolutions.co.uk/Patterns_form.htm (take ...
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    last modified by aosman
  • first entity bean

    give example of simple entity bean in Jboss with using JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver?
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    created by planet123
  • how to run WAR files in JBoss

    Hi all, We had deployed WAR & JAR Files in JBoss .but now how to run in JBoss 4.0.1??
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    last modified by planet123
  • WAR Files

    which files to include in WAR Files?
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    created by planet123
  • CMP field for key not found:

    I am creating a CMR relationship b/w two entity bean(one to one bidirectional).There are two entity bean(DepartmenEntity & second is EmployeeEntity).In department primary key is employeeid & this key as a fore...
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    created by dpkoolin
  • JBOSS developer required

    I'm looking for an experienced developer for a small portal project. David Shaw dshaw@kontentsu.com
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    created by shawdav1
  • Work Manager API (threading in JEE)

    In May 2004 IBM and BEA introduced v1.1 of their Work Manager API (aka commonj). The specification defines a concurrent programming API for JEE. Since that time both BEA & IBM have provided implementations of this...
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    created by jheido
  • Something like JINI

    Hello. I have several computers in my net. I have several services on each computer(EJB3.0). Some of these services may depend on the others. For example I have service(EJB3.0) A on computer1 and B on computer2. Servc...
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    created by griff777