• Portlet error during deployment

    Hi,   Jboss-Portal 2.7.2.GA Portletbridge 2.0.0.FINAL RichFaces 3.3.3.CR1   directly after deploying my ear, I get the following error-messages in my  logs ... My application seems to run normal, b...
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    created by gamba
  • IPC / Redirect portal page from a portlet

    Hello Because I can't pass a public render parameter (PRP) and redirect to another portal page from my portlet, I'm using javascript to do it. But, at first time this PRP is null, recent works the second time.  ...
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    last modified by jferreyram
  • HttpSession and calculateBridgeClassName issues

    recently, i upgrate my portlets from portlet bridge v1.0CR1 to v2.0FINAL. my portal is jboss-portal 2.7.2     when start jboss-as, all portlets were loaded successful, but every portlet info:   06:33:...
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    last modified by yelan_gatein
  • Seam application as portlet in a portal issues

    After a few long hours I managed to bring a Seam application to run as portlet through the Jboss Portlet Bridge.   The login page is opened but after I login I get an exception.   <code>   ...
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    last modified by magiccreative
  • A question about cross portal link

    I have questions about how to create a link from a portal to another one.   For example: I have a war(which include a xxx-Object.xml) to show a Product List.  When click the product item in product list pag...
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    last modified by onedust
  • EventNavigationgResult cannot make the jsf page raise a navigation

    When i doing the portlet IPC with Events ,i can send and recevie the event,but the EventNavigationResult's Outcome return from the BridgeEventHander Class cannot cause a jsf page navigation,Why??can anyone tell me abo...
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    last modified by yongzhebisheng
  • Portlet example + my app = Class Cast Exception

    Hi,   I managed to run the portlet portal example on my server and even add to it one of my seam/richfaces apps. The server starts successfully, but when I open the jsp where my app is included I am getting exce...
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    last modified by magiccreative
  • 2.0.0.FINAL Maven archetypes not yet up?

    I'm trying to follow the 2.0.0.FINAL docs and create a maven project for a RichFaces portlet, using richfaces-basic, but it said it couldn't find the archetype. Browsing the repository site I can see all older version...
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    last modified by blaverman
  • FacesException: No saved portlet window state for an id

    Using JBoss Portal 2.7.2, Richfaces 3.3.1.GA and JSF 1.1.14   I get this error when session timeout for application occurs:   HTTP Status 500 -   type Exception report   message   descrip...
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    last modified by constantin.popa
  • NotSerializableException with PortletMode

    Hello,   I have still a problem with a  NotSerializableException, that occurs on javax.portlet.PortletMode.   Can  I abort this exception with an configuration or do I have to wait that  thi...
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    created by tdevos09
  • 2.0.0-FINAL - a4j:push

    Hi,   I tried to reproduce portletbridge-examples (episode6-code) with gate-in 3.0.0.GA. <a4j:push> partial-update across 2 portlets runs successfully.   Now I wanted to use it in in jboss-portal 2....
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    created by gamba
  • a4j:support rerendering problem

    I am creating a portlet for uploading files using the rich:fileUpload component. After uploading I want to rerender part of the page using a4j:support.   My environment is portletbridge 2.0.0.GA on GateIn 3.0.0....
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    last modified by madsph
  • Problem developing Upload file portlet

    Hello, and thanks for your answers. I'm developing a portlet which will upload files to server. The code of home.xhtml file is:   <f:view>         <h:form id="welcomeF...
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    last modified by jferreyram
  • 2.0 test portlet fails to deploy

    Hi, I can't get the test 2.0 portlet bridge example going (the 1.0 example is fine) I've tried various ways. The following seems to be the simplest way to reproduce the problem.   From a clean setup with the ma...
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    created by robneild
  • Portlet Bridge and jboss transaction

    Hi,   I use portlet-bridge 2.0 FINAL and JBoss Portal 2.7.2.   When I set the transaction-required attribute in jboss-portlet.xml (to access portal pages from portlet), the transaction seems to be commited...
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    created by jssteux
  • RichFaces-JavaScriptConfig for LiferayPortlet

    Hi community, I try to use JBoss RichFaces for creating Portlets running on Liferay Portal using JBoss PortletBridge. First attempts (EchoBean) worked very well. But when creating bigger examples which use e.q. rich:c...
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    last modified by pd_monshausen
  • Portlet invoker exception during portlet window rendering

    I am using the Struts bridge to run the jPetStore Struts application in a portlet window on JBoss Portal 2.7.1 Getting this exception: 16:59:57,221 ERROR [InternalPortletContentProvider] Portlet invoker exception du...
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    last modified by azohar
  • Seam - Export datatable to Excel

    Hello,   I've a portlet containing a datatable which I'm trying to export to an excel format. See the code below: {code}     <h:form id="form">         ...
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    last modified by jberdat2
  • Help with Request Parameters

    I noticed a problem when trying to pass parameters from a command button to a Java method.   I am using f:param to specify my parameter:   <h:commandButton   action="#{bean[action]}"   immediat...
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    last modified by tifrs
  • IPC on GateIn refresh view trouble

    I try to make a sample sample of IPC on the GateIn portal. the environment is : JSF 1.2 PortletBridge 2.0.0.CR1 Richfaces 3.3.2.SR1 GateIn 3.0.0 Final on JBOSS 5.1.0 jdk 6   There is a sourveEventPortlet. it...
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    last modified by pascal_dev