• Connectors

    Hi,   I need to know how you can use connectors jbpm . I'm trying to use a connector for CMIS called OpenCMIS . Anyone know anything? Cheers!
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    created by albertofj
  • BPMS Rest Call to get Running Process instances

    Hi all,   I am using BPMS SUITE 6.1     I am trying to create a process(process 1) which start looking at another process(process 2) status/state(1 or 2) using REST API just after staring the "proce...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • How to use OpenText in jbpm 6.1 ?

    Hello, Can I install OpenText in jbpm ? I would like to know how Thanks
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    last modified by albertofj
  • Where do I place jbpm.usergroup.callback.properties?

    I want to log in to business-central with LDAP credentials. I'm trying to connect BPM Suite to an ApacheDS ldap server. Both servers are running locally. According to the user guide, I can "create the jbpm.usergroup.c...
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    last modified by schufty
  • Using forms on client applications

    Hello All,     I am trying embed jbpm forms on client applications using java script API (jbpm-forms-rest-integration. js). but when I trying to run this I will get error. I thing rest full web service is n...
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    created by swapnilugare
  • Issue with Liferay portal while logged into JBPM Suite

    Hello,   I am having issues with my liferay portal instance to refresh to homepage when i sign out while i am logged into the JBPM Suite that i have located on one of my liferay portlets. When I log out of lifer...
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    last modified by michael.wilkins
  • hi All

    Please help me in webservice call in red hat jboss bpm suite.i am doing poc in this and i am stuck. calling service which is deployed in  tibco amx bpm env. soap over http call.
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    last modified by suchitra.shridhar
  • OnExit Script have some issues in BPMN2 Modeler

    Hi, Some times the OnExit script data are not deleted properly in the process diagram xml. For Example:   1. Put some SOP in a Rule Task OnEXIT Script section   2.After saved the diagram removed your old...
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    created by cheirma.rajan
  • installing JBPM 6.2.0 final on MAC OS Yosemite version 10.10.5

    Hii everyone, I tried to install the jBPM  6.2.0 final but when i execute the command >   ant install.demo it gave me the following error: install.modeler.into.eclipse:      [exec...
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    last modified by alexpadillarosas
  • Can't push project to BPM Suite repository

    Hi,   After having imported a project from the BPM Suite GIT repository, I have modified it and have comitted the modifications. No, in JBDS, I try to pussh upstream these modifications to origin but the operat...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • org.drools.command.CommandFactory.newFireAllRules() - java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This operation is no longer supported

    Hello,   Using JBoss BPM Suite 6.2 with EAP 6.4. Trying to create a new fire-allrules command raises the following exception:   Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This oper...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • synchronize remote github repository

    I have cloned a repository from github.com by using the clone repository command in BPM Suite.   The issue is that there seems to be no pull or push option on the repository and hence it is not possible to keep...
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    created by drgorb
  • How to execute rules deployed to the kie-server via REST ?

    Hello,   Using EAP 6.4 with BPM Suite 6.1. I hardly managed to deploy a couple of rules  to the kie-server from business-central. But I don't find anywhere any sample of how to execute these rules, once dep...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • Looking at this forum, nobody seems to reply to anybody !

    Is it worth posting here as, besides a couple of issues auto-answered, nobody seems to be concerned by anybody else's questions ?   Kind regards,   Nicolas
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    created by simplex-software
  • Integrating Microsoft Active Directory as authentication provider with JBoss BPM Suite?

    Can we integrated Microsoft Active Directory as authentication provider with JBoss BPM Suite? If possible kindly suggest documentation for the same.   Instead of creating user(s) in JBoss App server, it would be...
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    last modified by imsrk
  • Business Central 6.1.GA - Where is the Data Assignment editor ?

    Greetings,   I'm using JBoss BPM Suite 6.1.0.GA and trying to follow the document named Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite 6.1 Development Guide to create a business process using a business rule task. The chapter 6.1.4 Cr...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • Getting 404 for REST API on JBPM 6.1

    Hi   I am running JBPM 6.1.   I am trying to develop a client app using the Remote API (Chapter 17. Remote API) but when I try to invoke the service to start a process I get a 404 error. The code fragment ...
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    last modified by contegomatt
  • Installation and accessing BRMS in Domain Mode

    Hi, I've successfully deployed JBOSS EAP and BRMS in standalone mode, I'm now having issues in trying to get it working in Domain mode.   I've looked at the guides 1.9. Installing Red Hat JBoss BRMS in the Doma...
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    last modified by carlo2904
  • set content to a task API JBPM 6.2

    I need to change the content of a task remotely, I have tried to do through the java API but haven't the necessary command. Someone knows any form without intervening database. I tried to do with InternalTaskService ...
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    created by retsuchan
  • GenericCommand..is not an accepted command!

    I'm trying to run a GenericCommand from a remote session via JMS and get the following error:   Servlet.service () for servlet javax.ws.rs.core.Application Threw exception: org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnhandledExcept...
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    last modified by retsuchan