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Thread issue with java.lang.reflect.Proxy
issue with java.lang.reflect.ProxyHello, I really dont know whats wrong i am getting this exception,any help will be greatly appreciated: run.client: [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException [java] at $Pro...
Thread <s:selectDate> in Portlet for="startDate" object is not an i
<s:selectDate> in Portlet for="startDate" object is not an iTrying to use modify the registery portle example by adding <h:inputText id="startDate" value="{insurabilityRequest.startDate}" style="width:100"> <s:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy"/> </h:inputT...
Creation of userdefind portlet containerHi All, I could able to run a simple "HelloWorldPortlet" portlet example shown in http://www.caucho.com/resin-3.0/portlet/tutorial/basic.xtp I first copied the "HelloWorldPortlet.zip" in the JBOSS_HOME\server\default...
Sharing data between web tier and ejb tierI'm wandering if this design is a legal J2ee design: When I know that the WEB Tier and the Ejb Tier are going to shre the same classloader I can use a Singelton to pass data from the Web Tier to the Ejb Tier through t...
Exception handling in Bulk callsHello, I am using JBoss 4.0.05GA and JBossWS 1.0.3. I have created a Web Service and I am exposing various methods at the client-end. I have provided custimozed SOAP API Exception to be thrown at the client-end in t...
Thread boss is not creating pool for stateless session bean
boss is not creating pool for stateless session beanHello, I am using JBoss 3.2.6 as server and I am deploying stateless session beans over it, but as according to the documentation JBoss is not making the pool for them and making more instances of the beans more than...
JBossService pattern or best practice?I have a JSE application that streams data over raw sockets to remote clients, and I want to make this application's interface available to an ejb. It seems that I could refactor the stream manager/creator to use it a...
jms durableSubscriber problemHi iam running Topicpublisher and creating a durableSubcriber(), iam gettign the following error when running the subcriber .. the code was pasted below public class TopicPublisherDemo { public static void main(Strin...
newb EJB 3 Design Pattern questionMy question revolves around remote interfaces and using the persistence API. An example might give more insight into my question? I have 3 tables Customer, Order, LineItem with the corresponding object associations: ...
Thread Accessing files using different user accounts
Accessing files using different user accountsI have an architectural questions concerning file access from j2ee applications. The problem: since we are running our jboss application servers in a "local system account" on a MS Windows servers, the fileshares bei...
Thread Solution/Pattern needed for complex buisiness problem
Solution/Pattern needed for complex buisiness problemWe currently have a J2EE project built on EJB3 and were hoping to get some help on the design. A little background: Our company sells several products for various companies. Each of these companies have different bus...
Online forumGuys, I need your opinion on the 'seperation of powers' between a forum administrator and a moderator. I mean what would you suggest is the limit of say what a moderator can do. I give an example, I have a forum with ...
Thread Whats the best practice for managing Multilanguage support?
Whats the best practice for managing Multilanguage support?Hi, yeah at first i searched on the Forum but i found nothing about it. I readed a book for Design patterns on j2ee but i didn't find anything in this direction. Now i will make a portal with multilanguagesupport. Th...
Online forumHi everyone! I've been asked to design an online discussion forum for a school portal. 'haven't much ideas on how to go about it - precisely why I joined this one :-). Could anyone who has worked on something like tha...
Disabling HttpSession persistence-jBoss 4.0.1sp1Version: jboss-4.0.1sp1 I am trying to turn off http session persistence for all applications deployed on JBoss by placing a context.xml under deploy\jbossweb-tomcat50.sar as per this post: http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki...
keeping session object in jbosshi all i start to read about jboss couple of days ago and i've heard it is possible to keep session parameters for each session currently i have objects in java that interact with the user, i want to save those param...