• PicketLink v2

    Here are the items that I want to get cleaned up/implemented for the PL2 release. Configuration framework that takes care of the backend store such as DB/LDAP but also a pluggable provider (metadata, file system etc)....
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    created by anil.saldhana
  • SAML Token Profile (WS-Security) using PL for JBoss WS

    I had requested Marcus to do some preliminary investigation into supporting the SAML Token Profile of WSS using PicketLink for JBoss WS.   We had an IRC chat with Marcus and Stefan which is copy/pasted here. ...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • PicketLink STS: Binary Tokens into SAML 2 Assertions

    I would like to start this discussion thread for this important functionality.   Use Case:  A request is sent to the PicketLink STS to issue a SAMLv2 token.  The ws-trust request includes a binary toke...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Picketlink wishlist

    Anil thought my whining on Facebook was worthy of repost so I'm complying with his wishes:   So ummm... Picketlink... needs um... fewer modules or a practical use case for all the subdivision... ...snip.. I&#...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • SAML Attributes Discussion

    Matt in http://community.jboss.org/thread/162048?start=30&tstart=0  says =============== Not sure if this is a bug, or functionality that hasn't been implemented yet-   Trying to add attributes to th...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Would PicketLink STS help for securing AS7 management APIs?

    As anyone who has ever worked with login modules that connect to a remote store of users is aware this can be a slow process and to optimise this process we make use of an authentication cache to minimise the required...
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    last modified by dlofthouse
  • IDM Feedback

    Bolek,  I am going to list some things on mind wrt IDM.   I am currently playing with the Branch_2_0 as you know.  So if you make any serious code bug fixes, do ping me, so I can sync into the branch. ...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • JBoss Negotiation for AS6

    The next release of JBoss Negotiation is needed for AS6, as this release will drop support for JBoss AS 5 would it make sense to bump the version up to 3 to signify this change?
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    last modified by dlofthouse
  • time sync issue

    at the top of a saml request you have   <samlp:Response ID="_f92000e0-5d5b-4211-b071-9647a4f60495" Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2010-12-15T17:05:10.422Z" (not from the same request/response as the log message...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • JBoss Kerberos Dashboard

    Objective This is the one stop dashboard for all things Kerberos at JBoss.   QuestionsWhat project should I look for Kerberos support in JBoss? JBoss Negotiation ( a sub project of PicketLink) This link also has...
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    last modified by mmoyses
  • Seam Federation Package contains too many classes

    Marcel, I feel that the "org.picketlink.identity.seam.federation" contains too many classes.  Any chance things can be moved into sub-pkgs such as facebook, openid etc?
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • PicketLink 2 :: STS API Discussion

    I want to dedicate this thread to discuss the possibilities for a generic API for the STS to cater to the various FIM standards/tech available such as SAML2, WS-T, OpenID and OAuth.   It is my belief that all to...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • PicketLink 2: Parsing Payload

    Introduction  This article will discuss the reasoning behind various strategies in parsing payload and design considerations for project PicketLink. Background  PicketLink is a project that supports both S...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • PicketLink Federation v2.0 Discussions

    PicketLink Federation v1.x has been popular and been adopted by the community.  As developers, we have learned a few lessions and seen what works and what does not work.   Toward this, PL developers have de...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • PicketLink 1.0.4.final

    PicketLink 1.0.4.final  Release Date: 17 September 2010 Components Included: PicketLink Federation v1.0.4.final PicketLink IDM v1.1.5.CR01 Download PicketLink Download Page     Learn More About What i...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • PicketLink IDM Branch Versions

    Based on discussion with Bolek this morning, we decided that the following branching strategy will be done:   Version 1.1 : Current PL IDM in use. Version 1.5:  With Shane's JPA work Version 2.0:  To...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Better strategy for instantiation of Logger instances (static causes problems)

    I am about to check in a small bit of code that helps provide better TRACE details that are critical to diagnosing client Token validation errors because the information is lost in the various layers otherwise.  ...
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    last modified by raycardillo
  • PicketLink IDM workspace Compilation

    Bolek.  I am running maven 3.  The IDM workspace does not build clean for me.   =================== [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summ...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • PicketLink STS (PicketLink v2.x) Discussions

    As stated in the other thread (http://community.jboss.org/thread/155681?tstart=0), we plan of rearchitecting the internals of the STS to be the generic token generator.   Toward this, I created the first stab at...
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    created by anil.saldhana
  • XML signature problem on AS5.x/JBWS Metro

    I've just finished writting the first batch of integration tests for PicketLink STS. The tests are executed on top of each of our WS stacks (Native, Metro, CXF) to make sure the STS works on all available stacks. The ...
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    created by sguilhen