• Is the business calendar still available in jBPM 6?

    Hello all,   I have a question about the business calendar feature described in the documentation of jBPM 4 jBPM User Guide Is this feature still provided in jBPM 6 and if yes is it recommended to use it or is ...
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    last modified by pschaefer
  • How to set a task due date in jBPM Designer

    Hello,   is it possible to set the due date of a task in jBPM Designer like in the Activiti Modeler. I haven't found any entry for that issue. The only thing I have found is to set a notification, but that is no...
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    last modified by pschaefer
  • Using kie-wb, I am getting a build failure - cannot find kbase.

    I am using kie-wb and kie-server 6.2.0.Final on Wildfly 8.1.0.Final.   I create an org unit, repository, project.   I register a Kie Server.   Then, I try to Build & Deploy the project, and I get...
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    last modified by fnorman
  • Create User in JBPM 6.1

    Hi,   I am using JBPM 6.1. To login to jbpm-console I'm using user "krisv", "admin".   I am try to create a new "User" in JBPM. But I don't find any solution. Anyone please tell me how can create a new u...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Oracle/BEA WLI migration to Jboss BPM

    Hi all ,   We are trying to migrate from Oracle WLI 8 to Jboss BPM. Anyone have done similar stuff. Please share your thoughts. We have lot if EJBs and workflows based on JPDs.   Thx, Sayantan
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    created by sm138929
  • Rollback data modeler to previous version

    Hi,   I inadvertently introduced a circular reference in my data modeler and it no longer displays the object that is causing the issue. This means that I have no way of removing the circular reference. I know t...
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    last modified by crowdsurf
  • KIE Workbench vs Eclipse Plug In

    I'm new to jBPM.  We will be modifying our java application to use it and thus, I have installed the jBPM plug in to my JBoss Developer Studio.  I'm not sure at this point if we will be embedding the jbpm in...
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    last modified by lu2015
  • JBPM Per Process configuration

    Hi I am trying to configure runtime manager in Per Process mode. I found no information persisted in the CONTEXTMAPPINGINFO table. Should I force persistence by myself trough JPAMapper or I did not configured my run...
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    last modified by isakovarseniy
  • Process Nodes Not Executing in JUnit Test

    Greetings,   In Eclipse, I have a simple Business Process Model, consisting of two Service Task nodes, that looks like this:   The ProcessTest Class code looks like this:     public class Proce...
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    last modified by tujasiri
  • Service Task in SubProcess

    I am using Jboss BPMS 6.0.3GA.   Today while I try to add a "Service Task" inside a "Embedded SubProcess" in Business Central, I am getting "No Interfaces found" is it possible to add a "Service Task" inside ...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • How to terminate the Parent Process from subprocess at run time?

    I want to terminate the Parent process from sub process depends upon the user input at run time.For example i have an process like A in which i had an sub process Like B. In sub process B i have  three human acti...
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    last modified by cheirma.rajan
  • Service Task Error

    Hi, I am using jbpm.6.1.0.Final in our Dev environment. I am trying to create a simple process where i have added a "Service Task" to call a java method(which I add as a dependency jar of my project). following is...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Rest Task Error

    I am using Jboss BPMS 6.0.3.GA.   I am trying to create a process where I added a Rest Task to call Jboss BPMS own REST Api. here is my rest uri ... http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/history/process...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Access values from bamtasksummary table via RemoteRuntimeEngine

    I am trying to access values from bamtasksummary table via RemoteRuntimeEngine in JBPM 6.0.1. I have attached the code using which i am trying to access. But I am getting the below exception. The .execute(..) meth...
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    last modified by ku.ananthi
  • JBPM Process Deployment guide

    I have created a JBPM Project(maven) in Eclipse. I have a 2 custom workitems and a process in my project. Now I want to deploy this project(jar) in Business Central. I know i can deploy this process by committing i...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Folder structure for customworkitem handler jar

    We have already created the bpmn using business-central. Already created workitem definition. Now we need to create custom workitem handler class and build a jar file. Can i have the folder structure of the jar f...
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    last modified by ku.ananthi
  • database Business process

    Hello, I'm new here and wanted to know if I can help, I need to connect a database to my business process on bpm suite. can be in postgres or otherwise. I tried to connect via repositories and dependencies but I ge...
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    last modified by blackstargirl
  • Re unable to compile from IDE but can compile from  KIE work bench (6.0.2-GA)

    Hi- Error in compiling from IDE but it compiles and builds from KIE Workbench - same code there's a clue it appears: Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.crl.rol.rolnewbpm.Process_com$u46$crl$u46$...
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    last modified by sai.ve.5
  • can JBPM 6 - 6.0.suite - process take collection of custom data type or primitive  (string)

    Hi-   I'm using BPM suite 6.0.2.GA. I need to know if a process can take a collection of dataType as process variable.  If so, how to create one as i don't see any option to specify collection of custom Da...
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    last modified by sai.ve.5
  • EJB call from JBPM

    I am new to JBPM. Currently I am using jbpm version 6.1. I have a EJB project deployed in jboss server. I am trying to access that EJB from my JBPM process.   I can access that from a custom workItem handler ...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar